How to draw emoticons quickly and easily

Emoticons have become an integral part of virtual communication. With their help, many people in the shortest form can express their emotions and show them to their interlocutor. Therefore, knowing how to draw emoticons can be very helpful.

History of creation

The history of smileys originates in the middle of the twentieth century. At that time, depressing conditions reigned in American enterprises due to the unstable economic situation. To cheer workers and motivate them to improve the quality of work, funny faces were painted and pasted in the offices. They even fastened to folders with documents.

Although it is clearly impossible to establish the authorship of this invention. The idea developed very quickly, and many people had a hand in it.

How to draw emoticons? The methods since then, of course, have changed and improved.

Emoticons in our life

Really, a convenient thing! Some people have reached a whole new level of communication, communicating exclusively with the help of smiles.

We use them when communicating on social networks, send them to SMS. What is a smiley face? This is a large yellow circle with eyes and mouth. There are so many different smiles, depending on the emotions you need to show, you can use smiling, laughing, sad or angry circles.

Draw a smiley on paper in stages

How to draw emoticons? It is very simple, and if you suddenly need to draw it, the instruction below can help you.

So let's get started. We will draw a happy smile. It looks like this.

1. We take a blank sheet and a pencil (for starters simple).

2. Draw a circle of the required size, you can use a compass or simply circle a suitable circle.

how to draw emoticons

3. Draw the eyes of such a shape as in the picture. In the future, you can experiment and draw eyes of various shapes, decorate them with beautiful cilia.

how to draw emoticons on paper

4. Draw a mouth in the form of an arc, and inside the tongue. If you want to convey sadness, the arc is drawn upside down. Indifference is just a straight line.

5. Erase all auxiliary strokes.

draw emoticons by cells

6. The last stage - to decorate the resulting face. This can be done with a yellow pencil, crayons or paints. Eyes and mouth are also painted in the desired colors.

Here's how to draw emoticons on paper very simply and quickly. Emoticons offered in computer programs are of the same type, and created manually on paper reflect the artist's style and show his creative potential. In addition, it will be individual and unique!

Cell drawing

Recently, drawing on cells has become popular. Apparently, this trend went back to school, when at the disposal were several colored pens and a notebook in a cage. Nevertheless, such drawings are quite interesting.

How to draw emoticons on the cells? Yes, just like the rest of the drawings. This is very convenient, especially when there are no special drawing skills and creative thinking is not very developed.

We take a sheet in a box and different gel pens. With pencils or crayons, drawings can turn out to be a little faded, but gel pens will give them brightness and brilliance. But you have to be careful not to smudge just painted cells with your hand.

draw emoticons by cells

Now we just start coloring one cell at a time, first forming a circle, and then eyes and mouth. The outer line of the circle can be distinguished by a different, darker color, for example black or orange. The smiley itself is yellow, facial features are at your discretion.

Such emoticons are sketchy, but still very cute. Here's how to draw emoticons without spending a lot of time and effort on it.

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