Anyone planning a pregnancy in the near future just needs to visit a dentist. Even if it seems that you do not need treatment, the doctor must always examine the oral cavity for caries or inflammation. The same applies to the periodontist. Pregnant gums should be in order. But what to do if pregnancy, although desired, but unexpected?
In this case, you did not prepare in advance and could not visit the dentist. If this or that problem is present, then you have to
treat your teeth during pregnancy. Dentists, of course, are afraid to undertake treatment of women in the situation. But this is not associated with risk, but with the unstable emotional state of expectant mothers and constant urge to vomit, which complicates the treatment process. It is necessary for such purposes to select a very qualified specialist whom you trust completely, and decide on dental treatment. After all, the desire to give birth to a healthy baby can make you voluntarily go to such terrible procedures ... But not everything is so bad.
Modern medicine has reached an excellent level of development. Nowadays, it can be argued that the least dangerous materials and methods have been invented for the mother and the fetus, allowing dental treatment during pregnancy.
But the visit to the dentist should, if possible, be postponed until the gestational age for more than three months, and treat the teeth no later than the eighth month. These terms are explained by the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy the fetus develops very actively, and any negative effects are extremely undesirable for it (we mean both drugs and mother’s nervousness). After the second trimester, the stomach already has impressive dimensions and there is a threat of premature birth. Therefore, the optimal is the middle of the gestation period.
To the great joy of pregnant women, you will not have to endure pain. Excellent harmless anesthetics have now been invented. They are suitable for women in position, do not act too much, do not harm the fetus. Even tooth extraction under anesthesia with such drugs will not cause fear and pain. Dental treatment during pregnancy using quality materials will make your teeth healthy for years to come. The only thing that is not recommended for pregnant women is x-rays. They can affect the undeveloped fetus, and not the best.
Pregnant women often develop gingivitis. Simply put, bleeding gums. This is not a good sign, so treatment during pregnancy is necessary. Bacteria present at this time in the mouth can even cause premature birth.
In order not to require dental treatment during pregnancy, it is necessary to independently carry out preventive measures. It is worth remembering that after vomiting do not immediately run to brush your teeth. You need to do this in about thirty minutes, but first rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda. Brushing your teeth several times a day, rinsing with firming broths of herbs, attention to the problems of teeth and gums during pregnancy will make you the owner of a beautiful smile and a healthy baby.