Jelly (aspic): the benefits and harms of the dish

jelly. Benefit and harm

Jelly, or as it is also called jelly, is a primordially Russian dish. In Russia, it was cooked only in rich houses and served on great holidays. The meat delicacy was made from pieces of meat on the bone with the addition of vegetables and eggs. This dish does not require any jelly-forming substances and chemical additives, so it is considered a natural and healthy product.

There are various national varieties of jelly. For example, in Georgia these are husbands (from pork legs), in Moldova - resol (made from rooster). In Russia, a dish is usually prepared in the winter, as jelly has a unique ability to warm. People say: “If the jelly is in the yard, and the jelly is on the table, it will be warm for people.” This proverb once again confirms its healing and nutritional properties.

Due to the high content of meat, jelly gives satiety, strength and a feeling of warmth. Most importantly, it contains beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on our body. In this article you will find the chemical composition that jelly is rich in. The benefits and harms of this product have always worried nutritionists.

Unique properties of jelly

Scientists have repeatedly proved that all jelly dishes, such as brawn , aspic , aspic , bring tremendous benefits to humans. Even in Russia, it was used after a hangover (very important after the holidays). It turns out that the proteins and broth, which are part of the dish, bind the unoxidized elements of the breakdown of alcohol with aldehydes. As a result of this, the body is cleansed.

joint benefits

During intoxication, a person has a shortage of a vital amino acid - glycine. This substance is responsible for the functional activity of the nervous system and metabolic processes that occur in the brain. The properties of this amino acid reduce the ability to erase cartilage and bone, and also prevent premature aging of tissues.

The jelly has a positive effect on the joints, so it is recommended to use it for arthrosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis. According to most people, the best natural medicine for these ailments is precisely jelly. The benefits and harms of the dish are undeniable, however, the frequent use of the product can cause significant damage to health, especially to people with similar diseases. Therefore, the benefits of jelly for joints are not so great as some people think.

Chemical composition

Jelly is rich in a special protein - collagen. Its gelatin contains a lot of iron, sulfur, mucopolysaccharides, phosphorus, calcium, carbohydrates, protein, fats and glycine. Gelatin helps relieve emotional stress, get rid of depression and unreasonable fears. For this reason, jelly is considered a "full" product. In addition, it is gelatin that helps fight age-related changes in the skin.

beef jelly benefit and harm

Collagen deficiency, according to experts, leads to a loss of firmness, skin elasticity, brittle nails, as well as to the early appearance of wrinkles. It should be noted that, in addition to the above amino acids and trace elements, there is a lot of vitamin B in the meat delicacy. It is responsible for the production of hemoglobin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also contains retinol (vitamin A) beef jelly. The benefits and harms of the jelly are of interest to many, so we continue a kind of excursion.

Eating jellied meat, you not only enjoy its taste, but also supply your body with essential microelements and useful substances. For example, vitamin A sharpens vision and strengthens the immune system. The lysine (amino acid) contained in the dish has an antiviral effect and helps better absorption of calcium.

Jelly (aspic): the benefits and harms of a delicacy

A lot has been said about the beneficial properties. Now add a fly in the ointment. The disadvantage is high cholesterol, as well as high calorie content. Overuse of this dish can provoke the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which can lead to cardiac pathologies. The abundance of garlic and spices that season jelly, puts a huge load on the work of the liver and blood vessels.

Comments of nutritionists and specialists

A moderate amount - not more than one hundred grams per day will not have a detrimental effect on health and shape. People with a sedentary lifestyle and those who are on a diet should limit the consumption of jelly - do not exceed the indicated dosage. It is not recommended to eat it in combination with mustard and bakery products. Dilute this fatty dish with herbs: celery and parsley. Experts do not advise giving it to young children under five years of age.

calorie beef jelly

What is the calorie content of beef jelly ?

For 100 grams of the product, 80 kcal. This is an approximate figure. Much depends on the products from which the jelly was prepared (amount of meat, spices). Lean beef makes a very delicate and tasty dish, but with a sufficiently high energy value, so do not lean too much on such jellied meat. The benefit and harm of meat delicacy is now known to you - decide for yourself how much, what and when you should eat it.

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