Semi-permanent mascara: reviews of the new technology

semi-permanent mascara moscow

The modern rhythm of life leaves less time for women to apply daily makeup and hair styling. Therefore, today all salon services are so in demand, which can save time to create a beautiful well-groomed image. In Europe, you will not be surprised at the opportunity to color eyelashes every three weeks. Not so long ago, a revolutionary novelty came to us - semi-permanent mascara was presented to the attention of lovely ladies . Moscow was awarded the primacy in acquaintance with the new formula of the product and the technology of its application. For the masters of the salons, a master class was held on the use of the first semi-permanent carcass in Russia.

Semi-permanent mascara: reviews and tips

Each new item attracts close attention. Immediately a huge number of questions and concerns arise. What is the new technology? What are its advantages? Are there any contraindications? Fortunately, today many fashionistas have already managed to appreciate all the pros and cons of the service offered, so we can rely not only on the manufacturer’s advertising, but also on the experience of specific women.

semi permanent mascara reviews

So what is semi-permanent mascara? Reviews of this new product confirm that this is a great alternative to eyelash extensions, which even has its advantages over the latest technology. Specialists in the field of cosmetology have developed a special mascara formula that not only creates a magnificent effect of makeup eyelashes, but is also absolutely comfortable and hypoallergenic. The additional volume and elongation, the seductive bend of each cilia makes the look very spectacular. New technology allows you to forget about applying the usual mascara in the morning for three weeks. Undoubtedly, for many girls this is a huge plus. Bathing, sleeping in any comfortable position, wearing lenses, and not worrying about makeup needs to be corrected - all this has been possible since when semi-permanent mascara appeared in our salons. The reviews of the masters and their customers indicate that some liked this technology more than eyelash extensions. Firstly, coating with semi-permanent mascara is relatively cheaper than building up, and secondly, there is no sensation of something foreign for centuries, which you also need to get used to.

semi-permanent ink coating
Coating with semi-permanent mascara is considered a salon procedure. The technology is simple, but requires certain skills and dexterity. The substance dries quickly, so the master must act promptly. Do not try to apply mascara yourself, as you can simply get the effect of glued eyelashes! As practice shows, dissatisfied reviews exist only because an unprofessional took up the matter. Having chosen a worthy brand and a good specialist, girls acquire beautiful magnificent eyelashes for 20 days. Remove the remains of the carcass is also necessary from the master. To do this, he uses a special hypoallergenic agent.

Semi-permanent mascara can also be used to color dark eyebrows. The reviews of the masters indicate that the effect is very beautiful and natural.

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