Phytosol for hair removal at home

Dreaming of beautiful and smooth skin, our women often make big sacrifices. In order to get rid of unwanted and far from attractive vegetation on the face and body, they rub themselves with various ointments, scratch with razors. And even pluck every hair with a harmless-looking machine for hair removal. However, using this toolkit, it is not always possible to achieve the corresponding effect. This means that at least the next day the skin again becomes prickly to the touch. Phytosol for hair removal, on the contrary, promises to extend the smoothness of your legs and entire body for 10-30 days. Is it really? What are the features of this resin? And what are the benefits?

phytosol for depilation

Fitosmola - what is it?

Recently appeared in advertising honey resin inevitably became the object of targeted attention. It is this miraculous remedy, the prototype of which was once created in Ancient Egypt, that helps to eliminate unwanted vegetation not only on legs, but also in more delicate places. For example, in the armpit and bikini area. And most importantly, it makes it possible to permanently get rid of the unattractive tendrils on the face.

What is included in the composition?

If you believe the inscriptions on the package, phytosol for depilation ("Ayuna") does not contain chemicals and is completely natural. It consists of the following components:

  • Bee Honey;
  • walnut extract;
  • pine resin
  • lemon juice.

As you can see, the product contains exclusively natural substances. According to the manufacturer, bee honey resin has excellent warming and bacteriostatic properties. Zhivitsa eliminates microtrauma and possible skin irritations, and walnut extract helps to slow hair growth. And, therefore, increases the effect of "smoothness" for a long time.

phytosol for hair removal at home

What phytosol looks like: description

Visually, phytosol for depilation resembles a thick amber-brown wax, very hard and unyielding to the touch. It also has a peculiar smell, similar to pine resin. This substance is produced in a plastic container in the form of small and large jars. From above it is closed with a tight lid and covered with a protective membrane. Less commonly, a cosmetic product can be seen in special cassettes designed for depilation using rollers. That is why every woman has the right to choose one or another capacity for home use.

phytosol for depilation of ayun

How does phyto resin for hair removal at home?

To remove hair with resin, it is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons. With its help, you can easily cope with overgrown vegetation in a relaxed home environment. How it works? Suppose you purchased a treasured jar of cosmetic product. Next, you need to remove the resin from it. But, since it is initially very hard and tough, it will not be so easy to remove it. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the cover and remove the protective membrane.
  2. Grasp the container with two palms, creating a kind of ring. And squeeze with all your fingers at the same time.

After these simple manipulations of phytosol for depilation (at home it must be used strictly according to the instructions) it easily comes out. Then a small clot of substance should be carefully separated from the popped-up round “washer” using any sharp object. In this case, it will be enough to pinch off a resin the size of a walnut. Mash the resulting piece a little in the hands. Put the rest of the resin back into the box and close it tightly.


After the piece of already sticky substance torn off by you becomes soft, proceed to epilation. To do this, bring your resin to the area of ​​the body where you plan to remove unnecessary vegetation. And with a little effort, roll it into a thin pancake. Attention! Apply phytosol exclusively forgiving hair growth. After the resin covers the skin, wait a couple of minutes and remove with a sharp movement. If the outcome is successful, you will see hairs removed from the root on an unclotted clot. Consequently, the phytosilic depilation was successful. If at the place of attachment of the substance there is still excess growth, the above procedure should be repeated.

How is armpit depilation performed?

Eliminating unattractive vegetation on the armpits often causes discomfort. This is due to the inconvenience of the procedure and extremely delicate skin in this area. When using phytosol, experts recommend pre-mashing the substance with a small addition of talcum powder or baby powder. Then it is applied to the armpits and sharply torn. But since hair in this area is often more rigid and thickened, such procedures will need at least 3-4. After the phytosol for depilation is finally removed, and the armpit area is cleaned of hair, it is recommended to treat the skin with hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol solution. This will help you avoid irritation.

phytosol for hair removal at home

How is the depilation of the legs?

Shin depilation is performed by analogy. But since the area you are treating is much larger than the armpit area, the number of sticky applications will increase significantly. It is noteworthy that the piece of resin you have already used can be rolled up again into a ball and used up to 10-20 times. For greater convenience, it is recommended to use not one, but several balls of the product at once (4-8 is enough).

When removing hair from the legs, a phytosin cassette is also used. For depilation at home, it is used, but with a special clip. Before starting work, it is slightly warmed up. It is enough to hold the container on the battery or wrap it in a terry towel. Then, they are applied around the entire perimeter of the legs and removed using special tissue strips where excess hair remains. After this shin should be treated with a soothing gel or oil.

hair removal wax reviews

How is facial depilation performed?

There is nothing worse than the appearance of facial hair. Most often they occur in the region of the upper lip and the chin area. To eliminate such unwanted vegetation, phytosol is used. However, the process of hair removal is complicated by the presence of a large number of "cannon", densely growing hairs, which are not so easy to get rid of.

In order to carefully work out the area of ​​the face, it is necessary to roll two balls of substance, subsequently making two small “sausages” from them. Next, one of them is superimposed on the right side of the treated area, and the second on the left. Then both strips are alternately sharply removed, smeared with talcum powder and again superimposed. To get rid of the antennae of phytosol for depilation is used 3-4 times. After that, the zone worked out by the substance is treated with any disinfectant.

hair removal bikini phytosol

How to make depilation of the bikini zone?

The most sensitive and delicate area is the bikini area. As a rule, it involves special accuracy and leisurely movements. To this end, the resin is initially softened, divided into two small balls and applied on both sides of the hair removal area. Further, it is abruptly removed, re-rolled into a ball and, with the addition of talc, is used again. Repeat this procedure will have 4-5 times.

More complex is the more extensive depilation of bikini with phytosol. It is done in a gentle mode and relieves you of bruises and redness. This is a zone of the so-called deep bikini. It involves the elimination of hard vegetation around the anus and the region of the labia majora. To work with these areas you will need at least 3-4 balls. The procedure itself will be completed in 2-4 times. In addition to depilation, phyto resin is also used for intimate haircuts. It is well tolerated and does not take much time. However, the treatment area, as with self-removal of unwanted hair, should be wiped with peroxide or any other antiseptic.

What do women say about cosmetic resin?

As you can see, phytosol for depilation (reviews of this product can be seen below) is the most convenient substance that eliminates all types of hair, including “furry”, without problems. Let's find out what the fair sex is saying about her. Some girls write that they are completely satisfied with the product. According to them, the packaging that they bought was enough for a long time. And the result from the use of cosmetic resin exceeded all expectations.

Other users say that they previously used wax for hair removal and were not satisfied with its effect due to the constantly occurring irritation. After purchasing the photographic equipment, they managed to get rid of unwanted vegetation without redness and inflammation of the skin. Other women strongly recommend the product to their friends, since with their help they were able to minimize the pain of depilation in the bikini zone. But there are also young ladies who, on the contrary, were dissatisfied with the remedy. According to them, after the resin treatment of the legs, “spiny stumps” and small bruises remained on them.

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