How to make raisin pump pudding

Plum pudding with raisins, in the original version of “flame pudding” - a typical New Year's meal of the British. However, today it is prepared not only for the New Year. This is often an everyday dessert made from rice and raisins. The New Year’s plump-pudding is also called “Royal” and is prepared from excellent, slightly stale bread. We will talk about what plump pudding with raisins “Royal” and plump pudding with raisins “Classic” are. And also remember the good old "grandmother" muffins with raisins - nutritious, healthy and very tasty.

Plumppudding "Traditional": cooking

So, closer to the point. To prepare a sumptuous English Christmas dish, we, of course, will need raisins, preferably pitted red and white, approximately 110 grams each. It will also be necessary to cook 450 grams of rice or rice flour, 450 grams of kidney beef fat, ginger, cinnamon, molasses, salt, 2 eggs and 250-300 milliliters of milk.

The process of making dessert is simple and does not take much time. It will be necessary to thoroughly beat 2 eggs with all the dry ingredients mentioned above, after which they will “obscure” the mixture in a water bath for six hours. The final stage - wrapping the dishes with the mixture with a warm blanket until ready.

Royal Raisin Plumping: Cooking

To prepare such a dish, you will need to take 150 grams of a little dried, good white bread, also 150 grams of melted beef kidney fat, 100 grams of seedless white and red raisins, 1 Antonov apple, 50 grams of canned cherries and as many candied fruits, 75 grams finely chopped almonds, 75 grams of sifted premium flour, 100 grams of powdered sugar, 3 eggs, 100 grams of cognac, lemon and orange juice, 20 grams of maraskin liquor, lemon and orange zest, a little cognac.

As you can see, the composition of the products for royal plumping is significantly different from the products needed for a classic dessert. However, this is not surprising, because we are talking about a dessert, for which it would not be a shame even before the king!

To begin with, it will be necessary to scroll through the cleaned fat several times in a meat grinder, after which prepare raisins (rinse, soften with boiling water and dry), grate the bread. Fruits, including candied fruit, cut into large slices, then mix all the ingredients and add cognac to the mixture, mix thoroughly and leave in an enameled bowl for two days.

After 48 hours, the dough is laid out in a prepared form, covered with an oiled napkin, which is tied around the edges of the vessel. Then the dish is placed over a pot of boiling water and cooked for 6-7 hours, periodically adding water, then it is cooled, the napkin is removed, removed from the mold, transferred to a sheet of foil and stored in the refrigerator for 3 weeks! Before serving, the plump pudding will need to be darkened again in a water bath for 2 hours, after having previously shifted it into a mold. Served on a table pudding in a flame, for which you will need to pour hot cognac on the dessert .

Plain raisin cupcake

For those who are not yet ready to spend time preparing royal plump pudding and at the same time want to treat themselves to delicious home-made cakes, a cake with raisins is perfect. To prepare it, you will need to beat the sugar with eggs, then mix them with cottage cheese, raisins and melted margarine, add a little lemon zest, flour and soda. You can bake in one large form or in mini muffin tins. Such a curd cake with raisins is really simple, inexpensive and delicious!

Another option is a capital cupcake with raisins. Cooking it is also quite simple. To begin with, it will be necessary to grind the butter (130 grams) with a glass of sugar filled in three quarters, then add 3 eggs to the mass, add salt to taste, 1 tablespoon of cognac. Beat the mixture thoroughly, gradually adding softened raisins. Add a glass of sifted flour, baking powder and knead the dough. Bake small muffins for no more than 30 minutes, large weighing up to 500 grams per hour.

Ready cupcakes can be decorated with icing sugar.

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