Confusion is what it is ... Definition, concept and methods of control in a situation

Each person, being in an unfamiliar situation, experiences a sense of confusion. This is a completely natural reaction of the psyche, which by all means tries to protect itself from sudden shocks. The desire for comfort and well-being is absolutely normal. While searching for a way to respond, it may seem from the outside that the person is devoid of all kinds of emotions. A person can fall into a stupor, stop answering questions or even become locked in for some time.


In fact, confusion is a defensive reaction to unforeseen events. With its help, it becomes possible to get some free time and mentally prepare for the situation.

The concept

Confusion is not just a feeling of internal discomfort. This sensation is characterized by a loss of self-control, the ability to think clearly and make responsible decisions. Plunging into such a state, people very often cannot properly comprehend what is happening, do not understand what is really happening to them. Confusion is an emotion that in itself takes a lot of energy. It becomes very difficult to act according to one's inner convictions.


From the side to see that a person is confused, it is not difficult. It is enough just to openly look at it, notice some specific changes in behavior. In most cases, people pay attention to the state of their interlocutor. Anxiety and insecurity are immediately detected. Consider the main signs of confusion.


It is this emotion that often guides us in unforeseen cases. Fear interferes with sound thinking, analysis and decision making. As a rule, a person is lost, being in unfamiliar conditions.

sadness and fear of confusion

This emotion can linger in a person from several minutes to hours. The frozen expression of fear on the face suggests that the individual is in strong feelings.


The situation of confusion often arises suddenly. For this reason, confusion and surprise appear in the soul of a person. He really gets lost, does not know what to do, what actions to take. All known response methods seem inconsequential and inaccessible.


A person may feel that he is not able to take a single important step. This happens when he finds himself in new, unfamiliar conditions. Being at a loss, we are not able to make adequate decisions. The soul is constantly overcome by endless doubts. In these painful moments, I want to hide away and not show my feelings to anyone.

despair and doubt

The entire depth of experience is transformed into a fading reaction. Subconsciously, a person seems to be trying to stop time in order to find the solution that is most advantageous for himself.

How to learn to control the situation

Confusion always implies a certain psychological discomfort. It really is. It is impossible to remain self-confident and at the same time to experience all the negative manifestations. It is important to have an understanding of how to respond in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. A person must know how to act, being in adverse conditions. Only then will he have real chances to cope with his internal doubts and limitations.

Recognition of feelings

Psychologists recommend starting personal work in order not just to give up their emotions. Feelings are of great importance for any person, even if he diligently prefers not to notice them. When we recognize the existence of our own negative emotions, there is a chance to really get rid of them. Until a person recognizes his weaknesses, it will be very difficult for him to cope with the influx of feelings.


Even if this seems catastrophic, it’s better to admit that you really feel fear, doubt, insecurity about some situation. The more people lock themselves in, the more obstacles they build on the path to real goals and achievements.


It should be timely and set to positive. To get praise, sometimes you need to remind yourself and your victories. If it is impossible to hear the reaction of others, you can note the achievements yourself. Such actions will help you feel your worth. Praise helps to overcome confusion, because it increases self-confidence. Most people want to get the recognition of others. Hearing the right words, the individual is able to perk up and begin to act in the right direction. After all, only freed from fear and doubt, you can make the right decision.

Constant training

Confusion is a condition that does not occur on its own, for no apparent reason. Serious reasons are needed for the individual to concentrate so much on his inner world and to stop noticing what is happening directly around him. In order to get into awkward situations as little as possible, you need to constantly train yourself.

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One must deliberately go through a sense of anxiety, resentment, any individual experiences. This is called personal work, because a person consciously overcomes significant obstacles in order to free himself from his own fears and doubts.

Positive thinking

This method requires taking responsibility for your fate. Positive thinking can be developed over the years. This is the effective work on yourself. Any internal discomfort harms the development of personality. Personal growth is possible only when a person determines such a goal for himself. Learning to think constructively, you can set any goals and believe in their unimpeded implementation.

communication of people

Positive thinking opens many doors for people, allows you to achieve satisfactory results in different directions of life. However, this necessarily requires some effort, strive for specific achievements. A person should take responsibility for everything that happens to him.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, confusion is not just a human reaction in response to a specific stimulus. The appearance of this feeling means that the person is internally faced with a choice, and he is given it with great difficulty. Confusion is often mistaken by others for helplessness, lack of aspirations, and even cowardice. In fact, these are completely different concepts. A bewildered person simply temporarily ceases to feel control over himself, but does not lose his individual qualities of character.

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