The beauty and originality of handicrafts is glorified in songs, legends and fairy tales are composed about them. Folk crafts are traditions of original decoration of everyday objects and household goods in highly artistic ways.
The tradition of finishing products originated centuries ago, but they are alive and preserved by craftsmen and craftsmen today. Each nationality or region where our vast country lives is distinguished by its own tradition of art, unique to this area.
Good evenings on Obve, or How did the accusatory painting appear
Palekh and Fedoskino miniatures, Gzhel and Zhostovo paintings, Orenburg down scarves, Vologda and Yelets lace, Khokhloma, malachite, filigree, Rostov enamel and many other types of crafts are known all over the world.
Samples of folk art of the inhabitants of the North testify that in the middle of the 19th century the art of painting on wood arose on the Obva River.
It all started in schismatic dormitories and workshops. Here illustrations for books were prepared, Pomeranian sheets were drawn - a variety of popular prints, various techniques of painting, weaving, blacksmithing, etc. were cultivated.
In the 1850s, after the ruin of the Old Believer settlements, the immigrants from Vygozero appeared on the banks of the Obvi, and they brought the art of wood painting to these harsh lands.
Center of symmetry
The main pattern is called the accusatory rose, it is located in the center and represents a flower of eight petals - a symbol of the sun and life, the union of the upper and lower worlds (spiritual and material), this is a good sign symbolizing rebirth.
The color of the leaves of the accusatory rose alternated in contrasting contrasts, for example, red and white, blue and white, which is also symbolic. In Ancient Russia, the following meaning of flowers in patterns was invested:
- Red color was a symbol of beauty, fire, health.
- White meant purity and innocence of thoughts, holiness.
- The blue color in sacred meaning meant heavenly protection, symbolized spiritual and physical purity and strength.
- Green color spoke about revival, health, spring blossoming.
- Yellow meant openness and joy, prosperity and good luck.
- Black could symbolize the power of mother earth, fertility, motherhood.
This is the usual semantic content of color. It is possible that on Obva invested in painting and other meanings.
The rose was separated from another drawing in rows of dots, dashes, circles to draw attention to it.
Saving, spinning wheel, child
Spinning wheels in the folk culture of Russia was given special importance. It was a sacred household item: the spinning wheel guarded, nursed, and could punish.
- Of course, hand spinning wheels were painted, which consisted of the upper part - shovels and necks. A pattern or thread was covered to burst.
- The umbilical cord was cut on a spindle - it was placed in a cradle, and the mother's child was fed through a spinning wheel. The device was considered the strongest amulet.
- It could not be given to others.
- Usually a spinning wheel accompanied a woman all her life. When getting married, the girl took her spinning wheel to her husband's house.
- For a strong and happy life, the groom personally made a spinning wheel for the bride as a gift.
Plant motifs: flowers and twigs
In the motives for painting the accused spinning wheels, there was usually a rose flower with a spiral twisted in the middle, from which the petals seemed to fly off. The main rose was located in the center of the mural, the same flower, but smaller, was painted in the upper part of the lobes (shovels) and at the junction with the leg (neck) of the spinning wheel.
In the ornaments of the spinning wheels on the Obva, you can see the following colors:
- blue and green;
- dark green, almost black;
- red and orange;
- bright blue blotches;
- white.
The background of the painting was made in colder tones, and floral motifs were painted in warm colors, but it could be vice versa.
Toward the end of the 19th century, a motif or image of a “curly twig” appears, drawings become more colorful, bright, geometric patterns appear.
Attention to detail: compositional techniques
There are a number of features when using the technique of prosecution painting - the use of improvisation, repetition and variation techniques:
- the drawing is immediately applied to the tree with a brush and paints without a preliminary pencil sketch or sketch;
- composition of the picture always repeats the shape of the product, emphasizing it;
- the technique of organizing the movement of the picture is used, which gives the composition plasticity;
- the use of metaphorical images in drawings.
Technical features
Russian arts and crafts continuously developed. New techniques, motifs and images appeared. This also applies to technical techniques of the art of the Trans-Urals.
In the prosecutor’s painting, the paints are mixed directly in the picture. Background tones and shades are added to the still dry paintings on the surface, which creates soft pastel color transitions. Spaces or refinement of the painting with whitewash give volume to flowers and leaves, enhance depth and saturation.
The reception of the contrast of colors helps to further indicate the impression of the painting. For this, for example, orange or red leaves were prescribed on a blue background. If the painting was done in green, then the main pattern of the ornament was done in red colors.
The concept of “developmental” was used - softening the color, for example, orange - yellow, dark green - the color of young leaves. The main task of the development is to harmonize the combination of contrasting colors, to model, to correct too sharp transitions. For this purpose, for example, orange or red paint was taken on the brush, and modeling — yellow, white, and blue — was applied to the tip.
Russian folk painting on wood today
Over time, not only the life and life of the peasants changed. Their artistic taste, transforming wooden products, developed.
Currently, it has been possible to establish that the first masters appeared in the Sretenskaya and Krivitskaya volosts of the Perm district, and then the skill was taken over in other areas.
Fortunately, the traditional painting is being revived; new technological methods appear on its basis. In order to paint a wooden product in the prosecution style, the thing is first primed with wood glue, painted with gouache, which gives muffled, deep colors and is fixed with varnish.
The painting of toys, interior decorations, tables, highchairs and other products for revitalizing household items is popular.
How to draw a rose, twigs, leaves
You can make accusatory painting at home. To do this, you will need:
- Gouache or acrylic paints, tempera can be used.
- Round squirrel brushes number 1, 3, 5.
- White or A4 color paper.
- Palette, simple pencil, eraser, napkins.
Before drawing, we note the following:
- the paint layer dries for about 30 minutes, gouache is convenient to use, since it can be used to block dark tones with light;
- when dried, the gouache is somewhat lighter, the poster has a greater color saturation and covering ability than artistic.
- use brushes with a soft pile - the smear is more even and dense.
In the photo, the accusatory painting on wood, a description of the drawing technique and the result of a modern version of painting products.
The main strokes are called a droplet. To get it using the technique of accusatory painting, you need to hold the brush perpendicular to the sheet of paper, lead your hand from top to bottom, first barely touching the sheet, but gently press the brush at the end.
Changing the pressure and direction of the brush, for example, to make spirals, make new strokes. Droplets, strokes, dots and spirals - these are “come alive”, they revitalize leaves, stems and highlight the pattern of the central flower.
The photo shows the options for droplets and strokes forming a spiral.
In conclusion, we train to draw an eight-petal flower.
Four petals should be painted in one color, and four in another. We hold the brush strictly perpendicular to the surface of the painting.
After the details can be clearly and precisely done on paper, you can start painting small samples of the tablets. Find the center of the plaque and start drawing the accusatory rose, and then - improvisation, stylization and repetition.
If you decide to make painting on wood with acrylic paints, then fixing them with varnish is not required. Be careful as the pigments are difficult to wash off.