Pima: what is it, how are they different from boots

In different regions, climatic conditions differ in their severity. To keep your feet warm, it’s important to choose the right shoes for the season. Khanty, Mansi, Komi and Nenets are saved from frosts in the national way - they have long been wearing the warmest pimps.

What does the Nenets winter shoes look like

First of all, the material itself is interesting, from which sew pims. What is camus? This is a hand-skinned deer skin. It is from this raw material that a blank is made for sewing warm winter shoes. Pima - shoes designed for both men and women. Before starting the process of creating a new pair of pimples, pieces of skins are carefully processed and prepared. The moose antler ornament is traditionally considered a talisman and is displayed on the outside of the shoe. Particular attention is paid to aesthetics: white and dark-colored skins are selected, neatly stitched and turned outwards with fur. The way of socks is original. To maintain heat, pima are tied under the knees with special laces. They do not have additional fasteners; they are worn on the leg like stockings. They can reach a groin length.

pima what is

Product Design

In the process of decorating a female couple, several methods are used. Traditional ones: curettage, coloring, application. Separate strips of fabric and fur are sewn on pima. What are signs, remember all the inhabitants of the far North. Therefore, they adhere to them in everything. Patches mean that you can not swear, offend people and keep other commandments.

What are the differences from boots and ugg?

In the fashion world, there are a lot of representatives of warm shoes: boots, high boots, uggs and pimas. What is special about these distinctive Nenets products - pimahs? You can call them distant relatives of high fur boots. They are similar in their fur designs. Both species come from the far north. Russian felt felt boots, as well as fashionable ugg boots, cannot be compared with pimes, as they have a different appearance. But today the entire shoe industry pleases customers with an abundance of decorative elements. Everything is used, from beads to decorative ribbons and feathers.

pima shoes

Pime storage features

Deer skins are durable in the sock, but in the offseason it is important to properly store pimes. What are shuipats? This is a special suede bag for storing national shoes. This method is used due to ancient beliefs. It is believed that while walking in the pimes, the foot is in contact with the Lower World. Due to the fear of meeting with higher powers, it is recommended that everyone keep a special product separately from all other things.

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