How to do express makeup yourself?

Today, most ladies do not leave home without neatly styled hair and makeup. Well-groomed appearance gives confidence in their appearance, uplifting. In addition, it makes a positive impression on others. The right mood must be set at the very beginning of a new day, since it is not known what surprises he can bring. That is why it is important to be able to do express makeup, which in a matter of minutes will help give the face a fresh and rested look.

express makeup

Natural makeup

In life, there are a variety of events that require a lot of time to create a make-up: birthdays, weddings, dates and other important events. In everyday life, more importance is given to naturalness. But this does not mean that you should completely abandon the use of cosmetics. Quite the contrary, you need to even out your complexion and set some accents. In this case, you should choose cosmetics of the most natural shades. The essential arsenal includes concealer, foundation, powder, highlighter, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick or shine. And, of course, a set of brushes.

The basis

What is the most important thing about express makeup? Naturally, complexion. It is the creation of an ideal foundation that should be given the most attention. First you need to apply a moisturizer on your face. It will become the base on which decorative cosmetics will fall in the best way. For the warm season, it is recommended to use a cream with sun protection. It is applied to the face, neck and décolleté. You can use a mixture of foundation and moisturizer. To do this, you need to take each tool in the same proportion. The base on the face is recommended to be applied with a brush. Then you need to powder it a little.

what is important in express makeup

If you want to create express makeup with a tanning effect, you will need to use bronze powder and a highlighter. Highlighter is applied to the cheekbones, chin, nose and upper eyelid. Bronze powder emphasizes the contour of the face along the hairline. Next, from the temple you need to draw a line to the cheekbone, and then to the chin. You should get a picture resembling the number 3. It should be remembered that you can not ignore the neck and décolleté, otherwise the face will stand out strongly.

If the skin is not perfect, you will need to use a concealer. It is applied with dots to problem areas, and then gently shaded with your fingers. This procedure must be done before applying bronze powder.


Express eye makeup involves the use of shades of pastel colors. They can be easily applied forever, they do not require special care and high-quality shading, as minor flaws will be completely invisible. A great choice would be a shade slightly darker than the color of the hair. If the shadows are applied not with smearing movements, but with powdering ones, then they will lie smoother and last much longer. They cover the entire surface of the mobile century.

what is most important in express makeup

You can not ignore the eyelashes. To emphasize them, mascara is brown . Please note: do not apply it in several layers. Two layers for the top row and one for the bottom will be enough.


Daily express makeup involves the use of minimal color on the lips. Therefore, a transparent shine of a gentle shade will be the best choice. It can be replaced with lipstick, only you need to remember that it should not be bright. You should abandon the means, including mother of pearl and sparkles.

Romantic makeup

You can make a little more expressive express makeup, which is suitable for both office and date. It does not take much time.

First you need to create a foundation by aligning your complexion. Then you need to apply a shadow of white color. If the skin condition is good, and facial wrinkles are absent, shadows with a pearly shine will do. Otherwise, matt shades should be preferred. Shadows are applied to the entire surface of the upper eyelid to the eyebrows. Then, pink should cover the area from the outer corner of the eye to the middle of the upper eyelid. Shade the shadows well so that the transition line from pink to white is not visible. After that, along the line of growth of the upper eyelashes, draw a line with a black pencil. Liquid eyeliner will be too bright, so it should be discarded. The line should begin at the inner corner of the eye and gradually expand to the outer. Finally, apply mascara to the eyelashes.

express makeup pics

If you want to use blush, you need to give preference to a shade of pink, which is most suitable for the girl's color type.

Lips are covered with pink gloss. To make them look most natural, shine should be applied to the center of the lips, and then fingers should be spread over the entire area.

Problem skin

What is important in express makeup? Healthy skin, of course. Therefore, with problems with it, a lot of difficulties arise. But the presence of acne and traces of them is not a sentence, with proper skill they can easily be hidden. To begin with, you need to apply an anti-acne product to your face. After ten minutes, you can apply decorative cosmetics. To mask redness, you need to apply a concealer with a greenish tint. Then you need to dust these places a little.

day express makeup

After that, you can proceed to applying the foundation. It should be noted that according to the rules, the tonal foundation is first applied to healthy areas of the skin, and only then to problem areas. In conclusion, you should lightly powder your face. It is important to monitor the amount of powder applied. If there is too much of it, then the face will look very unnatural.

Makeup and hairstyle

One of the best combinations is hair combed into a simple hairstyle and express makeup. A photo of this combination confirms that simplicity and naturalness can look much more attractive than bright makeup and complex styling.

express eye makeup

A horse tail will look great, it is advisable to avoid the use of bright rubber bands and hairpins. It is better to do with a thin elastic band to match the hair and invisibility. And also a natural make-up harmonizes well with loose long hair or a neat haircut. The main thing is that the hair should look neat and not scare away those around with fat roots and hairs sticking out in all directions with lifeless tips.

Express makeup is a quick way to transform your look. In order for it to take a matter of minutes, regular training is necessary. In addition, experiments with the color palette of eyeliner and eye shadow are possible. The more options available, the better. It is equally important to find and work out several options for the evening express make-up. This will save a lot of time and nerves when you need to quickly get together for an important event.

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