Calf. From what date? And what is he like?

Calf. From what date the power of this sign lasts, everyone who happens to encounter stubbornness, strength and charm of its bright representatives knows. The symbol of this zodiac sign is the bull. It is believed that one of the protectors of Taurus is the god Zeus, who stole Europe, turning into a bull. So from what date is the sign of Taurus? It is generally accepted that the power of this sign begins on April 21 and ends on May 21.

Taurus Character

Taurus is usually very practical, striving for material values. They are very stubborn and decisive, persistent in achieving their goals. And Taurus’s goals are quite earthly: financial stability, comfortable housing, beautiful clothes, in short, everything that can be bought for money. Taurus does not hover in the clouds, does not set itself highly spiritual tasks. And even they choose friends for themselves, based on the benefits that this acquaintance can bring to them. Here is such a man Taurus. From what date the period of Taurus lasts, people who know astrology always remember. Taurus rules the second astrological house - the house of money.

Taurus from what to what number

Professions most suitable for Taurus

Even in early youth, Taurus think about a future career. They are impressed with the routine work. Taurus see some kind of stability in repetitive actions. They strictly abide by the established rules, therefore they are good performers.

Taurus is good at any work that is done by hand and has a tangible result. This is farming, construction and architecture, design, cooking, fashion. By the way, Taurus always dress beautifully and fashionably. They are not interested in politics, unless, of course, the issue does not concern their personal benefit, but they achieve success in sociology, economics, and the stock market. Often Taurus brings money to the house. From what date the favorable period for playing on the stock exchange, the foreign exchange market, and even casinos, tells Taurus intuition, which they have extremely developed.

taurus from what date

Taurus Love Horoscope

Taurus is a very sensual people. They know how to truly love. In love, Taurus lose their inherent practicality and dive into this pool with their heads. They are not stopped by any obstacles. In relations, Taurus does not accept half-tones; they are used to going to the end. They are not capable of an easy affair either.

Taurus from what to what

Taurus - the owners. The object of their passion must belong to them to the end. Among the representatives of this sign are many jealous. They are very hard at experiencing love failures, they can start to abuse alcohol, get into gluttony. Taurus is not able to forgive betrayal, to share a partner with someone else. In a love relationship for Taurus, there is no compromise. Not everyone is capable of giving himself to a partner without a trace, therefore Taurus is not always lucky in love. Although the one who accepts the rules of the game, Taurus will give everything - money, attention, love, and affection. Taurus are very good parents. But they can be jealous of the partner and to children too. Taurus children are brought up in severity. Such is the complex and ambiguous sign of Taurus. From what number they are born these charming jealous, it is important to know, freedom-loving and independent individuals. With such a partner as Taurus, they will not succeed in a strong alliance.

Horoscope Health Taurus

Taurus is usually very healthy people. They have a strong constitution that allows them not to get sick even at an advanced age. The representative of this sign can even afford to drink, smoke, work without any special health consequences. But if Taurus gets sick, then the disease lasts a long time, he becomes discouraged, prone to depression.

The diseases that affect Taurus most often are obesity, diabetes, diseases of the liver, lungs, as well as schizophrenia and clinical depression.

The most heavy smoker you have ever met is probably Taurus. From what number or by how many Taurus can find the strength in themselves to cope with this habit, an individual horoscope can tell. As a rule, they are not able to stop smoking, therefore, diseases of the throat and lungs often affect them.

Taurus hate to be treated. They prefer not to think about the consequences of their lifestyle, as they do not tolerate diets, physical activity and any restrictions whatsoever.

from what number is the sign of Taurus

Horoscope for Taurus for 2015

For Taurus, 2015 is a year of fruitful work. This year will improve the lives of typical representatives of this sign. Everything superfluous will leave the living space of Taurus: old things, people who bring troubles, complexes and incorrect installations. This year there will be many new acquaintances, including useful for a career. Changes for the better begin in March, and will continue throughout the year. The minion of fortune this year is Taurus. From what date positive changes begin, it also depends on the industriousness of a particular person. It's time to go in for sports after all, to pay attention to your diet and lifestyle in general. This year will bring balance to life - a balance between a healthy lifestyle, time for yourself and work. Those from Taurus who have not yet decided on the direction of their labor activity will finally find the work of their life.

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