Platinum spark plugs: specifications and reviews

Will the trip take place, will the car fail in a responsible life situation? It depends on many factors. In the work of the "heart" of the car, the main functionality is given to the spark plugs. Which of them to please your "swallow"? This is a matter of interest to any vehicle owner and requires careful consideration. The current car market novelty is iridium and platinum candles. We will tell about the features of the latter.

The role of spark plugs

How not to make a mistake in choosing a spark plug

By this concept is meant a device involved in igniting a fuel mixture to stimulate movement. A spark of several tens of thousands of volts forms between the electrodes. The durability of the device depends on various factors: the fuel consumption, the speed with which the owner of the vehicle travels, matters. Periodic replacement takes place during operation. It is important to be able to understand the structural differences between platinum and iridium candles.

Is the choice difficult?

Traditional cleaning method

For maximum device performance, developers use advanced technology. NGK, Denso and Bosch are among the foremost creators of high-quality parts. What do you pay attention to when buying?

  • It matters the ability to resist thermal shock, insulating properties.
  • Anticorrosive qualities.
  • Reliability in different operating conditions.
  • You should ask about the thermal conductivity of the insulator, electrodes.

Platinum or iridium

What do you pay attention to when buying?

The most common question among motorists: is a platinum or iridium candle better? Different manufacturers offer platinum. The main working element of the device is the electrode. Models are presented on the market in the form of single-electrode or multi-electrode modifications. A standard solution is the presence of a central and side electrode. Constant “work” of the spark leads to the rapid wear of this spare part.

Multi-electrode spark plugs (platinum and iridium) in practice have shown themselves in the best way, extending the life of this unit.

The materials involved in the creation may be different, and the main parameters of high-quality use are dictated by the features of the electrode parts. Spark plugs apply:

  • made of copper and a combination of chromium with nickel;
  • from platinum and iridium.

The cost also depends on the material: the second will cost more. Candles platinum and iridium differ in production methods. It is worth disassembling each part separately.

About the benefits of platinum candles

Engine type - an important criterion

The production line is based on the use of innovative equipment. Platinum alloy is used to make the central electrode element. According to online reviews, a candle with a platinum tip has several advantages.

  1. Contribute to an increase in motor power.
  2. Reduces fuel costs due to reduced consumption.
  3. The shelf life of the model is doubled.

Among the shortcomings, one can note a high price, exactingness on the quality of the fuel resource. Drivers love them for their stability at work. Their power was increased by engineers by reducing the core thickness, allowing the sparking to be modernized. The result is good functioning and starting even on a frosty day. Unlike iridium, platinum is endowed with increased indicators to the melting temperature, the result - doubled "longevity".

How will a motorist win by putting platinum?

The main working element of the device is the electrode

Cost is the basic difference; a motorist can save about 40%. Platinum candles are more suitable for cars with engines and turbochargers, intercoolers. The motorist wins from an economic point of view in such a situation. Precious metal products cope well with high loads, justify the money invested in the car. Experts highlight the following signs of high quality platinum NGK candles.

  • Products are corrosion resistant.
  • Cope with temperature fluctuations.
  • The flammability is stable due to the action of the central electrode with a low voltage.
  • Up to 100 thousand km, judging by the reviews of motorists, the part works flawlessly.
  • Ease of starting is ensured when accessing the U-shaped profile and electrode diameter of up to 0.7 mm.

Based on the foregoing, driver reviews confirm that platinum candles are more in demand. When choosing a product, it’s worth considering the type of car engine. ” This is the ideal solution for turbocharged machines.

Tricks to resolve the issue

What kind of platinum or iridium candles do professionals recommend? Auto mechanics, contrary to the opinion of connoisseurs of driving a car, most often opt for iridium parts. Why? The condition of the vehicle and its technical properties play a large role.

If you decide to install iridium parts on a worn unit, then you just throw the money away. This absolutely does not change anything in terms of power and dynamics.

Many people think that candles made of precious metal will not flood. This opinion is erroneous, since coking candles will inevitably occur when oil enters the combustion chamber.

The traditional method of cleaning these parts is detrimental to expensive metal. Sludge is not cleaned by conventional mechanical methods. The total shelf life of both devices is approximately the same, provided that they are driving along the road ruts of their homeland and the CIS countries.

Replacement Factors

The frequency of replacement of platinum spark plugs depends on some nuances.

  • How many kilometers did the car “run”? With daily access to transport, early wear is inevitable. Replacement is sometimes needed after 50 thousand km.
  • The driving style determines the frequency of visits to service centers. Frequent temperatures with the “+” sign, aggressive behavior on the road - and “welcome” to the workshop.
  • Vulnerability is felt in relation to the quality of purchased fuel and lubricants. Bad gasoline will add soot to the motor spark plug parts, worsening dynamic performance.
  • There is a dependence of the change of these spare parts on the serviceability of the motor, its design. Close attention to it ensures the durability of the candles.
  • Make and age of the car are not in last place. Old domestic means require frequent replacements from the owner.

Is it time to change? How to understand this?

Do not encounter a fake is extremely important for car owners.

Looking under the hood and unscrewing the details, it is recommended to pay attention to such moments. No deposits occur in the working system: the color of the device is gray. The presence of a small deposit: can be replaced by similar models with thermal characteristics. Carbon electrode devices are not subject to further operation.

The part “screams” about the need to buy a new one in the presence of a contaminated workspace, dark brown deposits, interruptions in the system, and throttle pollution. This is fraught with grave consequences. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics, clean the candle in gasoline, but the problem is to look deeper - just replace them a little.

An incorrectly adjusted gap of the device leads to its destruction, to the fact that the seals cease to fulfill their functions, to the appearance of dark deposits on the surface of the cylinder. When buying spark plugs, you need to know how to distinguish the original from a fake.


Change spark plugs

How to determine: which spark plugs are platinum and which are fake? Production design features distinguish parts from fake.

NGK models are characterized by the perpendicular arrangement of the electrode with respect to the contact. Fakes have an uneven shaft. Low cost - a reason to beware. The quality side of printing is different: the original drawings are clear, bright; in fake - the contours of images are shifted down. A batch code is indicated on one of the faces of this part. The thread is made perfectly, and the insulator resembles glaze, and the fakes have a rough coating.

On Bosch products there is a mark on the belt, parts with a warranty card, in high-quality packaging are sold. Fakes are delivered most often from Turkey, entering the market in the form of W7DC, W7 DTC. They can be determined by deformation or detachment of the lateral electrode part. Remaining in the cylinder, they inflict irreparable damage to the engine, which entails considerable cash outlay. Underground workers came up with their own marking W8 ATC. Products from a dishonest master have a coating with chrome, tightly clinging to the head. Soon after the acquisition they are shaken, the compression begins to disappear, the car is inexorably losing its dynamics. The original is characterized by a clear deep marking, skillfully executed logo.

The Denso fakes have a fuzzy inscription on the case, a brilliant contact lead, and poorly centered electrodes. Marking is scraped off easily.

Do not encounter a fake is extremely important for car owners. It is worth contacting only professional companies specializing in the sale of branded parts. Depends on this safety on the roadway, financial costs. In order to avoid embarrassment, it is better to follow the advice of experts, study the feedback of experienced car owners and remember that the timeliness of diagnostic measures, maintenance, respect for the vehicle, and purchase from a reliable manufacturer of spare parts are the main canons for the proper use of the car.

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