How to get the orange color and its shades

Orange is the only color that does not have cold shades, always warm and cheerful. How to get the orange color, many know, even not related to painting. Two colors: yellow and red - give rise to the shades of the setting sun.

how to get orange color

Music of color

In the world there are only seven notes from which an infinite number of melodies are created, and only 3 primary colors, from which a whole rainbow of colors is obtained. The main ones are red, yellow and blue color. Having these colors on the palette, you have a whole set of shades, they will help to color reality in bright colors or hide it in gray tones. Mixing red, yellow or blue in different proportions, we get a set of secondary colors, which, in turn, give new shades.

When mixing paints you need to know a few points:

  • primary colors and white cannot be obtained by mixing paints;
  • black is obtained by mixing the three basic colors;
  • try not to mix more than three colors at a time.

red-orange color

Orange mood

Orange is the color of the sun, fire, fruits and spices. He has a positive energy, inspires, charges with optimism. This color unites male and female principles: women - yellow, men - red. Orange as a result of a mixture of yellow and red represents both sexes.

In the interior, this color is often used in children's and sports facilities; it looks good in a youth cafe. In the house, this color is recommended to be used carefully, it should not be much. In clothes, bright orange speaks of activity and cheerfulness. There is a negative side to orange. Psychologists believe that this color is able to subordinate people to the influence of society, the crowd, which is why it is actively used in the interiors of religious sects.

bright orange

Color mixing

Orange is a composite color , which means it is obtained by mixing the two main ones: red and yellow. Mixing colors is a simple process, but requires little preparation.

For work, we need:

  • Working surface. A clean palette or paper, you can use jars. A jar or palette, thanks to its smooth surface, is an ideal base for mixing paints. The paints in them are mixed physically, like the ingredients in the preparation of the sauce. If you decide to mix paints on a sheet of paper, then another method is used here: the strokes are applied alternately, the next stroke overlaps the previous one, and a new color effect is created.
  • Paints. To get any color or shade, it is enough for a professional to have the main colors: red, yellow, blue. It is better for a novice artist to use primary and secondary colors. It is also necessary to have white and black colors in the arsenal.
  • Brush or spatula (spatula).
  • Thinner (turpentine, white spirit). Diluting agents are used by more experienced artists. They are used for mixing and thinning paints.

Having everything you need to get new shades, we will try to create the color of a good mood.

How to get an orange color

To create a classic orange color, mix red and yellow in equal proportions. If you draw with gouache, then it is more convenient to mix paints in a jar or on a glass surface. First we take red gouache, then yellow and mix, the result is an orange color. When using watercolors, add a little water to the jar or palette, then put the red and yellow paints, mix them, you get an orange.

For beginner artists, the question may arise, how to get an orange color using acrylic and oil paints? In this case, mixing occurs according to other rules. On the working surface, put red acrylic paint, next to yellow and with the tip of the brush, direct the paints to each other, gradually mixing them. When mixing acrylic paints, do not forget to use a thinner, it slows down the drying process.

  1. Oil paints are very dense and deep in color, they are mixed in three ways.
  2. Physical mixing, we have already examined it by the example of watercolors and gouache. Application in layers: first put the red paint and let it dry, apply a translucent layer of yellow paint on top, the result is an orange or red-orange color.
  3. Applying primary colors with strokes. On the canvas or paper, one after another, smears of red, then yellow, are applied.

When working with oil paints, never mix more than three colors at once, such a trick is available only to professionals.

yellow orange color

How to get red-orange and yellow-orange colors

Orange has many shades, their tone depends on the amount of the main color and on the method of mixing colors. If you mix paints in layers, then to get a red tint, yellow paint is applied first, then red. The same thing with yellow-orange color, when applying colors to each other or applying strokes one after another, yellow should be superimposed on red. With physical mixing of paints, there should be more yellow; if more red is added while stirring, we get a red-orange color.

To give a rich red-orange tone, you can add brown paint. To create calmer, pastel tones, gray is added to the orange color, it turns out the perfect shade used for writing autumn landscapes. We hope we answered the question of how to get the orange color and its shades. We wish you an orange mood.

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