What is magic? Types of magic

The definitions of the concept of magic are countless. However, each of them characterizes this word in its own way. According to one definition, magic is a science created many centuries ago. Based on the collected knowledge, they conspire, love spells and other mysterious rituals.

What is magic?

magic is

From the Greek language, the word "magic" is translated as "magic" or "witchcraft." If we delve even deeper into history, the word has the root “magician”, which means “priest” or “clergyman” in Zend, and “omniscient,” “powerful,” “powerful” in Chaldean. Various sources mention that magic is a single secret system of knowledge that was given to humanity by the will of higher powers. The proof is that in different parts of the earth priests, ministers and shamans had similar ideas about the device of different types of matter, about the universe, human nature and the spiritual component of life.

The idea of ​​magical essence is the initial foundation in the human mind. For example, as all kinds of instincts. The tendency of mankind to occultism as a whole explains the fact of the occurrence of such knowledge in people of different nationalities, religions living on opposite sides of the planet.

If we take into account the fact that in ancient times the level of education and civilization was much lower among the population, then great importance was attached to conjecture, speculation, and not rational thinking. Generally speaking, magic is knowledge that was originally given to man by nature.

Truth and lie

black magic is

A lot of real facts, as well as fictional myths surround this mysterious concept. Some people are really endowed with unusual abilities by nature, but most of them still just make money from it. Magic is a profitable business, which has long been known to those who made good money in this way. For example, at all times there was an incredible, although unjustified demand for folk healers and healers. Yes, among them there really were people who had the gift of healing the sick. But along with them were those who simply profited on human grief. Charlatans in the field of magic have always been more than enough. Since the masses of the people were not educated, it was rather difficult to distinguish a professional magician from an impostor.

Black and white

There is a division of the concept of magic depending on the direction of influence. Black magic is an activity associated with dark forces. The attributes of the rituals of this kind are fragments of living flesh, blood and similar objects. With the help of black magic, they often do love spells, evil eye, spoilage and so on. Her figures are called sorcerers. White magic is an action for good purposes. With its help, they often treat and eliminate the effects of dark forces. Although even professional magicians, the boundaries between dark and light are difficult to determine.

magic is faith in

Depending on what kind of sorcery the activist belonged to, he needed to observe an appropriate lifestyle. For example, sorcerers and shamans should consciously avoid religious symbolism. And healers and magicians, on the contrary, adhere to righteous canons and carry the good news to the masses.


Magic is a connection with the other world, which can be permanent or one-time. The latter type is usually used by healers and healers at the time of healing the patient. In ordinary life, these people, as a rule, do not give out anything. However, at the moment the spell begins, healers rely on God's will, being a kind of toolkit for the manifestation of a higher power.

Healing magic is the influence of the Almighty on ailments by communicating with the earthly healer. This is a powerful flow of energy, which is concentrated in the field of pain thanks to the efforts, prayers and spells of the healer. Words for such rituals were not chosen for nothing. Each individually and collectively, they carry a charge of energy with which the patient is treated.

How do black magicians work?

healing magic is

Sorcerers act in the same way, joining the dark forces during the performance of rituals. Only unlike white magic in black does the principle of retraction apply. At first, the sorcerer takes dark power upon himself to commit a conspiracy, and then by a spell redirects the flow of negative energy to the victim.

Representatives of black magic have incredible power. It also consists in the fact that magic is a belief in witchcraft. When a person accepts the existence of the other world and higher powers, it is easiest to influence him. In other words, the power of the dark forces in the fear of the people before it. This feeling makes a person vulnerable and open to the influence of spirits.

Sorcerers do not always have a connection with the other world of their own free will. Often, spirits, demons and devils with their help try to get into the world of people. For this reason sorcerers often hear voices, they have nightmares, and visions happen. This is all a manifestation of dark power. Satanism is often considered black magic.

magic is science

Necessary training

Magic is a developed or innate ability to coordinate and accumulate energy flows using the power of one’s own will. Such a skill, even if given from the very beginning, should be trained. That is why often magicians and sorcerers in the process of life are deprived of any skills or functions, such as vision. At the same time, they receive in return the sensitivity of energy vibrations. Sight the magician or the sorcerer simply will not be needed if his center is configured to perceive the person’s appearance along the waves that he emits.

In addition to white and black magic, there is another kind of it - gray. It includes actions aimed at good and good.

Other types: description

There is also sympathetic magic. It is based on the principle of interaction of various objects, things and ways of behavior. This type of magic is divided into such subspecies: contact, initial, simile (or imitative), contagious (or partial).

The first subspecies is characterized by the transmission of an energy message by directly touching the target. Attributes are a talisman, a talisman, all kinds of potions.

Initial magic is carried out on the basis of the faith of the magician or the sorcerer in the highest goal, as well as through rituals with magic items and spells. In this way, casualty accidents are often attracted.

Simile (imitative) view is characterized by redirection of damage from the dead to the living. Attributes are soft dolls or wax figures symbolizing the victim. A ritual is performed above them, as a rule, consisting in casting a spell and inflicting that type of mutilations that are intended for a living person.

Contagious (partial) variety is used when working with personal things of a person who is magically exposed. Attributes are both items of clothing, and hair, blood and so on. These things and elements are subject to conspiracies and spells, after which, having got to the victim in an invisible way, begin their work as a vehicle of dark power.


verbal magic is

Another valid view is verbal magic. There is another name for it - the power of words. Verbal magic is the impact on a person uttered aloud (or mentally) phrases. One of the most famous and common attributes of this variety is prayer. Not for nothing that from time immemorial mothers uttered healing phrases at the head of a sick child. In the same way that dark forces were always driven out through prayers.

The attributes of verbal magic also include affirmations. These are program installations, expressed in words, the focus of which is the adjustment of human consciousness to acceptance, understanding and achievement of goals.

Another type of paraphernalia is spells. The vocabulary code embedded in phrases of a certain order has a special meaning. Therefore, much attention is paid to conspiracies, sayings and even wishes. A person must, without ceasing, hear himself, as often as possible to clear his space from abusive words and negative utterances. Thus, everyone can improve their own lives, making it easier for themselves to reach their goals.

white magic is

Many famous people resort to the method of affirmations before important meetings and speeches. In a similar way, they set up their body and energy to solve the task.


Magic is magic that is written about in fairy tales. This is witchcraft that every person at least once felt on himself when everything fell out of his hands. But there is opposition to it. This is a belief in oneself and in light forces.

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