Mole tattoo: description with photo, appearance, fashionable trend in tattooing, features of the procedure, skin care and consequences

Every person has moles on his body. Someone has a large number of them, while someone just has a couple of dark spots on different parts of the body. In astrology, there is even a separate section that describes the meaning of a mole in a specific area of ​​the body. But anyone agrees that sometimes moles are very attractive. For example, dark spots above the lip bring mystery to the appearance of a person. Especially they go to women, for this reason many of them decide to have a tattoo of a mole over their lips.


Tattooing is a procedure in which a specialist introduces a special paint into the upper layer of the skin. Mole tattooing is not a new procedure; it was carried out several centuries ago by wealthy women. Back in the 16th century in France, they began to stick artificial moles on their face and body parts, which were also called β€œflies”.

Mole over lip

Of course, such glued moles are far from modern, which are done through tattooing. But already at that time, women understood how beautiful such spots on the body look.

After tattooing, the mole continues to persist on the human body for about 1.5 years. It is believed that it is a mole above the lip that can change the overall appearance of the face, make it more attractive and unusual.

For example, the popular American Peggy Lee owes her fame to a mole near her lip. Many remembered her appearance precisely on this pronounced spot. The singer herself said many times that in her youth she thought many times about the removal of her birthmark, and later realized that this was her main feature, so she began to emphasize it in every way with the help of tattooing.

Features of the procedure

How to make a tattoo of a mole? It must be remembered that not everyone is allowed to carry it out. Before carrying out such a procedure, it is important to first visit a doctor to identify possible contraindications, as well as pass all the required tests. If the patient has a chance to get skin melanoma after such a procedure, then the treating specialist will prohibit it. Such a ban applies only to those girls who already have a birthmark over their lips, whom they want to give a more expressive appearance.

make a mole tattoo

In modern clinics, specialists offer tattooing that will help create a mole even for those who previously had nothing on this site. Most of all, such a procedure is suitable for those girls who use a special pencil daily to draw a mole and change the appearance of their face, making it more memorable.

Do tattooing?

Do mole tattooing? With it, you can mask certain defects on the surface of the skin. For example, a pronounced trail from a pimple or a scar obtained. Sometimes it happens that a woman does not like the appearance of an existing mole near her lips (she is too big or has a convex shape). In this case, you should seek the help of a plastic surgeon. After eliminating the ugly birthmark, it will be possible to replace it with a new birthmark of the desired size and shape already using tattooing.

To have a mole tattooed, the girl needs to visit a medical clinic. It is important that qualified doctors work in such a clinic and have modern equipment. You should not choose for such a procedure a simple beauty parlor or salon. Only a professional can carry out the procedure correctly, safely and without complications. Experts recommend not resorting to the services of tattooists who go home.


The tattoo of eyebrows and moles is somewhat similar to each other. Before starting the procedure, it is important to consult a specialist of the selected clinic, who will ask the client several questions. They can be about the desired appearance of the mole, its shape, color. After receiving all the necessary information, the specialist will be able to make such a mole that will look natural and attractive.

After consultation and preparation for the procedure, the specialist applies a special anesthetic gel to the location of the future mole. It will help to clean the surface of the skin, as well as deprive sensitivity for some time, since the skin in the lips is especially thin. To get the effect of the gel, wait a few minutes.

mole tattoo photo

The tattoo itself is carried out quickly and does not require much time. Such an operation is considered simple and similar to the procedure for applying a tattoo, only in comparison with it is much safer.

The doctor injects a dye into the treated area of ​​the skin using a special disposable needle. The coloring matter is driven into the surface of the skin in a spiral. This continues until the mole acquires the desired size and shape. At the end of the procedure, a little more gel is applied to the finished mole so that the skin irritated by the tattoo can calm down quickly.

After the procedure, the specialist tells the patient how to properly care for the skin area on which there is a mole. For example, it is important to apply anesthetic gel or cream several times a day to a mole. All the required drugs will be prescribed by the doctor who performed the tattoo.

The mole tattoo in the photo will help determine whether such a procedure is needed or not.

tattoo of a mole above the lip


Any girl can tattoo moles. This procedure is quite simple, affordable and painless. On average, the price for a service ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. Already after 7 days after the procedure, the patient undergoes inflammation and redness, and the mole acquires a natural appearance and shade. The effect after tattooing lasts for 12-15 months. The tattoo of a mole above the lip, the photo of which is in the article, looks attractive and natural.

eyebrow tattoo

The main contraindications

The main contraindications of tattoo include:

  • exacerbations and allergic reactions;
  • bearing a child;
  • feeding a newborn with breast milk;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of benign and malignant tumors in the body;
  • inflammation process;
  • disorders of the mental system, nerves;
  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • the use of vitamins and strong antibiotics;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

During the procedure, the specialist uses high-quality modern equipment for tattooing, sterile disposable needles and special high-quality pigment in a suitable color. Applied anesthetics are used for pain relief.

Do moles tattoo

Tattoo preparation

To begin with, it is important that the specialist can choose the right color for the tattoo. One day before the procedure, you need to abandon the use of alcoholic drinks and energy drinks, stop taking tea, coffee, seafood, as they negatively affect the recovery period.

tattoo of a mole above the lip photo

Additionally, the following rules must be observed:

  • a few days before the tattoo is prohibited for a long time in the sun;
  • be sure to strengthen the immune system;
  • Before the procedure, it is forbidden to drink large quantities of water to prevent the appearance of puffiness.

When is a correction needed?

Unlike other procedures, correction of the mole is not necessary. Such a pattern is preserved on the surface of the skin for about ten years. When the tattooed mole fades, it can be updated, add more brightness.

Correction of a mole is necessary only with a poor-quality result of the work, in which the mole has blurred, turned red, changed its color, and pronounced smudges appeared on it.

Most often, this result is obtained after poor-quality specialist work or when selecting the wrong paint. Also, problems with the appearance of a mole can occur with improper care of it.

To prevent such problems, it is important to follow some rules:

  • choose a professional and a good clinic;
  • there must be modern and high-quality equipment;
  • good paints and the right choice of color; anesthesia.

Depending on the location of the mole tattoo, you can achieve a different effect and add sexuality, flirty, playfulness and charm to the image. Permanent makeup of a mole is carried out on the whole body, that is, any part of it.

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