Corruption, the evil eye and the curse are purely energetic phenomena. What is what? The whole negative energy, which is expressed in bad thoughts on the part of your envious people and enemies, is the evil eye. That is, unconscious mental influences that can harm the body or the fate of a person. Corruption is the deliberate infliction of harm to the health of a person, his relatives, his home through special magical rites and conspiracies.
In addition, a bad speech delivered by a person in their hearts can easily be prophetic for the one to whom it was delivered. This is a curse. In this article we will talk about how to protect ourselves from damage and the evil eye, and also learn how not to "pick up" a particular curse.
Thought is a great magnet!
No wonder they say that thought is a material entity. People who know how to protect themselves from damage, the evil eye, curses, argue that you need to carefully control your speech, weighing each word, and also monitor your thoughts. After all, our judgments and thoughts, and especially the spoken words, have a direct impact on the current course of events and on ourselves. All that we are thinking about, what we are talking about, and what we wish for another will be realized sooner or later. Any fear of ours will attract a situation corresponding to it!
How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye (or curse)?
- Since the evil eye, spoilage and curse are negative emotions, thoughts and words directed at you, you can protect yourself from them if you donβt think about all this and sincerely believe in yourself, in your strength!
- How to protect yourself from evil eye and damage, unintentionally on yourself and induced? All the same! Do not allow evil and bad words, as well as unclean thoughts! You should not let in the flows of negative information, because what you say and what you suffer from will really haunt you! Scientists parapsychologists have found that negative human thoughts are saturated with disgusting, prickly forms and dark, murky shades.
How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. Mirror
Many of us are forced to communicate with people who dislike them at the psychological level. What to do to protect yourself from mental attacks or the effects of black magic?
If your interlocutor is unpleasant to you, you feel the negative coming from him, then use energy protection - an imaginary mirror that reflects all the negative flows of your interlocutor. To do this, relax, smile invisibly, mentally wish happiness to your opponent, take a deep breath, holding your breath for a few seconds, and then imagine a large mirror standing between you and him, and reflecting all the negativity sent by the interlocutor in your direction.
How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. Capsule
This method protects against negativity and black magic. It should be performed daily when you are alone at home.
- You need to sit comfortably in an armchair or in a warm bath.
- Unfasten all clothing that restricts movement, or completely undress.
- Relax your muscles completely.
- Take three breaths and exhale, and then calm the breath.
- Feel the green energy capsule. You are in it. Feel comfort, security and coziness.
- Mentally swim in the green rays, enjoying love and tranquility!
- Remember, this is your cocoon. Repeat this procedure every day after waking up or before going to bed.