Polyester varnish: material features to protect wood and metal

Furniture and industry often use coatings such as polyester varnishes. The product line includes glossy and matte finishes suitable for metal and wood substrates. In addition to coatings, polyester primers, which are indispensable for close-porous finishes, are actively sold on the market.

Polyester varnish

Properties of polyester-based coatings

This kind of tool is characterized by enhanced performance. A product coated with such varnish looks brighter in appearance, and the surface acquires a luster similar to a wet effect. With the use of pigmented varnish, the surface acquires distinctive decorative properties.

In their composition, polyester compositions are paraffin-containing and paraffin-free, each of which is distinguished by its specific operating details.

A distinctive feature of polyester varnishes lies in their properties, namely:

  • fit well on a wooden base;
  • cope with minor flaws: mechanical defects, chips or dents, grooves resulting from grinding;
  • the formation of an even and smooth glossy coating, which, if necessary, after drying is ground, in order to remove the upper paraffin layer.

Features and benefits of using polyester coatings

Among the distinctive characteristics of the polyester composition for wood:

  • the possibility of using the finish coating as a basis (preparatory coating);
  • distinctive decorative properties (glossy surface);
  • special matte texture, to achieve which special components are used, added to the composition of polyester varnish;
  • the ability to pigment the varnish to achieve a beautiful, clean coating tone;
  • shrinkage of the varnish does not occur over time;
  • external work is not a very good option, as it is unstable to changes in the atmospheric environment.
    Polyester varnish properties

Features of paraffin-containing compounds

Polyester varnishes for wood, the component composition of which includes unsaturated resins dissolved in styrene. In addition, the composition of the catalysts (initiators) and accelerators (accelerators) of the polymerization process. Due to the paraffin content on the surface of the product, a thin film is formed, which prevents the evaporation of styrene and the oxidation of the inner layers of varnish. This is what makes it possible to achieve a film-forming coating characterized by strength.

The methodology for applying varnish for wood on a paraffin base is to spray and spray. The treated surface dries for at least 180 minutes at a temperature of +20 Β° C (Β± 2 Β° C).

The percentage of dry residue of paraffin-containing polyester composition is up to 94.95%. This property allows minimizing paintwork consumption for covering furniture surfaces on an industrial scale.

Features of non-waxed varnishes

Alkyd resins in the composition increase the adhesion properties of surfaces. The dry solids of such varnishes are lower, but the boundaries of the temperature range allow the use of this material wider, compared with waxed varnishes.

Polyester varnish properties

For application to the surface of a wooden product, the pouring method or a special pneumatic sprayer in the electrostatic field of high voltage currents are used. Using the latter method, it is possible to significantly save on the consumption of the polyester composition.

Main characteristics of polyester varnish for metal

Metal, a material characterized by strength and reliability, but like everything that surrounds us, sooner or later it loses its characteristics, becoming unusable. It is worth noting that structures located in the open air become unusable sooner than others.

With constant exposure to sunlight on the metal surface, precipitation, temperature changes and other climatic factors and environmental influences, rust forms on the metal surface, which indicates an irreversible reaction - corrosion.

To protect metal substrates from this fate, special varnishes and paints are used, including polyester varnish for metal. Such coatings contribute to the formation of a special protective decorative layer on the surface of the product.

Polyester varnish properties

For applying coatings on metal structures, several techniques are used:

  • with a brush;
  • by means of a roller;
  • when using a spray gun;
  • through the spray can.

Of course, the last two options are preferable in view of the fact that the varnish lays evenly and is consumed more slowly, uniformly penetrating deep into the structure of the surface layer of the material and forming a reliable protective coating.

It is worth noting that among the properties of polyester varnish is a strong water-repellent ability that protects the surface of both metal and wood from corrosion and decay, respectively.

Now you can imagine what a polyester composition is and why it is needed. The above features of certain varieties of coatings based on polyester will help to focus on choosing the right option, narrowing the range of the product range depending on the need.

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