Electric power steering and its features

The electric power steering is a special device that provides a reduction in the forces applied to the steering wheel necessary for maneuvering on the road. After its installation, driving is much easier, and in extreme situations the chances of the driver to turn around and avoid an accident increase. This device is used in cars and trucks, as well as in minibuses.

Due to its reliability, ease of use and efficiency, the electric power steering is very popular and is used by a huge number of drivers who do not want to spoil the impression of a trip with poor management.

This device works as follows: when the steering wheel is turned, the force set by a person is transmitted to the steering mechanism. A torque sensor transmits the value of this force to the electronic unit, information about the steering angle, as well as about the speed of the car, also goes there. The electronic unit processes the received data, and on the basis of processing forms a signal of the required strength. This signal is transmitted to the actuator, after which the desired torque is determined and transmitted to the shaft or steering rack.

Having studied the principle of operation of an electric amplifier, we can conclude that it is quite simple, but because this device consumes a reasonable amount of energy.

The electric power steering consists of a small number of elements, among which four are the main ones. This is a control module, torque sensor, gearbox and electric motor. The task of the gearbox is to provide direct support to the steering system, and the torque sensor monitors the torque set by the driver, as well as the power of amplification.

The electric power steering can work in several modes. In the rotation mode, it works due to the electric motor.

In the turning mode at low speed, a control system begins to operate, ensuring the formation of maximum torque.

When turning at high speed, the control system also works, but now minimum torque is formed.

When the wheels are returned to the middle position, the control system provides the formation of the desired torque and adjustment of the position of the wheels.

There are also three levels of degree of support (strengthening) of the steering. Normal mode (full support) works when all the necessary information is received in the control system. Support is limited when information arrives, but not in full. But the lack of support occurs in the event of a malfunction of the mechanism.

If we talk about malfunctions, then repairing the electric power steering may be required in several situations. Of course, repair is necessary in the complete absence of the functioning of the device, but less serious, but noteworthy, cases are possible.

So, you should go to the car workshop if, with equal effort, uneven control is performed (turns of different strengths to the right and left). A bad sign is the feeling of bumps in the steering wheel during operation, as well as the feeling of vibration during its rotation. Extraneous sounds made by the steering wheel, such as noise or creaking, cannot be ignored.

Like any other mechanism, an electromechanical power steering requires a special, careful attitude. So, the electronic parts of the mechanism should not be exposed to moisture or high temperatures, and the steering column assembly should be protected in every way from damage. If it falls, it is advisable to replace all elements of the assembly.

In addition, in no case should you pull the wiring for any purpose or touch the contacts of the connector.

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