Repair in the apartment is always an experience and stress, and all family members living in the apartment experience these conditions. Why does this happen, and why does the desire to independently update the room constantly cause nervous tension? This all happens because repair is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge and experience. We will try to expand our knowledge in the construction field and figure out how to lay the tiles on the floor.
Before you start laying flooring, familiarize yourself with the step-by-step technology of this process. This will allow you to be more knowledgeable and prepared in this matter, in addition, having certain ideas, what you will encounter, you will feel much more confident.
How to put tiles on the floor?
Before starting the installation process, it is recommended to prepare the surface in advance. First, remove the old top layer to the base (tiles, rotten boards, etc.). After that, using a special solution, it is necessary to smooth out all the problem areas. And before you put the tile on the floor, do not forget to spread the waterproofing substrate.
If your previous coating was wooden, you need to get rid of low-quality rotten boards, and instead put new ones. In this case, you should pay attention to the overlap thickness of at least 25 mm. After that, the total floor area must be thoroughly cleaned, then apply a solution (or paint) that protects against fungus and rot, and after complete drying - cover with waterproofing. After that, at the level of 0.5 centimeters, it is recommended to spread the building grid. In order to maintain the required level, it is possible to lay out small pieces of rubble, brick or nails on the floor surface. Then you should fill the grid with a special mortar and wait a while (about a month), so that the floor is well dried up.
Now the base for the coating is ready, it is even, dry and clean. We understand further how to put the tile on the floor. In order to avoid some surprises that may arise during installation, it is necessary to carefully lay the material on the prepared surface in accordance with the desired pattern and size. Here the question may arise: "How to put the tiles on the floor with the highest quality?". To do this, you should purchase a first-class tile coating. This will ensure you flawlessly hit the estimated size and color. When buying this material, do not forget to purchase 5% in addition to that in reserve.
Before laying the tile on the floor, it is recommended to divide the surface into sectors. This must be done in such a way that the tile can fit entirely in them, without cuts and chips. Carrying out the markup, it should be ensured that the cut sections are not located around the entire perimeter of the room. It will be much more correct to lay them on one side, it is desirable that at the same time it is hardly noticeable.
After this, apply the adhesive solution in small volumes in accordance with the marking. It is best to start laying the tiles from the corner from the wall located opposite the entrance. The first must be laid on the solution and fixed with a light pressure. Then you should put all the rest, moving along the marked lines, until the entire area with the solution is covered.
The next step is grouting. Very carefully, without missing cracks, apply a special solution with a scraper with a rubber nozzle. Its excess can be removed with a damp cloth, but only until it dries.
At the end of the installation of the flooring, you need to carefully wipe off any residues from the mortar with a dry cloth.
Before you start laying the tiles yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for the operation of this coating, adhesive solution, etc. This will avoid difficulties in work and errors.