The concept of personality in psychology

Man is a creature very complex. We do just that, and not otherwise, not by reason of instincts. Our motives are not always clear. To predict human behavior, you need to know his character, temperament and, of course, the characteristics of his personality. What is it? The definition of personality in psychology is not one. This question is complex, which means that there are enough opinions. The concept of personality in social psychology is what many prominent psychologists have worked with and are working on. This is the social side of man, it is precisely this, that makes him a part of society.

The concept of personality in psychology

As already mentioned, scientists give a variety of answers to questions related to personality. Often you can observe a strong divergence of opinion. However, we note that all theories used today are scientifically based.

The concept of personality in psychology is largely based on the fact that a person is nothing more than a combination of various acquired, as well as purely social qualities. At the same time, great emphasis is placed on the fact that those that have a direct connection with physiology and are not related to living in society are not personal qualities.

Sometimes the concept of personality in psychology also indicates that the psychological qualities of people also do not belong to personal qualities. It's about mental, associated with cognitive processes, an individual style of activity.

The concept of personality in psychology is based on sustainable qualities that are formed only in society. That is, in the process of interaction and communication with other people. The personal qualities of a person make him individual, unique, original.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that a person is a person considered in a system of mental characteristics that are socially determined, and can only be manifested in social relations and relationships. Such characteristics must necessarily be stable.

The concept of personality in psychology has a close relationship with such concepts as “individuality”, “individual”, however, we must say right away that it is impossible to identify them in any case - there are enough differences.

If we consider a person as a combination of absolutely all available qualities (both social and natural), then this will be an individual. We can say that the individual is a single human individual.

Individuality is a rather narrow concept. It means that combination of the unique characteristics of a person that make him not like other people.

What does a person’s personality consist of? Of course, it has its own structure. Most often, psychologists include in her character, emotions, volitional qualities, temperament, social attitudes, motivation, abilities. The latter are nothing but the stable individual properties of a person’s personality . Often it is they who determine our success when trying to realize ourselves in certain types of activities.

Temperament (mainly) determines the speed of our reaction to certain phenomena of the world. How we act in certain situations largely depends on our character. It often lies at the heart of choice, decision making, and so on. Volitional qualities determine how a person moves towards goals, how he is tuned to certain achievements. Motivation and emotions are associated with the impetus for activity, and social attitudes are how a person perceives life itself and other people.

Finally, we note that only people have a personality. No other living organisms possess it. Also note that a child who has grown outside of society (Mowgli children) is not a person.

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