In this article, we will find out how chrysocolla stone saves people from alcoholism. It is known that relatives try to protect a drunkard in various ways from excessive drinking. They turn to specialized clinics, use the plots of sorcerers - they try all means, and things are still there. Lithotherapy is a science that studies the healing properties of minerals. Her followers can tell you how to get rid of alcohol cravings. Chrysocolla is a stone of wisdom: it has amazing healing and magical qualities. With it, a person can be cured of alcohol dependence and not touch vodka for the rest of his life.
What is a chrysocolla stone? The properties and significance of this mineral have been known since time immemorial. Initially, his artisans used to solder gold products. In Rome, the healing properties of the stone were discovered, and amulets and talismans were made from it.
In ancient times, this crystal was called Eilat - in accordance with the name of the city where the main places of its extraction were located. In most cases, the chrysocolla stone from alcoholism is used during remissions to eliminate craving for alcohol and restore the patient's vitality. When a long bout is interrupted, the mental health of a person deteriorates sharply:
- the nervous system is depleted;
- persistent insomnia appears;
- apathy to current events, depressed and depressed mood (signs of developing depression) are noted.
Lithotherapists claim that chrysocolla stone cures people of alcoholism. It is he who is able to eliminate all the consequences of long binges. The mineral removes obsessive thoughts about alcohol, restores peace of mind.
Mineral properties
People suffering from hard drinking are advised to wear chrysocolla products around the clock. It can be rings, pendants, bracelets or earrings. Lithotherapists advise in the home to purchase various figurines made of this mineral: they must be put at the bed of an alcoholic.
How else is chrysocolla stone used? Various shamans and sorcerers, who use this mineral in conspiracies, are trying to cure people of alcoholism. The properties of chrysocolla can help the owner as follows:
- The ability to adequately perceive reality returns to a person.
- He gets rid of the desire for isolation from the outside world with the help of alcohol and adapts to the realities of life.
- The appearance of the illusory nature of happiness in the process of drinking alcohol is eliminated.
The chrysocolla amulet is indispensable in case of attacks of delirium tremens. Such an amulet dispels hallucinations and protects the drunkard from rash actions.
Most people know how chrysocolla stone affects alcoholics. Where to buy this miracle? Products from this mineral are made in the form of female and male jewelry, home interior elements, and souvenirs. You can purchase such goods in stores selling jewelry.
Before buying a product you need to make sure the authenticity of the stone. After all, you can buy a fake that does not have medicinal properties. To buy a natural mineral, it is not at all necessary to resort to laboratory chemical research. This stone is able to actively absorb water: any wet object sticks to its surface. Just touch the product with the tip of your tongue or with a wet finger.
So, we found out what a chrysocolla stone is, where you can buy it and how to use it. The amazing properties of this mineral have been repeatedly confirmed in practice. He returns to a healthy lifestyle of people who are determined to part with their addiction to alcohol. Figurines or jewelry made from Eilat stone bring calm and happiness to the house.
Chrysocolla mineral is a complex silicate of copper, characterized by unique brown, blue, greenish-blue and sky-blue hues. This frosted stone has a greasy or waxy shine, a conchoid and uneven fracture. Of course, this description is not enough to understand what the chrysocolla mineral looks like. Photos of him are in any thematic booklet, as well as in our article: when you see the image once, you will remember it for life. By the way, this mineral is fragile, decomposes in acids, it is negatively affected by household chemicals.
The name "chrysocolla" comes from the Greek "chrysos" - gold and "calla" - glue. In antiquity, only streaks of mineral were found in sandstones. Today, pure gem chrysocolla is mined in countless deposits. It is known that jewelry from this crystal was worn by Cleopatra and Emperor Nero.
The main chrysocolla deposits are located in the Andes. Mineral deposits are also rich in Germany, USA, Bavaria, Peru, Zaire and Chile. A large amount of sky-blue stone was found in Russian Turyinsky mines.
The color of chrysocolla depends on the components included in its structure. The turquoise color gives the stone a high copper content, and brown crystals show inclusions of manganese. Those minerals that contain iron, aluminum and copper have a green hue. In fact, a gem called chrysocolla is very beautiful. Photos taken by admirers of this mineral confirm this information.
Depending on the field, several types of chrysocolla are distinguished: Mexican, Arizona and Peruvian. By chemical composition, structure and origin, the mineral is divided into the following types:
- Asperolite is a green-blue stone, the structure of which is formed by kidney-shaped brittle masses. Mineral has a high percentage of water inclusion.
- Bisbiite is a blue mineral. The liquid in it is contained in a small amount.
- Demidovit is a blue, blue or greenish mineral, a thin layer of which originates on malachite. This stone is the most expensive of all types of chrysocolla. It is used in crafts, as it looks like turquoise.
Magical properties
The mysterious and mysterious chrysocolla mineral occupies a special place in magic circles. It has long been considered the stone of sorcerers, philosophers, naturalists and magicians. Only to the chosen ones does he reveal the secrets of the universe. Protection from evil spirits, getting rid of obsessive thoughts and illusions - all this can be obtained by acquiring amulets, which include a chrysocolla stone. Reviews on this crystal make a strong impression on people. They believe in his miraculous power.
And this mineral is also called the stone of wisdom. Amulets from it are worn by scientists, scientists and discoverers. Crystal helps sensible people to streamline thoughts, frivolous individuals and dreamers learn to live in the true world. It helps children suffering from fear of the dark, nightmares and far-fetched fears. And in girls, she develops the feminine and maternal instincts, making them sophisticated and tender.
How much does a chrysocolla cost? The price of products from this mineral depends on the complexity of the work, size, as well as the range and number of additional elements. For example, a ring with a sky-blue stone with a diameter of 1.4 cm in a silver frame can be bought for 3.5 thousand rubles, and a carved iguana 14X13 cm in size - for 28 thousand rubles.
A chrysocolla bracelet today costs from 570 rubles and above. Unprocessed stones have a low price - tumbling up to 4 cm in diameter costs 600-800 rubles.
It is known that lithotherapists study the effect of stones on the human body. This alternative medicine in the modern world has gained tremendous popularity. In general, lithotherapy means any use of natural substances (metals, stones, clays, silts, mineral waters and other elements) with the aim of influencing the consciousness and human body. This science implies mainly not chemical, but energetic (informative, psychotherapeutic) effect of stones.
The magical properties of minerals have been used since ancient times. So, opal is a symbol of creativity, rose quartz - the basis of family well-being and so on. Mongolian and Tibetan lamas medicines were prepared from a hundred different minerals. During the session, they used massagers, stone pyramids and beads. With the help of quartz crystals, llamas received an elixir of health and youth, carried out energy charging of water. With the help of biostimulant stones, Chinese physicians act on biologically active points of the body, increasing vitality, leveling the damaged energy of the body, healing and relieving pain. Yogis with the help of stones strengthen health and aura, protect a person from the harmful effects of other people's radiation and negative fields: damage, evil eye and other misfortunes.
Indian healers, in accordance with the Ayurveda system, healing the body, use stones to charge the chakras - energy centers in the human body. In Feng Shui art, crystals are used to activate positive energy and dissipate negative energy. We hope that after reading our article, you can take advantage of the secrets of lithotherapy.