Even many years after Falberg, a little-known chemist from Russia, accidentally invented a sweetener, the demand for this product remains very enviable and continues to grow. All sorts of disputes and conjectures do not cease around him: what is it, sugar substitute - harm or benefit?
It turned out that not all substitutes are as safe as a beautiful advertisement shouts about it. Let's try to figure out exactly what points you need to pay attention to when acquiring a product containing a sweetener.
Groups and types of substitutes
The first group includes natural sugar substitute, that is, one that is easily absorbed by our body and is saturated with energy in the same way as regular sugar. In principle, it is safe, but because of its caloric content, it has its own list of contraindications and, accordingly, the consequences of taking it.
The main types:
- fructose;
- xylitol;
- stevia (analogue - substitute for sugar "Fit Parade");
- sorbitol.
Synthetic sweetener is not absorbed by our body and does not saturate it with energy. It will be enough to recall your feelings after drinking a bottle of diet cola (0 calories) or eaten diet pills - the appetite is played out in earnest.
After such a sweet and tantalizing substitute, the esophagus wants a good portion of carbohydrates to “recharge”, and seeing that this portion is not there, he begins to work hard, demanding his “dose”.
The main types:
- sucracite;
- saccharin;
- cyclamate;
- aspartame.
In order to understand and comprehend both the harm and the benefits of sweeteners, we will try to describe the brightest species from each group.
Sucrasite (synthetic product)
Let's start with a sugar substitute succrazite. Reviews of doctors and nutritionists about him are more or less flattering, therefore, we will consider its properties, both useful and harmful, more thoroughly.
It is especially important to note that each substitute has its own safe dose, non-observance of which can lead to very disastrous consequences, so be careful, and before taking the drug, be sure to read the instructions.
Succrazite: harm and benefit
This is one of the most popular substitutes in our country. Sucrazite is a derivative of sucrose. Available in the form of tablets and is very convenient to use. It consists of sodium saccharin mixed with an acidity regulator fumaric acid and drinking water.
The names are far from edible, but they do not stop diabetics and those who want to lose weight, especially since the two advertising components of this substitute, sucracite - price and quality - are at about the same level and are quite acceptable to the average consumer.
The discovery of the sugar substitute delighted the entire medical community, because the treatment of diabetes has become much more productive with this drug. Sucrazite is a calorie-free sweetener. This means that it can be actively used to combat obesity, which many nutritionists have adopted. But first things first. So, sucracit: harm and benefit.
Arguments for
Due to the lack of calories, the substitute does not participate in carbohydrate metabolism in any way, which means that it does not affect blood sugar fluctuations.
It can be used to prepare hot drinks and food, and the synthetic component allows you to heat it to high temperatures without changing the composition.
Arguments against
Sucrazitis (reviews of doctors and observations over the past 5 years confirm this) causes a strong appetite, and its regular consumption keeps a person in a state of “what to eat”.
Succrazite contains fumaric acid, which has a certain share of toxicity and its regular or uncontrolled consumption can lead to undesirable consequences. Although Europe does not prohibit its production, it is not worth using the drug on an empty stomach.
In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, always clearly follow the instructions for the use of the drug sukrazit. Harm and benefit are one thing, and non-compliance with the dosage or contraindications can greatly complicate the life of you and your loved ones.
1 (one) sucrazite tablet is equivalent to one teaspoon of granulated sugar!
It is strictly forbidden to use the drug for pregnant and lactating mothers.
The maximum safe dose of sucracite is 0.7 g per day.
Cyclamate (synthetic product)
Cyclamate is about 50 times sweeter than sucrose. Most often, this synthetic substitute is used in complex tablet formulations for diabetics. In total, there are two varieties of cyclamate: calcium and the most common - sodium.
Arguments for
Unlike other artificial substitutes, cyclamate is devoid of an unpleasant metallic taste. It does not have energy potential, and one jar of this product can replace 6-8 kg of regular sugar.
The drug is highly soluble in water and feels great at high temperatures, therefore, like sucracite, it can easily be used to prepare hot dishes and drinks.
Arguments against
Cyclamate is prohibited in the EU and the USA, which affects its low cost in our country. It can not be used in case of obvious renal failure, and it is also contraindicated in nursing and pregnant women.
The maximum safe dose of cyclamate is 0.8 g per day.
Fructose (natural product)
This sugar substitute is a natural fruit syrup. It is found in berries, nectars, some seeds of plants, honey and many fruits. This product is almost half as sweet as sucrose.
Arguments for
Fructose in its composition has a third less calories than sucrose. Plus, after consuming it, the blood sugar level remains more or less stable, which is why many diabetics are allowed to.
Fructose can be classified as a sweetener with preservative properties, so it is often used to make jam or jam for diabetics. It was noted that if ordinary sugar is replaced with fructose, then soft and fluffy pies are obtained, although not as satisfying as with sugar, but dieters have appreciated this.
Another very significant plus in favor of fructose is the breakdown of alcohol in the blood.
Arguments against
Uncontrolled intake or exceeding the maximum daily dose increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The maximum safe dose of fructose is 40 g per day.
Sorbitol (natural product)
This sugar substitute is very common in apples and apricots, but its highest concentration is observed in mountain ash. Regular granulated sugar is sweeter than sorbitol about three times.
In its chemical composition, it is a polyhydric alcohol with a pleasant sweetish taste. To diabetics, this substitute is prescribed without any problems and any fears.
The preservative properties of sorbitol find their application in soft drinks and various juices. Europe, namely the Scientific Committee on Additives, has designated sorbitol the status of a food product, therefore it is welcomed in many countries of the European Union, including in our country.
Arguments for
Sorbitol, due to its special composition, will allow you to retain vitamins and other beneficial substances in our body. Among other things, it has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the digestive tract and is an excellent choleretic agent. Food prepared using sorbitol remains fresh for a long time.
Arguments against
Sorbitol has a large energy base, it is 50% more calories than regular sugar, so it will not be suitable for all those who are closely involved in their figure.
Overdose cases with very unpleasant side effects are frequent: bloating, nausea and indigestion.
The maximum safe dose of sorbitol is 40 g per day.
From this article, you learned what sorbitol, fructose, cyclamate, sucrasite are. The harm and benefits of their use are analyzed in sufficient detail. With clear examples, all the advantages and disadvantages of both natural and synthetic substitutes were shown.
Be sure of one thing: all finished products contain some portion of sweeteners, so we can conclude that we get all the harmful substances from such products.
Naturally, you decide: what is a sweetener for you - harm or benefit. Each substitute has its own advantages and disadvantages, and if you want to eat something sweet without harm to health and shape, it is better to eat an apple, dried fruit or treat yourself to berries. It is much more valuable for our body to consume a fresh product than to “deceive” it with sugar substitutes.