Folk omens of August

The last month of summer brought with it a lot of worries and trouble. It was necessary to collect forest harvest, to manage in the garden, to prepare the land for winter. Peasants were guided by signs of August. From time immemorial, people have judged by nature how to live on, what to expect. Nowadays, we are not particularly dependent on the vagaries of the weather, and before, inappropriate rain or frost could plague the village with hunger. Therefore, people tried to understand the connection between natural signs and weather in the next period. Some signs of August are connected with this.

signs of August

About weather

Let's start from the first. He was called so: Makaryin day. It was believed that it determines the amount of precipitation this fall. If a warm rain poured, know wet will fall out. And when it was dry, autumn will be the same. Anna Kholodnitsa (seventh) predicted winter cold. If the morning is fresh, then do not wait for the thaw before the New Year. The October winds were judged by Isaac and Anton Vikhrovay (16th). If he blows out, twists on this day, then the snowy winter will be, the earth will turn white early. The old men said that she would be "feisty", windy, frosty, with huge snowdrifts. The signs of August-month can be considered the first attempt to predict the weather. Of course, they need to be checked for accuracy. But at least remember whether the wind blew in your area on Miron (the 21st day). It is believed that it characterizes the coldest winter month - January. If it was chilly from the wind, then after the New Year holidays do not wait for the thaw.

traditions and signs of August

For gardeners and gardeners

Popular signs of the month of August are most often interested in people growing their own crops. Buttocks and mushroom pickers are not far behind. After all, August is the most generous month. You need to go to the forest and collect its fruits, as you find. August signs say that this visit should be planned based on the promptings of the sky, and not your own desires. Otherwise, you won’t bring the prey home, just breathe fresh air. Follow the black berry to Mary (4th), and pick mushrooms, as soon as the dew begins to fall, when moisture nourishes the forest. Vegetables in the garden should be removed before the end of the month. Do not have time? Notice what the sky will be like on Micah (number 27). If the wind rises, then drop everything and save the harvest. September will bring cold rains, everything will rot on the vine. If the breeze caresses the cheeks that day, then take your time. There will be time in September to finish gardening.

holidays and signs of August

Holidays and signs of August

A rich and generous month gives us many reasons to relax and socialize. In August there are already three Spas. These days were met in a special way. It was necessary to bake gingerbread cookies on honey Spas (on the 14th) and treat the neighbors. Then the year will be generous. Nowadays they go to church (on the 19th). People believing ruddy fruits until this day do not eat. It is believed that there will be no use from them, only the stomach will ache. Apples should be taken to the temple early in the morning. Breakfast is not allowed. The first food on this holiday should be a lighted apple. People recommend making a wish on him. It is believed that it will surely be fulfilled, if they have not greatly sinned. And having breakfast, people went to the forest with apples. There, the raspberries arrived in time. It was collected and harvested for the cold winter, so that there was nothing to be saved from colds. People now know less about the third Savior (29th). This is a peasant holiday. On the third Savior, they usually baked bread from a new grain harvest. They said that whoever drops a crumb on the floor will be sure to suffer. Even worse is the proportion of those who step on the bread.

signs of the month of August

Elijah the Prophet

The traditions and signs of August give us the opportunity to touch the real magic. Almighty day was considered Elijah the prophet (second number). His strength descends into the water. Therefore, you should wash yourself from a spring or well. Then the disease in the current year, the person will pass. There is still a belief that on this day evil spirits settle in the water. Swimming in open water after Elijah was forbidden. Otherwise, the mermaids could confuse the head and pull it to the bottom. Yes, and the waterman stood guard over his vast expanses. He can enslave a careless diver and make him build underwater castles. That is, they bathed in Ilya for the last time. And the cold from this day is already making itself felt. If you get into the water, catch a cold or worse. Peasants started talking seeds, asked Ilya to give them their strength. They believed that such a rite increases productivity. Do not believe? Try it yourself!

August signs for healers

Healers also love the last month of summer. They waited on the ninth of August. On this day we went for herbs. They said Panteleimon the Healer endowed them with special power. They can cope with any ailment, put the sickest person on their feet. And a day later, on Kalinnik (11th day), it was customary to carry out complex "investigations". It is believed that any lie can be uncovered, thieves caught by the hand, and liars exposed. On the same day, witches were talking from the witches so that the milk would not turn sour and the cows would not get sick. But on the 24th, they tried to sit at home, not to roam through the swamp forests. There is a belief that there the lights wander, lure the careless traveler into a quagmire.

folk signs of the month of August


August was popularly considered a fruitful month. It was necessary to work tirelessly. Everywhere the villager should be in time: both in the field and in the garden, and even run into the forest. After all, nature gave its generous fruits, so that a person would be able to calmly wait out sleepy, cold, winter time. And who is not lazy, and holidays are laid. On the last day of the month, one could sit and gossip with neighbors. Young people were happy with the walks, people were looking for a couple for themselves. Indeed, in the summer it was not before. Everyone worked: they mowed hay, went for cattle, worked the fields. Today our life is different. But it’s good for everyone to go to the forest in August. Yes, and the desire to make Apple Spas is not harmful to anyone. And suddenly the truth will come true! Do not be lazy, try it!

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