The eco-style interior is becoming very popular in the world. Our compatriots appreciated it. Many people today choose natural materials for decoration and decoration of their apartments.
Eco-friendly interior design: basic rules
This style involves a lot of free space. It is necessary to get rid of all unnecessary things. The room should have good natural light. In addition, fluorescent lamps are used. The eco-friendly interior is done in warm colors. Sandy, woody pastel shades are preferred. An eco style cannot be created without using a large number of plants. An aquarium with fish does not hurt.
Eco-style apartment interior: general recommendations
Environmental problems, the bustle and noise of the modern city are pushing many people to create a green and clean world in their home, where you can feel peaceful and protected. An eco-style interior is not just a special approach to the design of a room. When creating it, the main task is set - the use of natural finishing materials in natural shades.
Interior photos in eco style are increasingly appearing on the pages of design publications. You can see on them that this style combines natural purity and the most advanced technologies.
To create an eco-style in the interior of an apartment, it is not at all necessary to start a major overhaul, you can first stop at one of the rooms.
The interior in the eco-style in the apartment is created using many elements, however, finishing materials play a decisive role. The main principle in creating this style is simplicity and naturalness in everything.
The preference in the design of walls in the style of eco is given to wood panels, cork, paper wallpaper with a subtle pattern (preferably without a picture). Canvases made from plant materials can be used. In the bathroom, you can use ceramic tiles, natural stone trim.
For its design, wood panels are also suitable. The combination of a light ceiling with wooden beams is very interesting.
You can make a floor of stone or natural shade tiles. The eco-friendly interior welcomes the use of wood flooring. In this case, both European wood species and exotic ones - cork or bamboo can be used. An interesting option is the combination of light and dark wood.
It is for interior in eco style made of natural wood. Undoubtedly, it is better that it be an array, but you can use high-quality timber. You can buy tables and stools from cuts and trunks of solid wood, and countertops - from marble or natural stone. The thread is not welcome, but if you really like this design, then it should be quite a bit. To lighten the array a bit, use rattan.
Creating an eco-style interior, you need to carefully choose colors and shades. It is a muffled brown, grayish-yellow, beige, green of all shades. To make bright accents appear in the room, you can use stones - purple amethyst, spotted labrador, yellow jasper, pink or red coral.
Eco-style metal is either not used at all or is used very limitedly. Most often these are objects that do not have a golden or silver sheen, matte and dark shades of cast iron, dark steel and bronze. Designers from Scandinavia brought lightness to the eco style, due to light colors and pure white. It will be appropriate in the interior of the living room - this is a whitewash of the ceiling, in the bedroom you can paint the walls in the color of eggshell or ivory. In the bathroom, ceramics look good in combination with frosted glass. White furniture is almost never used.
They will bring you closer to nature, therefore, to the eco style, not just a few modest flowers in pots, but a winter garden or at least a mini version of it. In this case, a certain zone is drawn in colors. A colorful aquarium, a cage with birds, will come in handy.
We make out the nursery
Many parents know how important it is for the health of the child that his room is decorated with natural finishing materials. They will prevent the development of many diseases - chronic inflammation in the nasopharynx, allergies, etc.
The interior of the nursery in an eco-style, begin to think through the material for the walls. It can be paper wallpaper or fiberglass or non-woven fabrics. Paper wallpapers are considered the safest, but they are impractical: they cannot be washed, and for a child it is very important. True, they are quite inexpensive, so they can often be changed.
In the nursery, you can decorate part of the wall with cork panels. This will allow your child to easily hang pictures.
Natural parquet and linoleum, as well as cork, are most suitable for the floor. These finishing materials provide excellent heat and noise insulation, they do not emit toxic substances and have high wear resistance.
We must not forget about the lighting of the nursery in the style of eco. It is advisable to use different types of ceiling and wall lights. It is better to choose decorative elements, shades and lamps made of the most safe materials for children - wood, paper (for example, in the form of Chinese lanterns).
Eco style kitchen
This room in your home should be given special attention. The interior of the kitchen in an eco-style is a special way of life. It provides clean drinking water, safe utensils, clean air, comfortable and safe furniture.
Enclosed or built-in kitchen furniture in the eco style is used only from hard wood - birch, cherry, oak. Materials for such an interior should be selected carefully - they should not contain toxic substances and chemicals.
Furniture made from materials of natural shades, goes well with glass. An original glass kitchen table will enliven the interior, while wooden blinds or Japanese curtains with floral patterns will add sophistication to the interior.
Kitchen utensils should be made of clay, porcelain or wood. Various salt shakers and pepper shakers are not only a necessity. Such trifles will decorate the kitchen, since the original dishes on shelves or shelves look very impressive. Flowers on the dining table or plants on the windowsill will enliven the atmosphere.
It is important to say about the choice of household appliances for the eco-kitchen, because without it our life is unthinkable. Many people believe that technology can not be environmentally friendly, but they are mistaken. For the manufacture of such a technique, pure metal alloys are used that do not emit chemicals when heated or cooled. Many modern household appliances have a beneficial effect on the human body. For example, a double boiler enriches food with vitamins, filters cleanse water from heavy metals well, and hoods allow you to breathe freely and not smell burning.