Pedagogical skills are a combination of the most diverse actions of a teacher with the help of which he carries out his activities. They reveal the individual psychological characteristics of the teacher, testify to the inherent professional competence.
What are these skills? How are they formed? Why are they so important? What is affected? Since the topic is interesting and important, it is worth paying special attention to its study.
Absolutely everything in the environment of the teacher affects the success of his work, and therefore is subject to pedagogical analysis. In particular:
- Pedagogical situations.
- Features of students.
- Creating a personal pedagogical system, maintaining its functioning.
- The specifics of the team.
- Learning outcomes.
- Problems.
Pedagogical and analytical skills are very important. They help the teacher to separate the certain phenomena that they encounter into the constituent elements, as well as to understand them in detail, to determine the relationship with other components of teaching.
Also, analytics helps to find certain patterns, conclusions and ideas in the psychological and pedagogical theory , isolate the main pedagogical problems, and determine ways to solve them.
When listing pedagogical skills, this quality should also be noted with attention. Reflection is the ability of a person to pay attention to himself, to his consciousness, as well as to the result of personal (in this case, professional) activity.
In teaching , this is a very important skill. The teacher is required to supervise and evaluate what he does and says.
It is very important that he regularly ascertains whether other participants in the educational process (and these are not only students, but also parents and colleagues) fully understand him as a teacher. This includes the personal characteristics of the teacher, his emotions, professional approaches to conducting classes, etc.
Also, the teacher must be aware of the extent to which the results obtained are a consequence of his activities.
Analyzing yourself is not always easy. You need to take into account a lot of nuances:
- Correctly formulated goals.
- Their further specification in certain tasks.
- The ability to find adequate ways to solve them.
- The ability to bring students to their goals.
- The effectiveness of the methods used.
- Their compliance with the age and level of development of students.
- The ability to investigate the causes of success and failure.
- The ability to correct mistakes and not make them anymore.
This pedagogical skill is not typical for every teacher. But the teacher who owns it shows truly impressive results.
Forecasting is another important pedagogical skill. This is a skill that is developing more and more over the years. In teaching, there is no way without it, since the management of the pedagogical process is impossible without focusing on a clearly formed result in the mind.
The basis of prognostic skills is the management of the logic and essence of their activities, as well as the laws of individual and age development of students. A knowledgeable teacher can foresee the following points:
- What exactly students may misunderstand.
- What meaning can they give to one or another teaching action.
- What experience will contribute to a deep insight into the essence of the subject.
- How exactly they will perceive the material under study, how their everyday ideas will affect it.
The teacher must also foresee what qualities students can instill in one time or another, how much information they can learn over a certain period, what difficulties they will encounter, etc.
No teacher can do without this professional and pedagogical skill. Without it, it is impossible to carry out the following tasks:
- Designing the learning process taking into account the interests and needs of students, as well as the capabilities of the provided material base and personal experience.
- Translation of the content and meaning of education into specific goals.
- Definition of the main and related tasks for each stage of the teaching process.
- The selection of those activities that correspond to the tasks.
- Planning a system of creative affairs.
- The study of individual meetings aimed at eliminating barriers that prevent certain pupils from learning, as well as their comprehensive development.
- Creating an environment conducive to the personal development of students.
- Thinking out methods that stimulate the interest of pupils and their activity.
- Maintaining positively productive relationships with the public and parents.
Projection is a professional and pedagogical skill that is directly related to the previously listed. Everything in teaching takes place in three stages: analysis, forecast and project. And then - the result.
Organizational skills
There are teachers to whom they are not peculiar. But such teachers, as a rule, do not achieve special results in their work. And it becomes difficult for them to work with children themselves.
Organizational and pedagogical skills of teachers can be defined in the following list:
- Management of the activity and behavior of students.
- Passion for children in activities, games and other perspectives.
- Fast decision making.
- Finding the most effective means of teaching influence.
- Association of students in groups with the obligatory consideration of their individual specificity and the existing relationships in the team.
- The ability is accessible, logical and clearly explain to the pupils the rules, requirements and tasks.
The last quality, perhaps, manages to develop in itself the most difficult thing. It requires a teacher from a certain experience, psychological skills, intellectual development, even cunning. The teacher must be able to do all of the above competently, without losing respect in the team (both in children and in teachers).
You need to understand that there is a huge difference between organizational skills and tyranny (when everything is decided by screams and endless deuces in the magazine).
To attract attention
An important aspect is the ability to attract students' attention to the material presented, or, in other words, the manifestation of mobilization skills. Types of pedagogical skills are multifaceted. And the ability to attract, and then retain the attention of the pupil, is worth a lot.
After all, a teacher is one who develops a steady interest in knowledge and work in students. It forms in children a need for new useful information. The teacher equips them with the skills of educational work, helps to get used to using them in real life.
It is the teacher who is able to help students to form a creative attitude towards the world around them, to become much more morally and intellectually developed personalities.
In the development of pedagogical skills, it is important to attach special importance to the teacher’s ability to present educational material. A real teacher is able to carry out the following actions:
- A competent explanation of the material in simple language.
- Formulation of questions in the most accessible form.
- Work with sources of information.
- Didactic transformation of the received information.
- The logical construction of the story.
- Reorganization of the curriculum and presentation of the material, if necessary.
In simple words, the teacher should be able to convey information to his students so that they are aware of and remember it.
Education and morality
This topic also needs to be addressed, since we are talking about teaching activities and skills. In addition to all of the above, the teacher is obliged to deal with the moral education of children. This is important for personality formation.
The teacher should try to instill in children a high consciousness, moral feelings, the concept of proper behavior in accordance with the principles of morality and ideals. The teacher is obliged to convey to them: actions and words characterize a person’s attitude to everything that surrounds him.
This is a very complex and lengthy process. Each child will go a long way from the basic assimilation of moral concepts to mastering their content. In the future, the moral education of students will play a regulatory role in their behavior and attitude to the world, people, nature, animals, etc.
Enumerating pedagogical knowledge, skills, it is necessary to pay a little attention to such a topic. The importance of perception cannot be underestimated. Indeed, if it is peculiar to the teacher, it means that he is able to understand others, be aware of their personal characteristics and unique value orientations.
This quality allows him to determine the state of the student and the nature of his experiences. Thanks to perception, the teacher finds in the actions, words and deeds of each child that which distinguishes him from the rest (or even from himself in other situations).
It should be noted that this is the most important pedagogical skill. The teacher applies knowledge and communication skills in his activities every day. It is through communication that he distributes the attention of students, maintains his stability, determines the most suitable way of contacting.
Through communication, the teacher can analyze the actions of children, see the motives pursued by them, determine their behavior in certain situations, even create an experience of emotional experiences and, finally, reconcile students.
The word is a very powerful tool that a teacher must master in perfection. There are teachers who forget to communicate with students and listen to them. But this can significantly help the educational process.
Self management
It is important to note that the formation of pedagogical skills requires a tremendous amount of work on the part of the teacher. This profession is not suitable for everyone. Only strong, comprehensively developed individuals will be able to engage in such activities.
Here is what an educator needs to constantly improve himself, improve his results and his skills:
- Endurance.
- Good physical health.
- Attention.
- Developed imagination.
- The presence of a creative approach.
- Properly delivered speech.
- The ability to use pantomime and facial expressions to achieve educational goals.
- Stable emotional state.
- Social sensitivity.
- Ability to restrain negativity.
And, of course, the teacher himself must constantly study. This is the only way to improve and develop.
Love for their activities
Much has been said above about what skills a good teacher should have. But you can put it much easier.
The best teacher is the person who loves his subject so much that he wants to captivate the rest. All listed qualities will be inherent in him - they will come from this his need.
A keen person is engrossed in interest and even a certain passion, and therefore he knows how to choose the right words, explain the information in simple language, pick up fascinating examples, etc. Surely each of us has such an example from life: when it was too lazy to go to a lesson from a certain subject from - for a boring, uninitiated teacher, but he didn’t even want to miss the classes of another teacher - he told me so interestingly.
In addition, teachers in this category are always much more erudite than others. It is amazing how much their capital level of knowledge and broad mental horizons. And all because such teachers are constantly thirsty in learning new information.
And it is bearing fruit. After all, as V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “In order to give the students at least a spark of knowledge, you yourself need to drink a sea of light.”