RSU named after Yesenina: faculties, specialties. Forms of training

In high school, students and their parents face a difficult choice of higher education institution. There are a lot of them in Russia, but there are much fewer good ones who can give a high-quality classical education. One of these universities is the RSU them. Yesenin. What are the rules for admission to this university? What specialties does one of the oldest higher education institutions in Russia offer? This article will help to answer these questions.

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RSU named after Yesenina was founded a year after the outbreak of World War I. That is, this educational institution has been operating for about a hundred years. In 1915, a teacher institute was founded in Ryazan province, later named after its most famous native.

After only two years, despite all sorts of political and social unrest, the institution was somewhat reformed, and its students (and at that time only girls studied at the institute) were given the opportunity to take a three-year course of study in one of the three faculties:

  • verbal-historical;
  • physical and mathematical;
  • natural geographic.

Over a hundred-year existence, the educational institution has been transformed more than once. RSU named after Yesenina - the name that is familiar to every resident of the Ryazan region today - was assigned to the university in 2005. Today, more than ten thousand students study at the university, including both Russians and citizens of near and far abroad. The teaching staff numbers more than eight hundred people.

rgu im esenina faculties


Today at the RSU them. Esenin has eight faculties and three institutes. Throughout its existence, the structure of the university has constantly evolved. So, three years after its foundation, only four faculties functioned here: natural science, geographical, physical and mathematical, and historical and philological. Today, in almost any specialty that is in demand in modern society, you can get an education at the walls of the Russian State University. Yesenin.

Faculties and institutes

  • Naturally-geographical.
  • Faculty of History and International Relations.
  • Faculty of Sociology and Management.
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
  • Economic.
  • Legal.
  • Faculty of Physical Education.
  • Faculty of Russian Philology and National Culture.
  • Institute of Continuing Education.
  • University of the Foreign languages.
  • Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

There are only three forms of training at RSU, as in other universities of a similar level: full-time, part-time and part-time.

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Today, the university buildings surprisingly combine a hundred-year-old classical architecture and comfortable classrooms equipped in accordance with modern educational standards. All in the RSU them. Yesenin seven buildings. On the territory of the main are an Orthodox church, a wellness center, a biostation and a student canteen, at which prices are quite affordable.

On the basis of this educational institution there is also a museum dedicated to the work of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, and a student theater. A large number of nonresident students study at the university, and therefore social and living conditions here are also well thought out.

The campus consists of three buildings. Dormitory of the RSU named after Yesenina includes everything you need not only for study, but also for relaxation. In addition to the theater, in which the students of this university themselves are actors, there is a free gym in the territory.

Educational programs

Education in the university is implemented under the programs of undergraduate, graduate, and graduate programs. In the modern labor market today, there are many offers of vacancies that can be occupied even by one who has completed only two years of study at the university. A bachelor's degree can be obtained in 28 specialties at Esenin RSU.

Master's program is an educational program, which implies a deeper development of the specialty, as well as preparation for professional research activities. The term of study is two years. During this time, the undergraduate is engaged in scientific research in the chosen direction.

However, at the RSU, master's programs in some specialties last up to two and a half years. Such specialties include:

  • "monitoring of biodiversity" (natural-geographical faculty);
  • "Security in technical and social systems" (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics);
  • "personality psychology" (Institute of Psychology);
  • "firm economics" (faculty of economics);
  • "preschool education" (Institute of Pedagogy);

For more than two years, undergraduates are also studying in all specialties at the Faculty of Sociology.

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Applicants living in other cities have the opportunity to submit documents to the admissions office by mail or through an authorized person. For persons with disabilities, a remote entrance examination system is provided.

The deadlines for receiving documents, of course, depend on the chosen form of training at the RSU named after Yesenin. The correspondence course allows applicants to attend the selection committee no later than July 1. Those who intend to study full-time or part-time, should submit documents before July 26.

The university has preparatory courses. Future applicants have the opportunity to prepare for the exam, which they are helped by highly qualified teachers. The RSU also has a linguistic center, where high school students are taught English, German, French and Japanese.

You should know that not only schoolchildren, but also adults can attend language courses at RSU. A special program has been developed for them here. For adults, English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese courses are available.

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The RSU also has a pre-university training department, where after filling out the questionnaire, passing the test and interviewing, university employees determine the inclinations, desires and abilities of the future applicant. A clear planning of your career from the moment you choose a profession is the key to success in your professional career.

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