Prayer against corruption and the evil eye: description, features of reading, advice of clergymen

For many centuries, people have used prayers against corruption and curses. It was believed that they were able to protect against witchcraft, malicious intent, which affected both the prayer and his loved ones. In cases when someone had trouble at home, people once turned to spirits, and then to saints. They believed that recourse to otherworldly forces would be the most powerful prayer against corruption.

In Orthodoxy

In Orthodox traditions, it is believed that no believer will be injured if his thoughts are pure and blameless. If love reigns in his heart, evil forces simply will not reach him. Before embarking on prayers against witchcraft and corruption, it is important to clear your mind. If there are negative thoughts, malice in the head, you just need to watch them. And then they themselves will gradually dissolve. And even if someone has committed an evil act, one does not need to seek revenge. It is better to simply read the Orthodox prayer against corruption and the evil eye, thinking about your happiness and prosperity. Revenge will only destroy the inner world of man, doing more harm to himself.

To the angel

It is recommended that you contact the Guardian Angel. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that he protects a person throughout his life. It helps save the soul of a believer. This is the closest defender who saves a person from hatred and failure. For this reason, in the most difficult moments of life, the believer turns to him. It is recommended to apply in an individual form, but there are also general prayers against corruption, evil eye and witchcraft. Saying them, you do not need to carry out any rituals - one text will be enough. It is recommended to memorize it and read it in the most difficult minutes.

Recommendations of the clergy

The most dangerous damage is a conspiracy to death, as well as a family curse. The latter is removed only with the assistance of a specialist. Prayers provide prevention, establish protective barriers, help cope with many negative programs. But the father’s cope best with the tribal curse. And it’s better to turn to him.

Do this if you notice suspicion of spoilage. They appear when a lot of problems arise in a person’s life that come literally from nowhere. In this case, Orthodox believers often believe that the whole thing lies in the influence of the evil sorcerer, the evil eye, and corruption. Damage can occur due to loneliness, deterioration of financial position or health, as well as others. All of them destroy man. The manifestations of damage include despondency, depression. Sometimes a person for no reason begins to literally dry before his eyes, although, it would seem, until recently everything was fine in his life, and there were simply no prerequisites for such an outcome. And prayers against corruption and evil eye help to cope with them. But it is important to believe in them, otherwise they won’t work!

Appeal to St. Tikhon

One of the most powerful prayers against corruption and the evil eye is considered to be Tikhon. It is pronounced both in the daytime and in the evening. This is done both in the church and at home. All that is needed is to remain alone, follow your anger, and then place an icon with Tikhon in front of you, light a candle. Communicating with the saint, we must not forget that the conversion is not done in order to punish the enemy, but to provide himself with protection.

To Tikhon

Having tuned in the right way, you need to pronounce the text three times. The candle should burn out to the end. The prayer against corruption and the evil eye per day can be repeated an unlimited number of times. In cases where a person is in danger, he needs to read the text and believe that the saint will provide him with protection.

Appeal to jesus

There are many prayers against the evil eye and corruption to the Lord. They are dedicated directly to Jesus Christ. It is believed that he will never refuse to the one who asks. And if there is suspicion of someone else's evil eye, you need to ask Jesus to remove the negative program. No need to give in to despondency, it is important to light a candle from the church. Watch her fire for several minutes inseparably - experiences will be washed away with fire. After this, the person begins to read the text addressed to Jesus.

Prayer to jesus

One of the most powerful prayers against corruption and the evil eye, turned to Christ, is very popular. It eliminates the negative impact, gives protection from opponents, other people's envy and hatred. Apply it to provide a person with protection from dark forces. It also helps those who have already suffered from their impact. Before reading, you need to prepare 7 medium candles. Sitting in front of them, a person lights one and reads a text 7 times.

After reading the words you do not need to put out the candle. Let it burn out to the end, the remnants of the wax must be removed from the table. The next morning you will need to light the next one and repeat the ritual. The procedure is carried out all seven days until the placed candles run out.

After that, no sorcerer will be able to get to the prayer, and any damage will be removed.

Petition for kind

Prayer against corruption sent to the whole clan is considered very strong. After all, sorcerers are able to curse not only one person, but also his relatives, descendants. This is one of the most powerful forms of exposure. Its consequences are very destructive. But a strong prayer against corruption is able to cope with the curse, neutralizing the negative effect. It will take a simple ritual.

You need to get up at dawn and turn to the window, imagining all living native people next to you. It is important to think that they are freed from negative influence, to light a candle. At this point, the reading of the prayer begins.

Prayer to the Family

This will serve as a wonderful talisman for several people at once. Perform the procedure daily for 9 days. In the morning you need to get up before everyone else and pray. In this case, positive changes will be noticeable in the near future. Relatives will be filled with happiness, health, harmony will reign in their souls.

Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer against corruption and the evil eye, addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, is known. He is also considered a strong defender who never refuses asking, provides a charm from dark forces to everyone. And if one of the people dear to the heart has an evil eye, it is necessary every night before going to bed to read a conspiracy addressed to this saint.

Prayer to Nicholas

Such a ritual will be completely safe for the conflicting parties - it does not imply a negative impact on the sorcerer. So that the prayer against corruption and the evil eye to Nicholas the Wonderworker was even stronger, it is necessary in the morning to set the icon of this saint in front of himself and light a candle in front of her. If you read the conspiracy before going to bed, there is a chance in night dreams to get an answer on how to cope with the consequences of spoilage. Everything that dreams at night after the conspiracy must be recorded and performed later. It is important to put a sheet and a pen next to the bed, so that when you wake up, immediately record what you saw. Otherwise, important information will simply evaporate. Orthodox conspiracies are able to rid themselves of the strongest influence. Moreover, they are harmless.

Rite of Diagnosis

In order to timely get rid of the evil eye, it is necessary to diagnose it in time. For this, separate rituals are carried out, which will confirm a person’s fears or refute them. When proceeding with the diagnosis, it must be remembered that it, like the prayer against corruption and the evil eye, is not performed to punish the sorcerer, but to provide protection.

To make a diagnosis, you will need to get up in the early morning, before sunrise. Go out into the yard, holding a burning candle in your hand. Next, take a handful of earth in your hand and in your own words ask the saints to give a sign. After reading the text, you will need to throw a handful of land forward, and then cross the candle three times. If the candle goes out during the process, this is a bad sign, while a burning candle will be a symbol of purity.

Protective barrier

If a person foresees in the near future the intrigues of opponents against himself, it makes sense to provide himself with a protective barrier against damage and malicious intent. After all, it is believed that someone else's evil eye can provoke many troubles. If the protective barrier is destroyed, it must be reinstalled. Perform the procedure for 8 days, starting on Sunday.

The ritual looks like this. On an early Sunday morning, a person goes to church, buys 8 candles, and puts one of them in the temple. Then he takes holy water and goes home. Here he washes this water, drinks it. After that you will need to take all the icons available in the house and place them on the table. The prayer “Our Father” is read 12 times. Before each reading you need to be baptized. At the end of the ritual, the candle is left to burn out. Continue the procedure every day until all the candles run out. On the last, eighth day, a person goes to church again, lights a candle for his health, buys another one. He brings it to the house, leaves to burn out.

At the end of the rite, a diagnosis is necessary. Such a protective barrier is considered very powerful - it even eliminates damage to death. In cases where everything was done correctly, days were not missed, the barrier will certainly have its effect.

If the action is needed as quickly as possible, it is better to combine this method with a ritual of removing other types of damage.

Family plot against corruption

As a rule, sorcerers do not spoil the individual, but affect all members of his family. In cases where a negative program is just that. This method is recommended. To conduct it, you will need to first stock up with spring water from three churches. Only in this case will the miraculous forces be what they should be.

Prayer from the evil eye

Water is poured into a common container and a conspiracy is pronounced over it. Repeat the text at least 5 times. Then the liquid is left to stand on the windowsill for a day. The next morning you will need to take a new container with the same water and perform the ritual again.

Repeat the procedure for 3 days. If there is a break, the ceremony begins anew. If spoilage is removed, the person will begin to feel worse. For example, he may suffer from dizziness or nausea, begin to yawn. In cases where it has become very bad, you need to wash your face with water.

If after the ceremony it does not get better, it is recommended to find another way to remove the damage. The fact may be that the evil eye was illiterate diagnosed, there is no spoilage and negative phenomena of a completely different nature. The best solution then is to consult a specialist.

Prayer for corruption

Damage to the disease is treated with individual prayers. Negative programs aimed at health can have a serious enough effect on the human condition.

From illness

If there is confidence that just such an evil eye has occurred, it is best to produce a simple conspiracy. It will provide protection from the curse on disease. It will be necessary to collect holy water in a small bowl and read the text above it.

Orthodox conspiracy to remove the evil eye

If an evil eye is revealed, such a simple conspiracy is recommended. But it is read only in relation to himself. It is important to perform several similar procedures. Prayer of this kind is considered universal. It serves as a charm or prevention, and also removes existing negative programs. If there is a sense of threat, you need to read just such a conspiracy.

The evil eye conspiracy

In islam

If you wish, you can read prayers against the evil eye and corruption in Muslim, that is, in Arabic. In many ways, the basic tenets of Islam and Christianity are similar. The Quran also prohibits revenge, harming envious persons. Saying prayers from spoilage, you must not be angry, not blame or punish opponents, but strive for your protection. The fate of the offenders will be determined by higher forces. Instead, a Muslim needs to analyze his life.

To ensure their protection, Muslim prayers must be read five times. It should be borne in mind that in Islam it is not considered that it is enough to read the sacred text a couple of times to get rid of corruption and get the help of Allah. You must read the surahs at night, turn to Allah at sunset. It is then that Allah finds time to help those who ask, in the daytime he is more often busy.

In the first place in the process of removing corruption is the sincere belief that Allah will provide protection. During the reading of the suras, it is recommended to enter a meditative state, a state of maximum awareness. If this is done, the effect will be amazing. Suras must be read in the original language. Only a Muslim can use them. It is believed that the very first sura, Al-Faitih, helps from evil and evil eye. After reading Ya-sine. It must be taken into account that reading will take at least 15 minutes. In Islam, one cannot deviate from the original, and therefore suras must be taken directly from the Qur'an, and not subtracted from the Internet. There may be distortions in the latter. If the damage extends to Muslim relatives, it is necessary to read Al-Bakqara daily before going to bed. It is believed that these measures help to erect a strong protective barrier through which no sorcerer can get through.

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