How to go to college after grade 9 on a budget basis?

The modern system of Russian education contains several complementary levels - from kindergartens to universities and institutes. Among them, secondary specialized institutions having a special niche occupy their modest place. Enrolling there is much easier than going to university.

How to go to college after grade 9

Benefits of admission to colleges

How to go to college after grade 9? On student places with an education in nine classes for the most popular specialties of secondary vocational schools, there are no more than 2-4 applicants per place. High school graduates (after 11) suffer a much more serious competition on admission, but even there it is somewhat weaker than at university. Therefore, the question β€œhow to enter college after the 9th grade?” Becomes relevant for many representatives of the younger generation and their parents.

Colleges make it possible not to pass and the infamous exam, which still causes heated debate. For this, graduates of junior high schools are trying to find themselves on budget-free places in colleges. By the way, upon completion of the secondary special educational institution, there is a possibility (and by no means hypothetical) of being a university student without an entrance test. In addition, after acquiring a specialty at the university, students will have to study at a shortened course.

go to college after grade 9

Financial component

A certain salvation for secondary schools is for applicants from poor families who are not able to study on a contract not only at a university in a large city, but also at a small institute. Moreover, colleges give a good specialty with a practical inclination, which allows you to work in the chosen direction and at the same time study in absentia at the university. There is only one serious drawback - the specialty of the university should be combined with the one obtained in the secondary educational institution.

In addition, there is another positive point - graduates of an incomplete secondary school do not miss the season when they fail in the entrance exams in a secondary school, but can return back to school. For two years, there is a real chance of raising the level and trying to get a job at a chosen university again.

How to determine where to study?

Which college to enter after grade 9? In modern Russia there are many colleges, and you can get a diploma in almost every profession.

can go to college after grade 9

A high school student needs to correctly determine their own abilities, they will determine how to go to college after grade 9. Often, schools offer psychological and career counseling tests to detect a child’s craving for a particular profession. To decide which colleges you can enroll after grade 9, you need to look into the diary of the student's current performance:

  • if a child is fond of natural sciences, then perhaps he should think about a medical school or a pedagogical one;
  • it is worth orienting on the polytechnic or construction profile if there are inclinations for exact disciplines;
  • humanities, as a rule, choose pedagogical or legal colleges;
  • girls often pay attention to colleges, where you can get the profession of an accountant, hairdresser, makeup artist.

List of introductory documents

When enrolling in college, there is no particular difference from applying to the university. It is only necessary to have the necessary documents, bring them to the selection committee and fill out an application for admission there. Mandatory are:

  • passport or birth certificate of the applicant;
  • school certificate;
  • GIA results;
  • medical documents (certificate and vaccination card);
  • photographs of the applicant (6 pieces).

which college to enter after grade 9

To enter college after grade 9, the admission committee may invite the student to provide additional certificates and diplomas or pass additional entrance tests.

Creative professions

With respect to professions with a creative focus, the question β€œHow to enter college after grade 9?” Will be more complex. Applicants entering creative specialties should in advance ask about the dates of entrance exams and the need to present a portfolio. For example, if an applicant preferred a construction college, the admission committee has the right to ask for a number of drawings and offer to pass additional exams (usually drawing). It is almost impossible to pass such tests without additional training. It is recommended to hire a tutor a few months before the exams, sign up for courses in drawing and drawing, and also try to spend more free time drawing at home to fill your hand.

Certificate contest

Almost the last stage of the introductory campaign is the compilation of entrant ratings.

Of course, applicants, first of all, want to go to budget places, and in most cases they succeed. There are quite a few places in the quarrel, but college is not able to accept all applicants. To identify promising applicants since the era of the USSR, there is such an event as a competition of school documents on education.

what colleges can go after grade 9

You can go to college after grade 9, just estimated. Admission committee specialists study the final grades of all former students and announce the average grade for school: the higher it is, the higher the probability of admission.


There are a number of categories of school graduates who are eligible to enter secondary school, even with bad grades. These are applicants with formal privileges under Russian laws:

  • children raised in a single-parent family (in the case when the mother or father received a disability, and the funds received in the family are one person less than the subsistence level);
  • military (in conflict zones, for example, in Donetsk and Lugansk, the military and members of their families do this at a discount);
  • orphans;
  • disabled people.

Also, out of the general queue, you can be enrolled if the student was sent to college under a target contract. However, then, with the completion of the secondary vocational school, it is necessary to work out a certain period in order to return to the company the funds invested in the student during his training. Most often, village applicants under a target contract go to pedagogical or medical colleges. They receive similar agreements of the administration of a settlement or district.

Medical College

You can go to medical college after grade 9. Admission is subject to the same conditions as in other colleges and universities. First, documents are submitted and a statement is written.

In the event that the applicant has health problems or the grades do not reach the minimum score, specialists of the secondary vocational school may not accept him for training.

College of Medicine after Grade 9

There are several entrance tests for applicants after grade 9. For example, in some colleges you need to pass a math exam. For the remaining graduates of grade 9, enrollment in colleges is based on the results of the GIA.

Some colleges allow a future student to choose: either pass the entrance tests, or provide the results of the exam, or apply for a GIA certificate. The application for admission immediately indicates what documents the applicant provides, copies or originals, in what form the training will go if yesterday's student passes a competition in colleges.

Education in a medical college is in special areas. In these colleges, paramedics, nurses and other mid-level specialists are trained.

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