US millionaire cities: population and interesting facts

The United States is a state of megacities. The huge US millionaire cities attract endless possibilities and are always associated with success. Statistics say that more than half of the citizens of this country live in giant conglomerates. Not only the indigenous population of America rushes into them , but also migrants arriving from Asia, Europe and Africa.

About 270 settlements with a population of over 100,000 are registered in the United States. There are nine megacities and four cosmopolitan cities. In addition to them, three super-agglomerations are distinguished. These are Bosvash, Chipits and Sansan. They are a merger of overgrown cities located in the neighborhood. Aerial view of their appearance is almost identical. The millionaire cities of the United States with a myriad of neon lights illuminate the country's endless highways.


Bosvash is a northeastern agglomeration. It included New York, metropolitan Washington, Baltimore, Boston and Philadelphia, as well as several dozen provincial settlements. Its length exceeds 1000 kilometers, and the number of inhabitants is 50 million.

cities millionaires usa

Boswash is the heart of the American state. On its territory are located the institutions of judicial, legislative, executive power of the government of the country, which received the unspoken name of "the federal triangle."

The millionaire cities of the United States are the cultural, scientific, and educational centers of North America. It is here, in the northeast, that the continent's leading educational institution, Harvard University , is located .


Chipits Super-Anglomeration possessions include the lands of Chicago and Pittsburgh, as well as forty settlements concentrated in the border zone. Due to its location around the picturesque lakes, Chipits is sometimes called the “lakeside megalopolis”. Its area is 160 square meters. km

major cities of usa


Sansan is formed by the US millionaire cities of San Francisco and San Diego. Its population exceeds 20 million people. Being the embodiment of reckless fun, ease and idleness, Sansan is opposed to the stiff and deliberately businesslike Bosvash.

The visiting card of the metropolis is the Golden Gate automobile bridge, erected in the first half of the 20th century. The length of all spans of the structure is 1270 meters. And Sansan is the cradle of hippies and the birthplace of sexual minorities, a "kaleidoscope" of nations and nationalities, and the main entertainment center of America.

Big apple

All major US cities resemble close relatives, but not New York! It was founded at the very beginning of the XVII century by Dutch sailors, so for several decades it was called New Amsterdam. On the territory of the current metropolis huddled the families of the first colonists who arrived from the Netherlands. Later, these places were given the status of a monument of national importance.

Modern New York, or, as it is also called, the Big Apple, consists of five districts. It is formed by Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx. The most noisy and respectable borough is Manhattan, which has become home to the representations of political organizations, hundreds of theaters, museums and art galleries. The population of New York for 2016 is more than 20 million people.

City of Angels

The city of angels is called Los Angeles, which is always associated with cinema in the United States. The first thing the travelers meet is Sunset Boulevard, whose graphite canvas carries to the nearest suburb of the metropolis - the resort town of Malibu.

Rodeo Drive is another iconic highway. The street on both sides is lined with shops and boutiques, cafes and eateries. Thousands of inhabitants of the metropolis flock here in search of profitable shopping. The hotel is located on it, in which scenes from the film "Pretty Woman" were shot.

New York population for 2016

But getting to the famous inscription on Hollywood Hill is not so easy. The path to it runs through an ordinary residential quarter, which abuts against impregnable stone mounds covered with thorny shrubs. If you consider all the suburbs and recreational areas, the population of the city of Los Angeles will be almost four million people.


Houston is the fourth largest metropolis of the United States. The head offices of the country's leading oil corporations are based on its territory. Its quarters are a pile of concrete and glass structures that share wide avenues and freeways.

All major US cities have their own nicknames. Houston was no exception. It is known as Cosmograd - the place in which the space annals of America are written. It is here, in the south of the country, a few kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico, that the Space Flight Control Center is located.

Los Angeles population

Windy city

Chicago amazes with the abundance of skyscrapers that literally tear cumulus clouds. This is an important transportation hub in North America. The pride of the metropolis is the first high-rise building in the United States, which appeared on one of its central streets. Its windows offer stunning views of Lake Michigan. The number of Chicagoans has long exceeded nine million.

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