Types of dental implants: description, pros and cons, photos

A beautiful smile is an ideal aspired to long before the advent of modern civilization. For example, the ancient Egyptians and Arabs already practiced implantation. True, this process would be more correctly called transplantation, since the types of types of dental implants used were somewhat unusual for our understanding - the teeth of other people and animals.

Time passed, science developed, and with it medicine walked with one foot. Now, modern dentistry has great potential. Today, everyone can order dental implants. Their types, fortunately, are diverse, which allows you to choose the best option for a particular patient.

types of dental implants

Below we consider in more detail the features of the dental implantation process, the types of implants themselves, and also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such treatment.

What is dental implantation for?

Before talking about the need for implantation, you should at least briefly talk about what dental implants are.

These are pins or frames made of metal that are implanted in the jaw bone. Only after their installation, the doctor is able to install prostheses.

Implantation allows the patient to feel absolutely comfortable and not to worry that the installed prosthesis will “move out” during chewing. In addition, thanks to the implant, the crown looks and feels much more natural, without causing the slightest discomfort.

Finally, unlike classic dental bridges, dentures can be suitable for people with diseases of the oral mucosa. However, for their installation you need to have absolutely healthy gums and constantly maintain hygiene at the proper level.

When is implantation necessary?

dental implants types of implants

The installation of dental implants will help to avoid the detrimental effects. Their types are determined by a specialist, who will be based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Implantation is necessary if:

  • there are violations of the bite, which provokes increased tooth abrasion;
  • there is a gap between the teeth, due to which the row diverges or is deformed;
  • tangible speech defects due to tooth loss;
  • masticatory function impaired;
  • after tooth loss, the patient’s appearance has changed (the corners of the lips have gone down or wrinkles have appeared in the nasolabial area);
  • the patient feels obvious discomfort due to lack of teeth.

Pros and Cons of Implantation

Types of dental implants from different manufacturers may vary in price. Moreover, this is a rather expensive method of treatment, which inhibits most patients. However, if you decide on this procedure, you will definitely not regret it.

Among the positive aspects are the following:

  • durability;
  • there is no need to "grind" adjacent healthy teeth;
  • absolutely natural load on the bones prevents their deformation and damage;
  • excellent aesthetic performance of implants;
  • with the help of several implants you can install a prosthesis on the entire jaw, which will look absolutely natural;
  • the ability to restore both one tooth and several at once;
  • after installation, the opportunity to eat solid food returns;
  • no special care is needed, ordinary hygiene is enough;
  • complete naturalness of chewing function;
  • reliable fixation of crowns on the implant allows the tooth to withstand impressive loads;
  • there is the possibility of replacing the crown with a new one;
  • You can choose not only the types of dental implants, but also the method of their installation;
  • high percentage of implant survival.

dental implants types
There are fewer arguments against, however, they are the inhibitory factor for many patients:

  • Possible complications that are difficult to predict. The fact is that the body of each person is individual, and therefore the bioinert titanium from which the implants are made can take root in different ways. No doctor can predict the reaction to the material.
  • Surgical intervention. Like other surgeries, implantation is one of the most traumatic ways to restore a tooth. The patient may expect pain and rehabilitation period.
  • Implantation has many contraindications (see below).
  • Bone deficiency. For some patients, there is a need for bone growth to reliably fix the position of the implant. This process can cause a lot of discomfort.
  • A long period of rehabilitation. The implant fuses with bone tissue for a long time, and therefore unpleasant sensations may not leave the patient for a long time.
  • Price. Compared to conventional prosthetics, the implantation service is much more expensive.


All types of dental implants are ideal for restoring a row. But it is worthwhile to understand: no matter how effective this method is, there is a flip side to the coin that requires exceptional attention - contraindications.

Dental implantation is strictly prohibited with:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • a weakened immune system (lupus erythematosus, infections, thymus hypoplasia, etc.);
  • bone diseases
  • serious violations of the endocrine system;
  • poor functioning of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis
  • AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • any types of alcohol and drug addiction.

Types of Dental Implants

Today, everyone can choose a suitable treatment method and the necessary types of dental implants. A photo and the help of a qualified professional is a sure way to succeed.

There are 6 types of implants in total:

  • root-shaped;
  • lamellar;
  • combined;
  • subperiosteal;
  • mini implants;
  • constructions for restoring the root system.

Below we consider in detail dental implants, types and reviews of patients about each method of restoration of the dentition.

types of dental implants from different manufacturers

Root implants

The most popular in modern dentistry are root-shaped dental implants. Species in Yekaterinburg, for example, are diverse, but this type has earned special recognition.

They have a cylindrical shape, framed by thread. It is usually used to restore when there is enough bone mass. Otherwise, it will be necessary to resort to an additional procedure - sine lifting.

The types of implants for teeth from different manufacturers may vary, but they are always based on a titanium screw. It is he who best survives and can minimize the risks of further complications.

types of dental implants photo

Plate constructions

Do you need dental implants? Do species differ in Novosibirsk? Experts recommend paying attention to the design of the plate type. In the ranking of popular methods for restoring the dentition, they occupy an honorable second place, and in their practical features they are not inferior to radical models.

Implants got their name due to the unique plate shape of the product on which the pin is fixed. They are mainly used in cases when the patient’s bone tissue is too thin and installation of root-like analogues is impossible.

The technique is not new, but among many options, such dental implantation is still in demand. The types of plate-type implants are mainly used to restore the front row, which does not require increased loads.

Due to the presence of porous compartments on the plate, as the bone tissue grows, it fills the inside of the implant. As a result of this, a reliable structure is formed, which fixes the tooth in the correct position.

types of dental implants in Novosibirsk

The only drawback of plate constructions is their weakness. Unlike root-shaped ones, they cannot withstand heavy loads, and therefore are suitable exclusively for restoration of front teeth.

Perhaps the most reliable and in demand in case of serious injuries combined, or lamellar-root implants of the teeth. Their types vary not only in size, but also in shape, as a result of which specialists can carry out complex operations without difficulty.

This is a symbiosis of root and plate implants, which is a rather complex branched structure. They are surgically implanted at three points on the jaw of the patient.

Can be used to install fixed and removable dentures. The latter are often necessary in case of severe bone atrophy in the patient's lower jaw.

Subperiosteal Implants

In the case when the above dental implants are contraindicated, types (in Krasnoyarsk and other cities) can always be found suitable. For example, subperiosteal implants are an ideal solution in case of bone deficiency.

They are mainly used to restore the dentition in the elderly, as well as after a prolonged absence of a tooth. Of course, you can always perform an additional operation to build bone tissue, but many patients prefer to refrain from such manipulations, preferring a more profitable method.

A subperiosteal implant is implanted under the lateral side of the gum without affecting the hole where the tooth root was located. It is not installed in the bone, but in the space between it and the gum, in the so-called periosteum.

dental implants

The operation takes place in two stages:

  • taking a mold from the jawbone;
  • the manufacture of the implant and its introduction to the patient.

In the case of subperiostal implants, the patient does not need long-term rehabilitation, since the invasiveness of the operation is minimal.

Mini implants

If for some reason full implantation of teeth is contraindicated, the types of implants of this type can help to cope, at least with the aesthetic problem. You all correctly understood, we will talk about the so-called mini-implants.

Unlike everyone else, they are not suitable for restoring a complete dentition. It is impossible to attach full bridges and dentures to them, however, if the reconstruction of one tooth is necessary, such products are unrivaled.

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the mini-implants themselves. Outwardly, they resemble small screws, consist entirely of titanium, which allows them to take root without any problems.

The installation process itself is not so traumatic for the patient, and there are practically no contraindications for the state of bone tissue. That is, unlike the popular root-shaped implants, their implementation does not require a sinus-lifting procedure or bone restoration.

Of course, mini-implants are not suitable for restoring the chewing row, since a process load of 50-60 kg can damage the bone. Most often, this type is used to reconstruct the dentition, giving it aesthetic beauty.

Today, many patients rely on mini dental implants. Species in Krasnodar are widely represented, but they cost several times cheaper than classic ones. And this is another reason to pay attention to this method of tooth restoration.

dental implants types and reviews

What materials are used to create implants?

Titanium is today the only material from which dental implants are mass-produced. Types ("turnkey" including) can be selected individually after consulting a specialist. The main reason for using the mentioned material is absolute inertness, which completely eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions and minimizes risks in the postoperative period.

In addition, titanium is one of the strongest materials that can withstand enormous loads. It is this property that enabled the World Organization of Dentists to conclude that prosthetics with titanium is the most effective way to restore the dentition.

Despite this, many patients still experience some inconvenience after the procedure. Often there is a swelling of the gums, redness, and even spots form. But such a phenomenon is easy to explain.

The fact is that prosthetics is not only implantation of a titanium implant, but also the installation of an artificial crown, which is made mainly of nickel. He, in turn, has zero inertness, and therefore it may well become the cause of allergies and irritations on the mucosa.

Fortunately, the problem with nickel is easily fixed. Modern dentistry has long been replaced by more "gentle" materials - ceramics and zirconium.

It is worth saying that the process of creating the implants themselves is currently undergoing a transformation. More recently, one of the Swiss companies, Straumann, proposed using an alloy of zirconium and titanium as the main material for dental implants.

Such a move will reduce the cost of dental implantation to a minimum without compromising on quality.

How to choose the type of implants?

Of course, it is impossible to determine the type of implants yourself. Here you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist.

It should be understood that dental implantation is not just a treatment, but a whole operation that can cause irreparable harm to human health. Of course, if you treat her negligently and irresponsibly.

Previously, without fail, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which allows you to determine the condition of the patient's body, identify possible contraindications and risks for a particular operation. It is during such a diagnosis that the doctor will be able to understand what dental implants he can offer his patient. Types (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg - practically nothing depends on geography, the products we are considering are available in any large and not so big city in the country) they are diverse. You might like:

  • basal implants, if no pathologies are found in the body, and the condition of the bone tissue is normal;
  • lamellar, if you want to restore only the front row;
  • combined, or plate-root implants, if complex restoration of the dentition after serious injuries and injuries is required;
  • subperiosteal, if the bone tissue is in poor condition;
  • mini-implants, if it is necessary to restore one or several teeth for purely aesthetic purposes.

Have you decided on the types of implants? The only thing left is the manufacturer.

installation of dental implants

Here you should focus primarily on your financial situation. Fortunately, modern implant manufacturers are available in a wide price range.

The cheapest dental implants are domestic ones manufactured in the CIS countries. Their average price, as a rule, does not exceed the mark of 12 thousand rubles.

A more expensive but still low-cost producer is the Israeli company Alpha Bio. The Korean brand Implantium is also popular. Their products cost about 12 thousand rubles, but their quality is at a very serious level, which has become the main reason for their demand in many dental clinics.

The best in the price range from 25 to 30 thousand rubles were the German manufacturer Biomet and the English BioHorizons. There is no doubt in doubt about the quality of their products, since the experience of these companies in the dental services market can be envied by any modern company.

In the segment from 30 to 40 thousand rubles, the most popular are Ankylos and Xive Friadent. Made in Germany, they have become a real bestseller among dental implants and are incredibly popular among all prestigious dental clinics.

Finally, super-premium implants made by leading Swiss and Swedish manufacturers (Nobel Biocare, Straumann and Astra Tech) are real jewelry. Manufacturers themselves give them a lifetime warranty, and also actively share the secrets of installation and treatment with partner companies. They cost from 35 thousand rubles and fully justify their price.

As a rule, patients are inclined to Swiss and German implants. They are the ones that cause the greatest level of trust. You can always read reviews, view photos, certificates, other documents and decide for yourself which one to prefer.

The only thing that you must always remember is the obligatory consultation with your dentist. It will always help you choose the best solution to your problem, based not only on the results of the survey, but also on financial capabilities.

A beautiful smile is a guarantee of self-confidence. This is the best indicator of health.

Be always confident and healthy!

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