Archie is a surprisingly beautiful masculine name that makes others feel that its owner is endowed with qualities such as courage and fortitude. In Russia, there are few people who have been named in this way, but abroad this name is very popular. What does the word Archie really mean, this article will help to understand. And also below it will be possible to learn about the character of men named by this name, and to understand what kind of men they are in love and friendship.
Character description
Each name makes certain adjustments to the person’s fate and affects his character. The meaning of the name Archie gives its owner idealistic outlook on life. He constantly and everywhere doesn’t stop looking for that very “standard”, which is why he is often disappointed, because this world is not as perfect as the imagination of this young man.
The meaning of the name Archie makes the young man very impulsive, active and a little selfish. But with all this, he is ambitious and has creative abilities. Archie is confident in himself and boasts the good intellectual abilities that nature has endowed him.
A person named Archie is very attracted to beautiful things and people. He is pleased to be in the company of attractive people who are neat and smart, but with ignoramuses and people who do not monitor their appearance, he will not make close contacts. This young man takes care of himself very carefully, he is always neat, likes to wear beautiful and fashionable clothes, which should be “straight away”.
The meaning of the name Archie makes his owner worry if any accident even of a minor nature occurs in his life. Most of all, he is afraid of losing spiritual harmony, so any careless statement in his direction makes the young man suffer.
This guy will never start a fight with other people, since it is easier for him to get away from the problem and forget about it than to cause a grand scandal because of it. Therefore, the motto of the young man is the saying "Better a bad world than an open struggle." Conflict-free, order and beauty are the most important attributes of life.
Meaning of name and love relationship
Name Archie value gives the guy attractiveness for girls. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity like him, but the young man himself is very picky in relationships. He wants to see in his companion a real female ideal, starting from appearance, ending with intellectual abilities and farming skills.
When Archie meets his soul mate, he is ready to commit any act for her and sacrifice himself for the sake of this relationship. He is a very good husband and father. However, Archie really needs a full understanding of him from his chosen one.
This young man does not experience communication problems, therefore, as a rule, he has a lot of comrades. He is popular in large companies, and often becomes their soul. Archie has a great sense of humor, for which his friends appreciate him. He can make laugh, witty joke and improve the mood of any member of the company.
Friends greatly respect this young man for his ability to show generosity. Even in the most difficult moment, he is ready to give the last for the benefit of a friend. Moreover, he often performs such acts with his characteristic equanimity, as if nothing had happened. However, friends appreciate a young man named Archie for the fact that he is able to find compromises in any situation, listening to the opinions of others and finding a solution to problems that is optimal for all participants.
Archie is a man who strives for harmony. He tries to achieve great successes throughout his life, and his best assistants will be loyal friends and a reliable home rear, where he will always be expected and loved.