Financial and economic crises often negatively affect the potential of modern industrial enterprises: investments in product and process innovations are gradually reduced or even completely lost, fixed capital begins to wear out and age , scientific and technical resources are depleted, and most young and skilled workers leave their place of work . Economic indicators of economic security make it possible to understand how prepared a company is for such circumstances, and whether it can avoid such negative factors.
That is why you need to understand what such indicators are, and how they are provided.
Basic concepts
For this reason, every modern enterprise faces a rather urgent task of conducting internal self-assessment, as well as predicting its own condition from the point of view of opportunity:
- the performance of their main production functions;
- taking various measures to protect such functions (that is, can they create economic indicators of the economic security of production from any manifestations of internal or external origin that affect the company's potential);
- the formation of a complete monitoring system for various safety indicators;
- substantiation and determination of threshold values of such indicators;
- taking various measures to counter possible threats.
The main problems are to provide economic indicators of economic security that arise during the operation of any enterprise, not only during the crisis, but also when it operates in a completely stable environment, but the set of targets that need to be solved varies significantly.
Sustainable operation
During this period, in the process of solving the tasks of ensuring economic security, the company should mainly focus on maintaining a normal rhythm of sales and production of its own products, prevent financial and material damage, counteract criminal manifestations and unfair competition, and also exclude the possibility of unauthorized access to available service information or the destruction of computer databases.
The production sphere of a truly effective enterprise, which is being modernized in a timely manner, does not constitute a source of possible ill-being not only for the owner and his team, but also for those market agents who use the products of this company, that is, for its consumers and allies. Thus, even at this stage, care must be taken to ensure that the company has the appropriate economic indicators of economic security, because it allows you to significantly strengthen its role in the current market.
Crisis period
At the moment, the biggest danger for any enterprise lies in the destruction of its scientific, technical, personnel, technological and production potentials, which are the main factors of the life of any company and ensuring its basic capabilities. At the same time, if the corresponding indicators of economic security were not provided, the economic conditions become such in which it is impossible to ensure the ability of the potential for further reproduction.
Resources for this enterprise can be acquired only from the results of its own activities, as well as through the use of borrowed funds, and it must be correctly understood that both of these sources of investment with the onset of crises for most companies are blocked.
Real situation
Today, the overwhelming majority of domestic enterprises operating in an unstable economic environment are unprofitable in nature, and due to the fact that economic security indicators were not provided at one time, they are experiencing a deep production decline, as well as being bankrupt or critical condition.
There are many different reasons that can lead to depressive development, but the most common among them are the inertia of the formed production structure, the physical deterioration of fixed assets, technological backwardness, as well as the complete absence of the main priorities of the state scientific and industrial policy. At the same time, the determination of the latter would make it possible to tackle the required restructuring of capacities even in those business conditions that were formed under conditions of transformations that were completely ineffective from the point of view of the current sector of the economy and which did not allow enterprises to independently earn the funds necessary for their further modernization.
What does this threaten?
Due to their situation in which indicators of economic security and their threshold values are extremely low, a really dangerous situation is created not only for the economy, but also for social stability in society as a whole and for individual regions in particular, but also for potential and the team of each individual company. Indeed, industrial enterprises, representing the main structure-forming element of the economy, take on not only production functions, but also provide a lot of people who are connected with them, that is, they have some responsibility and social burden.
Due to the incomplete load of capacities and, accordingly, their inefficient use, and even more so the continuous destruction of the previously created potential of enterprises, they begin to pose a real threat to the material and economic foundations of the life of society and the collective.
Main factors
No enterprise can be called stable if it does not have indicators of economic security and their threshold values, and its products cannot be in demand on the market. None of the enterprises manufacturing manufacturing means of production can be safe if at the moment there is an active, and at the same time, rather long decline in technological development of the state as a whole.
At the moment, the tendency of how modern enterprises are losing the main indicators of economic security, as well as the ability to manufacture science-intensive and complex products, is noteworthy, this applies not only to modern developments, but also to those products that were previously produced under stable economic conditions development. This suggests that today there is a real threat to the technical re-equipment of the production apparatus of many basic sectors of the economy, including transport, metallurgy, energy, the chemical sector, mining and many others.
The main reason here lies precisely in the fact that the main indicators of economic security were lost, and as the active part of the fixed capital wore out, completely replacing them with modern domestic equipment became much more difficult or even impossible. It is worth noting that modern industry in Russia uses domestic equipment and machines for approximately 80%, and it seems impossible to replace them with some massive import purchases from a financial point of view.
Due to the fact that at one time the necessary criteria and indicators of economic security were not identified, a large number of enterprises simply stopped their work, as they use rather sophisticated equipment that has a long manufacturing cycle. At the same time, there is no necessary volume of production capacity to compensate for the collapse of the disposal of fixed assets.
Causes of the problem
The main complex of problems, as well as the most important reasons for the current trouble in many industrial enterprises, are as follows:
- products are not in demand in the foreign and domestic markets, as they have low competitiveness;
- completely exhausted investment resources ;
- the financial crisis, inflation intensified, money circulation was destroyed, and there are also various costs of the existing taxation system for producers of commodity products that negatively affect the work of such enterprises;
- the state does not fulfill its obligations in terms of payment for orders made for its own needs;
- inefficient methods of institutional transformations are used, which leads to the fragmentation of a large number of single production complexes into much smaller ones, and the latter were isolated and, accordingly, led to an increase in transaction costs at each separate limit by more than 20%, which, in turn, provoked rise in price of final products;
- Currency and customs barriers are applied at the borders of various CIS countries, which used to be part of a single economic space.
These are only the main reasons why the indicators and indicators of economic security by modern domestic enterprises have not been achieved.
All of the above ultimately resulted in the fact that most enterprises simply do not have the ability to really effectively and independently enter a spontaneously organized market in order to subsequently launch a new market management mechanism.
Modern companies have inaccessible payables and receivables, and the main reason that the required indicators of the economic security of the enterprise have not been achieved is the government, which quite often does not pay for various products that were made to order for the satisfaction of state needs, which subsequently provokes a cascade of non-payments that goes along the chain between different industries.
Consumers and subcontractors are trying to pay barter, since they also do not have the required amount of finance, as a result of which the means and opportunities for replenishing working capital are lost. Ultimately, the system of indicators of economic security, as well as the production and scientific and technical potentials of modern enterprises have been actively degrading for a long time, and highly qualified specialists are starting to leave, trying to find the best deals for using their abilities and forces. Also, specialists are lost who are able to service the technological equipment that has been idle for a long time and ensure the preservation of existing infrastructure.
What was done?
One of the main tasks of the current scientific and industrial policy of the state is the implementation of a controlled reorientation of various enterprises from fulfilling exclusively government orders to market demand, but in the end it was never realized, as a result of which the social indicators of economic security of many modern companies remain extremely low level.
The adaptive abilities of organizations necessary for their smooth entry into the current market proved to be insufficient in the present conditions of complete abandonment of state control over the economy, primarily in the area of marketing industrial products, price controls by natural monopolists, ensuring the protection of the domestic market and the interests of domestic producers of goods products, as well as centralized distribution of resources.
What did this lead to?
The loss of controllability of the economy ultimately provoked a rather sharp decrease in the level of economic conditions of modern enterprises. Due to the ensuing investment and financial crisis, the indicators of the country's economic security turned out to be even lower, as various deformation processes taking place in the reproductive structure of their capital contributions intensified. Among them are the following:
- A sharp decrease in innovation and investment activity, which does not allow to achieve the reproduction process. The active part of fixed assets has almost completely ceased to be updated, but at the same time the process of their “eating” and depreciation is increasing. This is especially true of their active part, that is, equipment and machines, which are the main object of innovation.
- The suppression of demand and, consequently, the lack of orders and profits for most enterprises, which was further aggravated by high inflation and an active increase in the cost of materials, energy and various components. Due to the high bank rate and lower depreciation charges, even the insignificant internal resources present in the enterprise do not have the necessary economic motivation to support reproduction, that is, it is more advantageous to channel them towards current consumption.
- State funding of various R&D in the sphere of high technologies has sharply decreased or even completely stopped, and the complete lack of own funds from enterprises does not allow for the accelerated creation of any scientific and technical groundwork, which is the basis for technological development.
Main threats
There are many reasons for the threats that cause Russia's economic security indicators to fall. In many respects, they are caused not only by the previous development, but also by mistakes made in the course of the reforms of the economic course and due to the loss of controllability of the economy. In particular, this applies to the following:
- The complete absence of a specific concept, a constructed strategy and a program for further socio-economic development, where realistic achievable goals are set.
- The constant lag in the field of development, the lack of systematic and perfect regulatory support of economic regulation.
- High risks of the monetary policy of the government in banking, as well as in the foreign exchange and stock markets. Use of an inefficient tax system.
- The constant destruction of the existing system of increasing production potential due to insufficient investment activity.
- Continuous inflation and the lack of a more or less normal investment climate in the current sector of the economy. Current expenses are preferred to the detriment of capital.
- It uses an unfair, and at the same time absolutely ineffective, privatization of state property and various objects of the public property.
- Conditions are created that facilitate the appropriation and further export abroad of various financial resources.
- State control over natural monopolies is lost, and the regulatory role of the state is gradually weakening in their pricing policy.
And these are only the main reasons why the necessary indicators of the economic security of the region or the enterprises of our country cannot be achieved, and in which areas now we must act first of all.