I am what I eat, or How to disgust food

The topic of weight loss today excites most women, and men do not lag behind in their desire to be beautiful and athletic. Diets, drugs for weight loss, classes in the gym by various methods - all this has firmly entered our lives and is actively promoted in the media. Unfortunately, the problem does not disappear from society. A huge number of people are still overweight. The reason is malnutrition. Having reached such a conclusion in practice, a person begins to think how to refuse harmful, but such attractive products. In other words, how to cause an aversion to food. Is this possible and what consequences does this threaten our body? All of this will be sorted out today with you.

Is it necessary?

What is food for our body? If you put aside the fact that cakes and sausages are very tasty, then an extremely rational solution remains. Food is a source of energy on which all the organs and systems of our body work. Therefore, the question of how to cause an aversion to food is the first step to suicide. And here a second, no less interesting question arises: "What kind of food are we talking about?"

how to cause an aversion to food

Cereals, vegetables and fruits, boiled fish - all these are very useful sources of protein, complex carbohydrates and vitamins. Whipped cream, margarine and chocolate icing are all transgenic fats that do not carry any payload, but are perfectly deposited on the waist and hips.

What conclusion can be drawn

That is, it turns out that we need to refuse only part of the food we eat, then we will not only become healthier, but also lose weight fast enough. However, the logical question arises: "How to cause an aversion to food in such a selective way?" Love healthy food and at the same time stop loving crisps, fried chops and chocolate - this is actually real. As soon as you get used to eating differently, the body itself will understand that it is much better for it.

Run to the doctor!

Since disgust with food can be caused quite easily, let's recall that it is also deadly. Convincing himself that food is the source of all troubles, and starting to hate it with all his heart, a person gets a complex disorder called anorexia. The body simply ceases to absorb food, and any attempt to swallow at least a piece leads to vomiting. Annually, anorexia kills the lives of young girls who passionately want to become models.

disgusting food

This means that you do not need to develop a fatal disorder in yourself for a long and painful time. You just need to visit a competent nutritionist who will understand the reasons for your excess weight (if any), help to adjust the nutrition system and physical activity.

Running to the therapist!

Most often, excess weight appears due to the fact that a person tries to make up for the deficit of positive emotions with delicious food. In this case, the choice is not porridge or vegetable stew, but cakes and hamburgers, cola and chocolate. If it was disgusting food, then the problem would be immediately resolved at once. But the fact is that no matter how a person fights, he still in the store passes by the counter with kefir and goes to the confectionery department.

In this regard, psychotherapy sessions very well help, which make it possible to establish the true causes of displeasure, as well as to correct their condition. A person learns not to hate himself, eating harmful food, which underlies anorexia and self-destruction, but harmful food. Hypnosis sessions will help to build a pyramid of values โ€‹โ€‹in a new way, as well as include a healthy lifestyle and an optimal diet.

Disgusting Foods

There are not many of them, and most of them are ineffective or are sold by prescription. And it is very correct. Fashionable calorie blockers (carbohydrates and fats) do not affect appetite. Even if they bind a certain amount of energy consumed, then this does not affect eating behavior.

how to disgust food to lose weight

The second large group can be considered drugs that cause vomiting and diarrhea. These are numerous herbal teas, as well as apomorphine and its derivatives. It is impossible to buy it without a prescription. The essence of the effect is understandable: diarrhea is accompanied by pain, nausea and weakness. Vomiting also does not contribute to the appearance of appetite. Therefore, there is no desire. In addition, copper and zinc sulfate, pectol and lycorin, emethine cause vomiting .

For help to nature

Are there any herbs that cause an aversion to food? In fact, we can cite as an example all the same laxatives, after which the stomach hurts and I do not want to eat for several more days. The effect is not the most pleasant and beneficial for the body, but it is. In addition, there are a number of poisonous herbs that will cause weakness, nausea, and vomiting, but it is better not to joke with them, so we will not give their names in our article.

disgusting foods

Only safe herbs remain in your arsenal, which help to cope with appetite. This is flax seed, which, swelling in the stomach, mechanically takes up a lot of space and does not allow you to eat too much. The marshmallow root acts in a similar way. Additionally, you can recommend a decoction of raspberry leaves, strawberries and St. John's wort, nettles and rose hips. They somewhat soothe appetite and contain many vitamins.

Practical Tricks

We are what we eat. Therefore, the question of how to cause an aversion to food in order to lose weight is not entirely correct. It is much better to ask about how to rebuild your diet and make it more useful. There are tons of tricks to help you:

  • Refuse seasonings, sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise. Sugar belongs here. Jelly desserts with milk, cottage cheese and fruits - please, but without the usual sweetness. Doesn't fresh food make you want to eat another bite? Some experts recommend sprinkling food with bitter herbs, such as wormwood.
  • As soon as you feel an appetite (do not confuse with hunger when the body needs nutrients), but you know for sure that you recently ate well, drink a glass of water. It will become easier for a while.
  • If the desire to eat something does not leave you, you can brush your teeth with mint paste.

disgusting herbs

  • Serve beautifully and appetizingly only healthy dishes. A chop is better to grind in a blender and serve on a dish in the form of porridge. Do the same with cakes if you are not able to refuse them.
  • Imagine yourself with a gorgeous figure, and next to it is a dish with vegetable stew and crumbly porridge. Combine these two images into one. And now the second pair. Favorite cakes or cutlets in one hand and something unimaginably repulsive in the other. Connect them together, forcefully imprinting one into the other. Such exercises help to direct thoughts in the right direction.

As you can see, developing an aversion to food is not at all necessary. It is enough to change the approach to the food system and slightly reconsider food addictions.

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