Reviews on "AliExpress" are not displayed. What to do?

Many use Internet sites to order equipment, clothing, or something else. Sometimes it happens that the written reviews on "AliExpress" do not open or it is not possible to supplement them. This article will help resolve the issues mentioned.

What is AliExpress?

AliExpress is one of the most popular Internet sites in Russia. Using it, you can buy products from China: whether it is equipment, clothing or something else. According to some reports, of all site visitors, 20% are residents of Russia.

In fact, AliExpress (users call this website simply โ€œAliโ€) is a good trading platform where customers from different countries can buy goods from Chinese manufacturers at a price that is often cheaper than the market price, and even with free shipping. You can buy on this site both retail and small wholesale.

A huge plus of "AliExpress" is that you can see a lot of reviews about products (both positive and negative). This helps when choosing a personal purchase. Comments are posted from people from different countries. In addition, many users attach photos of the product itself to them. Usually the more orders for a product, the more detailed reviews. Buyers honestly describe the sellerโ€™s work, its availability, assistance in customer matters, product quality, etc.

How to leave a review on "AliExpress"

You can write your comment about the product only after its purchase, while confirming receipt of the goods. Opinion can be left within 30 days from the date of confirmation of receipt of the product. Then, as can be seen in the photo below, it is possible to write reviews about purchases on "AliExpress" in Russian or any other language.

Write a product review

In your message, you must mention the delivery time, as well as the quality of the goods. Interestingly, the review can be left anonymously. Then others will not be able to go to your profile page and will not see your activity on the site. You can attach up to five photos of the purchased goods to the comment.

How to supplement feedback on "AliExpress"?

Your comment cannot be edited, but it can be supplemented within 150 days from the moment of writing the main one. This is a very convenient function: it happens that on the first emotions after receiving the goods the user is satisfied and he puts โ€œfive starsโ€, but over time some kind of defect appears or it is discovered that one of the declared characteristics is missing. So, how to add feedback to "AliExpress"?

Having logged in on the Ali website, you need to click on "My Orders" in your account, then go to "Manage reviews", where you can see the "Published reviews" tab. By clicking on it, it is possible to supplement the comment on the purchased product.

Additional comment

It is noteworthy that the rating itself, put in the first review (from one to five stars), can not be changed. Therefore, in the event of any marriage, it remains only to write an additional comment, attaching photographs.

"Why is my review not visible?"

Many are often interested in why reviews on "AliExpress" are not displayed. Given the above, this is a serious problem and a huge minus for those who are accustomed to focus on the product according to the comments of others. So, why are not the reviews on "Aliexpress" displayed?

It happens that the user left a review, but does not see it in the list of others. Why? Do not rush to be upset, a reminder is given in the buyer's personal account: the comment will be visible only when the seller leaves his answer to it. Or the review will be visible from the moment of thirty days after its writing. So in this case it is important to be patient!

Other users' reviews on "Aliexpress" are not displayed. What to do?

One of the reasons that the comments of others are not visible is a change in the design of the Ali site. Since 2016, the reviews are not at the very end of the page of the product we have chosen, as before. Now, in order to view the comments of others, you need to click on the product rating, presented in the form of stars (located at the top of the page).

Where are the reviews

Another way is to scroll down the page of the selected product a little down, where you can see different tabs, including Reviews. This can be seen in the photo below.

Another option for reading reviews

Also, many note that the display of other reviews depends on the browser used. For example, in the Yandex.Browser program, when you click on the comments, you can see that the wheel is spinning (as if the comments are opening), but in reality either nothing appears, or other products of the manufacturer are immediately displayed. If you have a similar problem, try changing the program to access the Internet or clear the cache.

What to do if the feedback on AliExpress still does not open? Users are divided: it helps to replace several letters in the address bar of the product page itself from http: // to https: // - and you can read the comments.

Still not showing reviews on AliExpress? Buyers note that using the special AliExpress application, making purchases is easier, easier and more convenient. And it is important that in this program, customer opinions on the purchased goods are visible. You can download the AliExpress application from Google Play.


Judging by the reviews of "AliExpress" in Russian, on the site you can buy quality products at affordable prices. What should be remembered when choosing a product?

You must always look at the duration of the selected seller on the site, as well as the product rating and reviews about it. All this will increase the chances of a successful order. Also, as shown in the photo below, there is a rating of the seller himself, namely the statistics of positive reviews about him.

Seller Rating

Yes, there are a lot of negative opinions about AliExpress on the network. But most often they relate to the delivery process - it is clear that on the way from China, anything can happen with the package. But to open a dispute with the seller is quite possible and almost always in such cases, users sought a refund of the money spent. Well, successful shopping!

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