Lifting mask at home: recipe, nutrition, reviews

Lifting masks are a great way to prolong the youth of your face skin. Modern cosmetic companies offer a large number of products that have a lifting effect, but few people know that similar masks can be done at home, using only improvised materials and products. Further, we consider some of them that have been recognized as the most effective, as well as the basic principles of their effect on the skin of the face.

Features of the action of lifting masks

Considering the features of the action of home-made masks with the lifting effect, it should be noted that properly prepared cosmetics have two effects on the skin of the face at the same time: smoothing and contracting. Moreover, they are able to activate the production of elastin with collagen.

In the reviews of those people who prefer the use of instant lifting masks at home, they say that with regular application of home-made cosmetics, there is a noticeable tightening of the oval of the face, gaining a fresher skin, smoothing the relief, as well as smoothing wrinkles and smoothing the general tones.

The best mask lifting at home

When you can not do lifting masks?

There are certain cases when the use of lifting masks at home is contraindicated. These include cases of abrasions and injuries on the skin of the face and other visible injuries. Also contraindications to the use of such procedures are skin and vascular diseases, diabetes and the presence of excess body weight.

It should be noted that lifting procedures are contraindicated for those people who underwent plastic surgery less than six months ago, as well as those who are at a young age - up to 30 years.

How to use lifting masks?

In order for a lifting mask made at home to have an exclusively positive effect, you must use it in strict accordance with the rules.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to apply the product of the type in question exclusively on the cleansed skin, which can also be steamed to enhance the effect.

When applying the product, it is advisable to perform massage movements - only in this way its active components are absorbed properly. After applying all layers, the mask should be allowed to dry thoroughly (about 20-30 minutes), and then the product should be washed off using warm running water. If some of its elements have dried up, it is recommended to remove them only after applying a warm compress, but not scraping it, as hard movements can lead to microtrauma formation.

Applying lifting masks at home should be done no more than twice a week. Moreover, the same composition is not recommended for more than two consecutive months.

How to choose a mask?

Today, there is a large assortment of masks with a lifting effect, however, only the product that was correctly selected will have a positive effect on the general condition of the skin of the face.

Women staying at the age of 30, it is best to give preference to the lifting, which is aimed at rejuvenating the skin and slowing down its visual aging. Ideal for this age mask can include decoctions of herbs, dairy products, gelatin, as well as honey and natural oils.

Lifting eye mask at home

After 40 years, it is best to give preference to those masks that are able to increase skin tone, since at this age there is a presence of changes in the contour of the face contour, as well as weakening of skin tissues. Accordingly, at this age, it is worth giving your preference to masks made on the basis of clay, gelatin, starch, honey, egg white.

After 50 years, the aging process of the skin is most pronounced. Among the beneficial properties of masks recommended for use at this age are those that not only have a lifting effect, but also nourish and also protect the skin from the effects of environmental negative factors. Ideal options for the components that make up these masks are oatmeal, liquid vitamins, fruits and vegetables, honey, dairy products, and yeast.

Next, consider the best recipes for lifting masks at home, which have the most striking effect.

Mask lifting for the eyes at home

Ginger mask

The use of such a mask is necessary for women staying over the age of 40 years. The complex of components included in it provides not only tone the skin of the face, but also its nutrition.

To prepare a ginger mask with a lifting effect at home, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • half an apple (it is better to take green);
  • 1 tsp olive oil (cold pressed);
  • half a banana;
  • 1 tsp juice squeezed from ginger root;
  • 0.5 tsp lemon juice.

In order to create a mask, you need to grate an apple, combine it with a softened banana, and then add to the resulting mass all the other components indicated in the recipe. After thoroughly mixing, the mass should be applied to a previously cleaned face and allowed to stand for about 25 minutes.

In the reviews of the fair sex, who prefer this particular type of remedy, it is said that regular use of the mask allows not only to nourish the skin of the face, but also to even out skin tone, returning to it a fraction of its former elasticity.

Mask lifting at home instant action

Gelatin mask

This version of the lifting mask at home with instant effect is perfect for use on old and withered skin. According to women who use it for a long time, this tool helps to cope not only with wrinkles, but also with uneven skin tone.

To prepare the product, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 10 drops of natural wheat germ oil;
  • 6 tablespoons of water;
  • 10 seedless grapes;
  • a spoonful of gelatin.

Gelatin must be diluted in the indicated amount of water and left for an hour to swell. During this time, it is necessary to grind the grapes to the state of mashed potatoes, then add the oil.

When the gelatin swells, it must be combined with the grape mass and mix thoroughly until smooth.

The resulting mass should be evenly applied to the skin of the face and, after 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Effective lifting masks at home

Creamy Egg Mask

To prepare such a mask, you need to take a spoonful of fat cream, as well as an egg yolk. To prepare a rejuvenating mass, you must combine these products and apply the mixture to the skin of the face. In order for the mass to be most effective, it is advisable to use warmed cream for its preparation.

Creamy egg mask is perfect for owners of dry skin. It is able to nourish and soften the dermis very well, filling the skin cells with a whole complex of vitamins (A, B, E).

Egg honey mask

To prepare the egg-honey mask, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • egg white;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp natural honey.

An egg-honey mask is made on the basis of whipped protein, into the foam of which you need to add juice and honey just squeezed from citrus. Having mixed the ingredients, the resulting mixture should be evenly applied to the skin of the face and, after 30 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

The comments left by people who are consistently using this tool say that this is the best lifting mask at home, which will require the minimum amount of available products to create. As a result of using the product, you can observe the visible effect of a facelift, as well as the elimination of senile spots and freckles.

The product is ideal for oily and combination skin. This type of lifting mask is also great for owners of dry skin types, but in this case, instead of protein, you need to use the yolk.

Starch mask

By giving preference to this type of mask, it is possible to provide comprehensive care for your own skin, including protection against possible inflammation, moisturizing, nourishing and removing tightness of the cover. Moreover, the main component of the mask in question has a pronounced brightening effect.

To prepare a starch lifting mask at home, you need to take one fresh chicken egg and a teaspoon of starch. In a beaten egg foam, you need to introduce starch in a thin stream, mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, the product should be washed off with warm water, without injuring the cover.

Masks with lifting effect at home

Mask with honey and glycerin

The main feature of this type of mask is that glycerin, which is part of it, is able not only to tighten the skin well, but also to nourish it from the inside. This component also perfectly regulates the water balance of the cover, due to which wrinkles on the face are perfectly smoothed.

To prepare a miraculous mask, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a spoonful of natural liquid honey;
  • 2 tsp cosmetic glycerin;
  • 5 tablespoons of milk;
  • 1.5 tsp gelatin.

In order to prepare the product effectively, gelatin should be diluted in slightly warmed milk and left for 12 hours at room temperature for swelling (it is better to prepare gelatin in the morning, so that in the evening it can be used to create a mask).

When the gelatin swells properly, it must be warmed up until the formed lumps are completely dissolved and honey and glycerin are introduced into the mass. Having carefully mixed all the components, the prepared mass should be evenly distributed throughout the face and after 25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Egg oil mask

A rather effective lifting mask at home is egg-oil, which is great for use in the neck, where there is an increased sensitivity of the skin.

To prepare an effective product, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • fresh chicken egg;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 3-4 drops of natural patchouli oil or frankincense;
  • 1 tsp castor oil.

To prepare an effective product for facial skin with a lifting effect, it is necessary to divide the egg into yolk and protein. After this, the protein should be whipped in a separate bowl, adding patchouli oil and lemon juice to it. This composition is great for applying to the face - according to the reviews of those who managed to test this tool in practice, 20 minutes after the composition has been aged, you can observe how the skin becomes noticeably whiter and softer.

In another bowl, combine the remaining ingredients - egg yolk and castor oil. After mixing, the mixture should be applied to the neck and decollete. The product must also be kept for about 25-30 minutes, after which everything must be washed off with warm water.

Instant lifting mask at home

Lifting eye mask

At home, you can cook an excellent mask, the main purpose of which is to tighten the skin located in the area around the eyes.

To prepare one of the most effective masks of this type, take the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of fresh spinach juice;
  • a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 5 drops of liquid vitamin A

All of these components must be connected together and mixed well until a homogeneous mass is achieved. After this, the product must be applied to the skin in the area around the eyes and washed off after 15-20 minutes.

To achieve a positive effect, apply the mask about 2-3 times a week. In reviews of such a lifting mask around the eyes at home, it is said that the product has an excellent effect on the removal of puffiness in the specified area, as well as skin rejuvenation in this place.

Honey and apricot lifting

In reviews of this homemade cosmetic product, it is said that the active components that make up its composition stimulate the nutrition of the skin of the eyelids, as well as tone the vessels. To prepare an effective product, you need to take the following components:

  • 3-4 drops of extra virgin olive oil;
  • 0.5 tsp honey;
  • half ripe apricot

To prepare a lifting mask for the eyes at home, it is necessary to combine honey with crushed apricot pulp and oil. After mixing, the mass must be applied to the skin located in the area around the eyes. After 7-10 minutes, the mass must be crushed with warm water.

In order to achieve a positive result, expressed by skin tightness, you need to do this mask several times a week. The reviews about this tool say that it helps to remove severe fatigue from the skin, and with regular use - to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

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