How to adjust the carburetor of a VAZ car?

One of the main issues that concerns almost all car owners is the issue of fuel economy of a car. In carburetor engines, the main role in this matter belongs to the carburetor, in which the fuel and air are mixed in the required proportion, as a result of which a combustible mixture is created. The operating mode of the engine directly depends on the qualitative composition of this mixture, and, accordingly, its economy. That is why the question of how to adjust the carburetor is very relevant for many drivers.

As for the VAZ series cars, here the fuel consumption for models such as 2105 and 2107 averages 7.5 liters when driving outside the city and about 9.6 liters in the urban cycle. Thanks to manual adjustment, the total consumption can be reduced to 0.4-0.5 liters, so it will be useful for each motorist to find out how this can be done.

Here's how to adjust the carburetor to the most optimal level of fuel consumption. First of all, it should be understood that the individual adjustment of the entire dosing system should be carried out in the desired sequence, because otherwise, when adjusting one camera, the settings of the other can be changed. To prevent this from happening, the adjustment is started from the primary chamber of the main dosing system, gradually reducing the inlet section (depletion of the incoming mixture), after which the idling should be adjusted and at the very end check the carburetor at high loads with the opening of the second chamber. As a result, adjusting the VAZ carburetor can significantly reduce fuel consumption and achieve savings.

The ability to adjust the mixture in the primary chamber can be carried out either by replacing the fuel nozzles of a smaller section, or by increasing the input diameter of the air nozzle. The latter is much easier to do, so it is with him that the carburetor adjustment begins. On VAZ 2107 and VAZ 2105 cars, it is enough to increase the flow area from 1.7 to 1.9-2 mm, which will already contribute to the enrichment of the fuel mixture. After that, they begin to adjust the idle speed, since the fuel consumption at idle of the engine plays a large role in the matter of how to adjust the carburetor . The fact is that it is necessary to achieve an extremely lean composition of the combustible mixture both at the minimum shaft rotation frequency and at the transition level mode, in which the throttle flap edge is in close proximity to the vias through which fuel is supplied. For adjustment, a tachometer is used, as well as a special tuning screw, with which the necessary composition of the fuel mixture in transition mode is achieved. In addition, in the idle adjustment, quantitative and qualitative adjustment screws are used, which are already set in accordance with the trim screw.

After the idling and the main dosing system are adjusted, proceed to adjust the secondary chamber, which is necessary to maintain good dynamic properties of the car. The dosing system of the secondary chamber should ensure the preparation of a more enriched combustible mixture, which will successfully cope with the load on the car during high speed and at high engine speeds.

You can additionally learn how to adjust the carburetor from the instruction manual of that model of a VAZ car for which you need to make an adjustment. However, the main principle and sequence of all operations remain unchanged.

Thus, we now know how to properly adjust the carburetor and what is needed for this. Subject to all the above requirements, any car owner will be able to adjust the carburetor to the most economical mode of operation.

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