Many housewives often have a situation where the products remain in the refrigerator, there is no desire to cook immediately, and leaving them to disappear is not only a pity, but also very wasteful. Is it possible to store only meat and fish in the freezer? Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese? For some mysterious reason, it is dairy products that are attributed special trepidation when frozen, although this is not entirely true. One can involuntarily suspect a conspiracy of producers who want to bind consumers to the need to buy dairy products and cottage cheese every day, thus forming a stable and evenly distributed over time demand.
However, experienced housewives have long found out that the freezer is used for many types of food, which can significantly save time, effort and money. It is not in vain that cottage cheese is considered one of the most βquiveringβ dairy products, it is not stored for long, and must be present regularly in the diet.
How to save the product?
In the refrigerator, cottage cheese can be stored for just a few days, if we are talking about a home-made product. Cottage cheese made at food enterprises lasts a little longer, but this is only due to the use of pasteurized milk or, in the worst case, because of the added preservatives. Cottage cheese bought in the store can be in the refrigerator for almost a week.
The easiest way to find out whether it is possible to freeze cottage cheese so that after defrosting it turns out to be edible and tasty, is to conduct an experiment with a small amount of product.
Which product to choose for storage?
Cottage cheese can be dry, wet, greasy and fat-free, shop and home. How not to get confused in this variety, and is it possible to freeze cottage cheese for storage, if purchased on occasion, to create a stock without a special purpose?
Home-made cottage cheese made of unrefined milk has a high percentage of fat content, has a pleasant creamy tint and a sweet, delicate taste, is well stored, does not form serum smudges. Store curd is usually sold in wet packaging, it is no accident: its humidity is higher than a home-made product. A legitimate question arises: "Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese, which contains so much moisture?" As experience shows, any product is suitable for this, you just need to follow simple rules.
Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese in a freezer
An ordinary household freezer does not cool the food fast enough, and this is the only problem. Due to this regime, the moisture in the cottage cheese will freeze with ice crystals, changing the structure, and when thawing, liquid whey may leak. Taste qualities are not able to change just because of this, the consistency is changing.
Then is it possible to freeze cottage cheese so that when thawing it fully retains its properties? To do this, it is better to use cameras equipped with the function of quick or shock freezing. In this case, the cottage cheese is frozen more evenly, and when thawing it differs little from fresh. Of course, before laying in the freezer, you need to pack the cottage cheese in dense polyethylene to protect it from penetration of extraneous odors. Also suitable are plastic trays designed for food and resistant to low temperatures.
Factory curd semi-finished products
It confirms the positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to freeze the cottage cheese, the presence on the market of all kinds of frozen pancakes, dumplings and casseroles with curd filling. If the cottage cheese really tolerated the freeze so badly, it would be unlikely that the producers would dare to produce such semi-finished products.
Buying pancakes or dumplings with cottage cheese can significantly save time, but at a cost it costs at least one and a half to two times more expensive than homemade food.
Homemade cottage cheese semi-finished products
It is not necessary to buy factory semi-finished products. You can prepare meals for the future, stick dumplings, prepare cheese cakes, which then only need to be heated. Doubts of the majority of housewives who are considering whether it is possible to freeze lazy dumplings from cottage cheese, cottage cheese pancakes and casseroles, are now easily dissipated. These three dishes are combined by the type of preparation of the curd mass. You can store them in the freezer both in the form of semi-finished products, and ready-made, then it remains only to warm up.
When asking whether it is possible to freeze cottage cheese in a freezer, housewives first of all strive to provide their family with tasty and healthy dishes, but at the same time not to spend too much time and effort. This is a great way to save money, because it becomes possible to buy products at a reduced price - many sellers agree to let the curd go at a discount if the buyer takes three or four kilograms at once.
How to fix a failed freeze?
Sometimes, when defrosting, cottage cheese semi-finished products are damaged. For example, whey may peel off, and spring rolls slightly soak. Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese and hope at the same time that when thawing there will be an ideal result? Of course, no one can guarantee this, even if the original product is of excellent quality.
However, cottage cheese can be considered one of the most "flexible" products. Soaked pancakes can be baked in the oven, in a creamy fill, this will only make the dish better. From watery cottage cheese will turn out delicious casserole and very successful cheesecakes. One has only to make a fantasy, and a valuable product will not be hopelessly spoiled, on the contrary, in such cases, the culinary fantasy gets additional space.