This article is devoted to the analysis of the meaning of the name Nestor. From time immemorial, this rare name has been of interest. Next, you will learn about the origin and meaning of the name Nestor, as well as the fate of a person with such a nickname.
The name Nestor is of Greek Orthodox origin. Sometimes they also talk about his Ukrainian roots. It is believed that the name Nestor means “returning home” (a combination of the Greek words “return” and “returning from travel” is interpreted in this way). It turns out that it was customary to call Nestor the wanderers who returned home.
This male name is also popular among Catholics, in particular, it was used in Brazil, Spain, Argentina and Portugal. The name Nestor, whose origin goes back centuries, in the Orthodox environment was most often given to representatives of the clergy.
At present, the name form is considered obsolete, therefore it is extremely rare in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine to meet a person who would be called Nestor. The meaning of the name, character and fate of such people correspond to the uniqueness of their owners.
Catholic boy’s name day falls on February 26th.
March 4, September 8, October 8 - all these are the dates of the Orthodox name days of Nestor.
Short forms: Nesya, Nestork, Tito, Nestek, Nesha, Neshko.
Character boy and man
Ardent and idealistic, Nestor is a true revolutionary. Such a person does not find rest, thinking about how to make the world a better place. According to the meaning of the name, the character of Nestor is restless and tossing about. Even at school, such a boy could argue with scholastic and boring teachers. Ready to defend my thoughts to the last.
The meaning of the name, character and fate of Nestor in adulthood endow him with the qualities of a fighter for the introduction of innovations, new technologies and progress. Self-sufficient Nestor can become a defender of the offended and a patron of the weak. At school for a boy named Nestor there are no equal - he is strong and has leadership qualities.
Unfortunately, such an ideological nature can put one’s life at stake for fulfilling lofty dreams and ideas. On the other hand, it is such a person who goes into battle ahead of everyone and becomes a hero. An example of such a strong spirit can be the famous revolutionary anarchist named Nestor Makhno.
Internal struggle
Nestor’s internal conflict lies in the fact that his ideas can really be brilliant, but rarely such a person lacks perseverance and practicality to translate them into reality. Often it is difficult for him to give a clear answer even to himself, not like those around him. The real purpose of Nestor is as if in a fog for himself. Usually an anarchist denies general phrases about equality and justice. The struggle for Nestor overcomes the result.
Do not make Nestor angry. The meaning of the name says that such a person can be quite aggressive and even resort to violence in a state of passion.
In the family and affairs of love
Nestor's attitude towards love is pretty cool. The famous phrase “First of all, airplanes, and then girls” fully characterizes his perception of close relations. But even coolness does not scare away young beauties, on the contrary, it attracts them to him, like a magnet. It is not surprising that by the age of 40 he is gaining a decent baggage of light, easy burdensome connections. Nestor does not see something sacred in intimate relationships, and therefore, not embarrassed, offers proximity already on the first date, which, most likely, will be the last.
A rare girl can cause the affection of this revolutionary. Only the one who shares his high ideals can become his reliable and faithful companion. If a woman were even half as obsessed with the idea of revolution as he was, he would have married her right there.
Unpretentious Nestor unpretentious in everyday life. As the meaning of the name Nestor says, he does not pay much attention to domestic affairs and expects the same from his chosen one. Culinary skills and order in the house are concepts alien to this man. It is unlikely that he will appreciate the efforts of his wife to make the house “a full bowl”. The priority for Nestor is communication and gatherings with many friends in his house.
The meaning of the name Nestor tells us about the incivility of the character of such a man. It is difficult for him to work in a team. It is best for Nestor to work alone or build a business with people he trusts. Obeying the bosses is not about Nestor, who cannot stand power over himself.
That is why it will be an excellent option for him to establish his own business, which will subsequently bring him stable passive income. Nestor opposes any work where he needs to give all his best and abide by strict agreements.
Zodiac signs
The most harmonious will be Nestor under the sign of Capricorn with accented Uranus. Good compatibility with Gemini and Sagittarius is not ruled out.
A successful marriage with Nestor can be with women named Emma, Inna, Marianne, Taisia or Angelina.
Interpretation according to A. Alexandrov
The whole life of Nestor depends on the spiritual values, principles and views that his parents, friends, teachers and educators lay in him. Nestor, who was lucky enough to be born in a creative atmosphere, can become an interesting and versatile person. His desire to build, work and benefit society prevails precisely with such education. He will be able to know the world, engage in science, art.
If in childhood around Nestor there was a desire for power, superiority over others in everyday life, in money, material abundance, then all his physical and spiritual energy would be directed towards these interests. Such a life will turn into an endless and fruitless race for the jackpot, luck. It will become part of the lottery, in which people will become a lottery ticket.
The psychomatrix of the name does not contain the number 1, which means the following: it has no character. Nestor is not going to punch his own path, to look for new ways to achieve his goals. Yes, and why? Even at the age of twelve, the boy copies the behavior model of his family and friends. What could Nestor become? He is either a genius (scientist, creator, writer, artist, etc.), or an avid unprincipled luck catcher who will literally go over his head: if necessary, he will not fail to crush or kill a person standing on his way to gaining what he wants. All other aspects of life do not particularly bother him - Nestor will just pick up his wife and work for himself.
The only advice to Nestor's relatives is not to play with words, as they can have a big effect on building his future. Relatives will either grow talent in him, or a person who seeks to fill the void with thoughts about profit, power and money.
At the age of 12, young Nestor sets his first goals and thinks about future work, about a business to which he will devote his whole life. A man without willpower, Nestor simply looks back at his surroundings and takes an example from his teachers and mentors. This may include parents, friends, teachers, even random people. This or that person will be able to lay in his head a model of behavior for the next 50 years.
Nestor's Health
A strong man almost always remains in good health. However, do not forget about prevention, because God saves a careful person. To keep the body in good shape, Nestor needs to take various vitamins and minerals, as well as monitor the quality of food intake. A person of this type is better to avoid bad habits.
Rouge Interpretation
Men with the name Nestor are the type of men who "carry life."
Nestor's color is blue.
The main features are: sexuality, health, susceptibility.
The totem plant is chestnut.
The mascot animal is an elk.
The sign of the zodiac is Aries.
Nestors - men are cheerful, very active, so they need to be given the opportunity for self-realization.
Such men are extrovert, they are open to the whole world, but sometimes they are capable of reflection. Threats from Nestor do nothing. The best way to get involved in any business is to interest.
Although they give the impression of impregnability, they really need love and understanding.
Nestors mainly concentrate only on their personality (they often hide under the guise of an altruist, so this feature does not immediately strike the eye).
They take comments very closely in their favor. Any failure can become an unbearable stone. They need psychological support.
Very attractive Nestor work in the field of medicine. They are happy to develop new treatments. Become wonderful gynecologists. Disciplined (depends on upbringing) Nestors will be able to become surgeons, scientists, researchers.