Time translation: summer and winter time

The translation of the clock hands seems to us an established tradition, although these actions began to be carried out for the first time not so long ago. Some countries have debated for many years about the importance of translating arrows. And all because the key role in the modern, and not only world, time plays. Clock transfer allows you to effectively use the morning hours.

Benjamin Franklin - Founder of Transition

Benjamin Franklin

In April 1784, Benjamin Franklin arrived in France as an American envoy and decided to publish a letter suggesting that Parisians need to use sunlight in the morning and thereby save on candles.

This literary satirical creation suggested that you need to introduce a tax on the use of window shutters, and residents need to be awakened by gunfire and the ringing of bells at dawn. Franklin claimed that between March and September candles are not needed at all, and this action will save on this and save money in a decent amount.

The modern system of George Vernon Hudson

George Hudson

In 1895, for the first time, it was Hudson who proposed the unique Summer Time system. While collecting insects, he realized the value of daylight. In 1895, George Hudson proposed a two-hour shift for the quality use of the daytime half of the day, about which he wrote an article in the Wellington Philosophical Society. In 1898, the publishing house published an article by Hudson; in Christchurch, it aroused significant public interest.

William willlet and summertime

William willlet

Some publications attributed the opening of summer time to the English builder William Willet, who was very fond of spending hours in the air. He often thought about the possibility of moving the clock to the summer period. In 1905, during his stay in London, he noticed that the sun had already risen high, and the inhabitants of the city continued to sleep peacefully and lose precious life time. In 1907, an article appeared in the newspaper with the headline "On the Wasting of Daylight," in which Willett suggested moving the arrows forward. He vainly promoted his assertion in Britain until his death.

The first translations in the world

For the first time, Germany introduced a translation, and this happened during the First World War. In April 1916, the Germans moved the clock hands forward one hour, and on October 1 they moved them back an hour. After some time, Great Britain also changed time.

March 19, 1918 in the United States introduced the division into time zones and made the transition to the summer period. This decision was made to save coal, which was used to produce electric current.

It follows from this that 100 years ago, Western countries began to apply daylight saving time, this happened in war conditions and was dictated by the needs of the difficult period for humanity. The result of the clock transfer was a significant saving of resources necessary for the production of electricity.

How was it in the Russian Empire?

Winter time

In the Russian Empire, at first they did not respond to Western innovations with the transfer of watches. But already in July 1917, the Provisional Government nevertheless adopted the conversion of watches to seasonal time. But the decision did not become durable because of the rapid change in political views during the war period. After the October Revolution at the end of December 1917, the Council of Commissioners of the RSFSR decided to turn the clock hands back an hour.

Time transfer in the USSR

For a long time in the USSR did not return to the question of the seasonal translation of the hands on the clock. The Soviet People’s Committee passed a decree dated June 1930, and time was moved forward by one hour. They began to live in the country according to decrees, ahead of the daily cycle by 1 hour.

The clock was switched to daylight saving time in 1981, but already regarding the time established by the 1930 decree. And then it began to overtake the two-hour zone. The date for changing the clock changed several times, but since 1984 it was determined that the clock will be switched to summer time on the last Sunday of the first month of spring, and to winter time - on the last Sunday of October.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR in 1991 decided to abolish the decrees of 1930, but left a change in seasonal time. And in 1992, it was again decided to return the decrees.

Seasonal time in modern Russia

Summer time

Daylight saving time in Russia caused a lot of complaints. Most residents of the Russian Federation complained of poor health. Doctors after many studies have announced a new disease - desynchronosis, which is associated with the seasonal movement of the clock hands.

Since the fall of 2011, the Russian Federation announced a decision to cancel the transition to the winter period.

After that, in the spring, Russians switched to summer time, and in the fall, the clock hands were not already translated. In 2011, the Law “On Calculation” was also issued, which determined the calculation of time in the Russian Federation in the legal field. In the document, time zones have been replaced by time zones. The government established the composition of the territories that formed the time zone, as well as the timing. On August 31, 2011, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a decree which established (UTC + 4 hours) Moscow time and canceled the seasonal transfer of hands in Russia.

In 2014, on January 20, Sergey Kalashnikov introduced the bill to the House on the return of the winter transition, which, in his opinion, would bring Russian regions closer to astronomical time to the maximum. To approximate the time zones of coordinated world time, the draft law provided for the establishment of 10 time zones, taking into account the largest UTC. As a result, it was decided to prohibit the seasonal movement of the clock hands.

Today, the Nenets Autonomous District, the Republic of Komi, Chukotka live according to astronomical time. The remaining 22 regions of Russia are two hours ahead of the zone, and 54 hours are ahead of the clock.

At the moment, time is not being transferred in Russia.

translate of time

What if you don’t translate the arrows?

Nothing critical will happen if you don’t translate the arrows at all according to the season. A person has thousands of diverse reasons for getting up early. When the arrows are moved an hour ago, for the body this action is not a big violation, but when on the contrary, the body is prone to stress and disease.

According to doctors, circadian rhythms are laid in the human body. Therefore, the body is subject to certain fluctuations: hormone emissions, changes in heart rate, blood pressure, mental, physical activity. These circadian rhythms depend on the change of time of day. During the day, a person is active, but wants to sleep at night. There are, of course, people who have these circadian rhythms broken, but the bulk of the population lives precisely according to the cycles.

Statistics show that with the switch of hands to summer time, the number of visits to doctors with hypertensive crises, heart attacks and other diseases increases.

Of course, the spring period is characterized by an increase in health problems, especially cardiac, regardless of the translated clock hands. Let's look at tips that will help your body adapt to seasonal changes in time:

  • go to bed on time;
  • coffee and alcohol should be reduced;
  • at the weekend, adhere to the usual routine of the day;
  • so that there are no problems with sleep, do not overeat heavy foods at night, but rather just drink a cup of mint tea.

It is always necessary to take care of your health, regardless of the transfer of time and the change of seasons.

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