A brief description of the series "Two Fates." Actors and roles

Who likes TV shows? To such a question, many will answer that the series are only for housewives. This is a complete lie, because those who say so themselves occasionally sit down on some soap opera.

The project, which will be discussed in this article, has won the hearts of many people. After the end of the first season, three more were released. For four seasons, viewers will be excited about the unpredictable events of the film “Two Fates”. The actors and the roles they play accurately display the morals of the time in which they are on the screen. The story begins in the sixties and ends already in the modern world.

The film was directed by directors V. Krasnopolsky and V. Uskov. The series “Two Fates” brought together many wonderful actors for filming in one big friendly family. The general mood is supported by the wonderful music of the composer V. Komarov, the songs, as they say, are taken for the soul.

The plot of the film "Two Fates"

The beginning of the 60s is the time when a story begins that will last for years. Simple village girls - girlfriends Lida and Vera - after graduation left to work in their native collective farm. Vera is a veterinarian, Lida is a kindergarten teacher. They are very different in character, each has its own outlook on life and its principles, but both equally dream of love and family happiness.

Two Fates Actors and Roles

Vera loves her village and is quite happy with the work, which can not be said about her friend. Lida seeks to Moscow and does not want to sit in the wilderness all her life. A local harmonist takes care of her, but he does not see reciprocity. Vera’s personal life is predetermined. Vanya, an order bearer and a party worker, proposed to her, and soon a wedding is planned, although the girl’s eyes do not shine with happiness at all, she is not sure of her feelings.

The arrival in the village of the capital trainee-philologist Stepan turns everything upside down. Vera falls in love with a handsome and romantic guy, her love comes from the heart. Lida also does not take her eyes off the Muscovite, only love is not on her shoulder. For her, marriage to Stepan is an opportunity to establish itself in Moscow.

Love does not exist without tears

The intrigues and cunning of Lida, who betrayed her friend, lead to the fact that Stepan will marry her, while the pregnant Vera from him is forced to return to Ivan, so as not to become a single mother.

Both young couples live in Moscow, a daughter was born in each family, it seems that everything is fine and life forever divorced girlfriends in different directions. But it wasn’t there, again, complicated uneasy women's lives appeared in the series “Two Fates”. The actors and the roles that they got were able to convey the whole tragedy of what was happening.

Vera and Ivan have a wealthy family, and Lida, who is less fortunate, begins to envy her ex-girlfriend and blackmail her. The daughters of Vera and Lida - Sveta and Nadia - attend one kindergarten, and Lida threatens to tell Ivan that Sveta is not his daughter. Vera has to pay off Lida with an apartment. As a result, Lida leaves Stepan, whom she once recaptured from her friend. But the story does not end there, and we have to trace the life path of Sveta and Nadia. Many more trials and losses, meetings and partings have to go through the heroes of the series “Two Fates”.

Actors and the roles they performed

  • Ekaterina Semenova - Vera Grigorieva;
  • Angelica Volskaya - Lydia Deyashkina (Rozanova);
  • Alexander Mokhov - Ivan Grigoriev;
  • Dmitry Scherbina - Stepan Rozanov;
  • Olga Ponizova - Sveta, daughter of Vera;
  • Maria Kulikova - Nadia, daughter of Lida;
  • Daniil Spivakovsky - Mark;
  • Andrey Chernyshov - Kostya;
  • Vyacheslav Kulakov - Oleg Khlebnikov;
  • Alexander Efimov - Mikhail Yusupov;
  • Alexander Salpanov - Victor Salnikov;
  • Vladimir Litvinov - Lanskoy;
  • Alexander Samoilov - Butusov;
  • Alexander Maklakov - Chaykin.

Female lead performers

Actresses of the series "Two Fates", as a selection, all beautiful and charming! Especially performers Ekaterina Semenova (Vera) and Angelica Volskaya (Lida).

The series two fates

E. Semenova was born in Moscow on 04/18/1971 in a family of people of art. Dad is a director, mom is an animator. From the second year of the Moscow Art Theater, Katya played in two theaters. The series “Two Fates” turned out to be a lucky ticket for the actress. The role of Vera is one of her best works. Together with her, her daughter Masha Segal starred in the film, the girl was 6 years old at that time, she played the role of Nadia in childhood. After filming the series, Semenova immediately got on the project “The Last Hero”. Not accustomed to the wild conditions, Catherine said that she no longer participates in such shows, although she stayed steadfast.

Actors of the series Two Fates

A. Volskaya (Vostrikova), who played Lida, was born on 02.22.1972. Her parents were geologists, traveled all the time. During one of these journeys, Angelica was born on the train. After graduating from GITIS, she never starred until she accidentally hit the TV series “Two Fates”. Director Uskov, seeing her photograph, other actresses did not want to watch. The role turned out to be fatal, the actress currently does not lack proposals for acting. True, Volskaya divorced her husband after the end of the project, he could not get used to the starryness of his wife.

Actors of the series "Two Fates"

The male lead roles went to the wonderful actors Alexander Mokhov (Ivan Grigoriev) and Dmitry Scherbina (Stepan Rozanov). In the series “Two Fates”, male actors played their characters so accurately, they were able to show the audience their inner world, that it seems they played themselves, although this is not so.

Two Fates Actors

Alexander Mokhov was born on 06/22/1963 in the Vologda Oblast, from childhood he was accustomed to rural work. But fate decreed that Mokhov is today a famous actor and director. Without work, he does not have to sit a day, although in his youth he dreamed of becoming a circus performer. His childhood dream was still destined to come true. In 2008, Mokhov participated in the show “Circus with the Stars”, he was especially good at clowning, the audience rode with laughter. The actors of the series “Two Fates” enjoyed working with such an outstanding person. The director’s skills helped both him and his colleagues on the site.

Dmitry Shcherbina was born in Baku on 01.10.1968. After the death of his father, he moved to Minsk with his mother. He graduated from the Moscow Art Theater and successfully played on the stage. Cinema also occupies a significant part of the artist’s life. According to him, he does not like to repeat himself in his roles. In the series "Two Fates", the actors looked a cut below the tall handsome Dmitry. Shcherbina really stands out among the rest for his height. The actor hides everything that relates to his personal life, it is only known that his heart is busy, he is married.

Other members of the series

The success of this project largely depends on the professionalism of the entire crew. In the series “Two Fates”, the actors gave all the best, for many this film came out on top in the list of their works. If you list all the people who worked on a well-known history, you will have to do this for a very long time.

I would like to note the work of Maria Kulikova (Nadia), the actress on the set met her future husband. In addition to finding her happiness, she got a good start, became a sought-after artist. And it all started by mistake: Kulikova made a mistake by the door and got to Uskov, who first took her to the role of Vera, but then the actress got another heroine.

Olga Ponizova (Sveta) retired, hardly gives an interview, plays only in the theater. Less is heard of her. In the personal life of the actress, too, everything is calm, Olga is raising a child alone and is not going to get married yet.

Actresses of the series Two Fates

In the project “Two Fates”, the actors and roles are very closely connected. For a long period of filming the series, the actors squeeze with their heroes, and it’s hard to part with them.
But ahead are waiting for new work, new heroes, life does not stand still.

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