Contraceptives for girls. Variety of options

As you know, the use of correctly selected contraceptives is designed to protect the girl from various sexually transmitted diseases, as well as prevent an unwanted pregnancy. For young women, as a rule, the most relevant is the prevention of conception, because not everyone is ready for the role of a mother at a young age. Ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the modern world are very diverse. Today we will try to understand them together.

contraceptives for girls

Chemical contraceptives for girls

These pregnancy protection products, despite their name, are practically safe for the body. Their action is to suppress sperm activity, which helps prevent the possibility of conception. Such contraceptives include contraceptive vaginal ointments, suppositories, aerosols and creams. Chemical contraceptives for girls also have a significant advantage, which is the need to use them immediately before sexual intercourse, which is very convenient. However, there is a negative side to this group of contraceptives: a rather low effectiveness, which is about 70%. That is, out of 100 girls who are protected in this way, 30 become pregnant.

ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy

Contraceptives for girls : patch

This method of protection consists in gluing a special contraceptive patch on the body with the help of which hormones enter the body. The duration of such a contraceptive lasts about a week, but all this time it is necessary to control its presence on your body. In addition, the effectiveness of this tool is approximately at the level of chemical protection options, respectively, there remains a rather high risk of conception.

Contraceptives for girls : spiral

One of the most reliable means of preventing an unwanted pregnancy has long been considered vaginal spirals. Their effectiveness exceeds 95%, and they do not affect the reproductive function, so, immediately after removing the spiral, a woman can become pregnant. In addition, the advantages of such a contraceptive include a long period of use (3-5 years), the absence of the need for regular care, and the absence of inconvenience both during sexual rest and during sex. However, it must be remembered that spiraling can only give birth to girls.

contraceptives for girls pills

Contraceptives for girls : condoms

Perhaps everyone has heard about contraceptives for men, which is the most popular way to protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. But there are also female condoms that are inserted into the vagina and can remain in it for up to 10 hours. In general, this is the most reliable method of contraception, having an effectiveness of about 98%.

Contraceptives for girls: tablets

Birth control pills (or oral contraceptives) are also a very popular and effective way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Their effectiveness is almost 100%. But you must remember that they must be taken every day (with the exception of a week break). Despite the safety of modern oral contraceptives, it is still necessary that your gynecologist select the tablets individually for you.

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