Is concealer magic or aerobatics makeup?

Among the many corrective means of decorative cosmetics, make-up artists especially distinguish concealer. This tool will help make the face perfectly smooth, like a baby’s, but with inept application it can also give the opposite result. Therefore, you should carefully familiarize yourself with what constitutes a concealer.

concealer is

Many-sided cosmetic product

The modern rhythm of life affects not the best way on the skin, especially the face. But the beautiful lady wants to remain beautiful in any setting, and in this the concealer can help her. This cosmetic product is inherently a special type of corrector, which, if used correctly, will help to hide defects, for example, in the form of acne, red stars, bruises. But it should be understood that the concealer is used only if the indicated types of defects are insignificant. Only their corrector will help to cope with their more pronounced forms.

It is worth knowing that concealer is not exclusively a masking agent. In its composition, manufacturers include special vitamin-mineral complexes that can beneficially affect the skin during the whole time that makeup is on the face. And therefore, when purchasing it, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the composition, even if the fair sex does not have allergic reactions.

In addition to its special composition, the concealer boasts various forms of release. So, this corrective is released in the form of powder, pencil, stick and lipstick. In this case, the concealer itself can be either liquid or creamy, or dry. And depending on its structure, it solves a wide variety of tasks.

how to use concealer

Each area has its own concealer

This corrective is insidious in its simplicity. Therefore, it should be selected depending on the problem that the concealer should mask and gradually eliminate.

  1. Eyelids. The problem of bruising under the eyes is familiar to almost all the ladies. To solve it, you should choose a liquid, moisturizing concealer. By the way, he also copes with the camouflage of the crow's feet.
  2. Cheeks and forehead. Depending on the problem being solved, several types of concealers are used: from small acne - antibacterial pencils, from bruises and red stars - powder, from small scars - stick.
  3. Lips. Liquid concealer is ideal for them. This can be applied both to the area around the mouth, and directly to the lips.

However, the ideal form of this corrective for the entire skin of the face remains its liquid version.

How to use concealer - instructions for action

There are several rules, the strict observance of which ensures the perfect application of the concealer on the skin.

Rule 1

The right color. As a rule, if a stick, powder or lipstick is chosen, then such a concealer should be a tone lighter than the skin. When choosing a palette of such a liquid product, the approach is somewhat different.

how to use concealer

Rule 2

Correct application of tones. This rule comes into force when the question of how to use the concealer of orange, lavender, green and other colors other than a beige palette is decided. It should be remembered that they are designed to mask bruises, redness and asterisks. So, to eliminate yellowness, a purple concealer is used, to mask redness - green.

Rule 3

The application technique looks like this: with a point motion, the concealer is applied to the correction area, and then it is carefully shaded.

Do not ignore such a great tool as a concealer, just because its use seems difficult. In fact, with knowledge of the basics described above, it is completely possible to independently apply the perfect make-up.

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