During the repair, many are faced with the issue of leveling the walls. This phenomenon is most often characteristic of block houses. With lighthouses, the leveling process becomes painstaking and slow.
Citizens often wonder how to level walls without beacons. Such interest is determined by the desire to save your time and money on building materials.
Preparatory stage
It is necessary to clean, clean the walls. Remove old coat, paint and other materials. If there is a fungus on the walls, then the work is postponed until it is disposed of. It is necessary to clean the room from dust and dirt.
Do not ignore the stage of priming surfaces. The putty holds tight on primed walls, the layers are smoother.
To align the walls without beacons with your own hands, you will need the appropriate tools:
- It is necessary to find a construction rule, the diameter of which should be at least 2.5 mm.
- Before leveling the walls without beacons, you will need to buy spatulas with a width of 45 and 10 centimeters.
- To prepare a mixture of the desired consistency, you need a drill with a special nozzle. A mixer for building mixtures is also suitable.
- Bucket under the solution.
- Primer brush.
The preparatory layer of plaster is called "spray". It forms the basis for the following layers, allowing better attachment. At first, the entire wall is gradually covered with mortar, without coordinating attention on roughnesses (they will be removed later). You must immediately determine the thickness of the layer.
The solution for the first application is made according to the density as sour cream, it can be thicker. It should adhere well to the surface, while not breaking. It turns out small "slides", which are then evenly distributed on the wall.
It is important at this stage to hone the movement, so as not to throw away most of the material during work.
Some prefer to use “pouring” instead of “spraying”. According to reviews, the result is not much different.
What does work consist of?
The upcoming alignment work can be divided into two stages:
- Need to inspect the corners. If there are deviations during the level check, then you should align them. The joints of doors and windows are also aligned. To do this, you need gypsum plaster. It is spent sparingly. You can purchase a maximum of three bags of this material.
- Puttying under the wallpaper. For this you need 2 bags of putty.
Leveling stages without resorting to the use of beacons
Start with the primer walls. Next, you need to take the rule and go through the corners. Recesses will be revealed, the contour is outlined with a pencil. It is important to check the floor skirting boards, the joints.
The next step is to prepare the solution using a drill. The layers should be thin, so a small amount of the solution should be kneaded once. It is used the first 25 minutes after kneading. The following stirring is impractical, as the solution thickens and dries. It is not subject to further use.
How to align the walls with the rule without beacons further? After applying the rule, the walls are treated, the surface becomes smooth.
You can align the walls with the Rothband without beacons, as well as with the usual home-made mixture. The methods are similar, only the drying time of the layers is reduced. Each layer will dry for about an hour.
Rule Pull
You can align the walls without beacons by stretching the rule:
- To do this, it is necessary that all the corners in the room harden. Usually you have to wait 30-40 minutes. A 45-cm spatula is taken, uneven spots are removed on the plaster.
- After stretching the rules, small badasses remain. Professionals advise diluting the grout, then it will be easy to process the walls and joints of the layers.
- You can putty the next day. The walls are re-cleaned with a spatula. If there is a special device for cleaning walls, it is better to use it.
- Need to get a deep penetration primer.
Perfect plaster technology
It is worth understanding how to level the walls with plaster without beacons. To get perfect walls, you need to make every effort and patience.
This method is usually used in the repair of summer cottages, utility buildings. The purpose of the work is to obtain a visually smooth surface, without gaps and cracks.
Thin layers are applied. This ensures accurate coating and saves material. Professionals claim that the consumption of the mixture is reduced by half. The thickness of the layer is a maximum of 5 mm.
This technique is useful when people do not want to reduce the area of the room and try to win every centimeter.
What solutions can be used
Nowadays, you can buy any material you like. The question will only be in the quality and price of the product.
The solutions are cement-based, also suitable on the basis of gypsum. Gypsum has its own nuances. Reviews say that it quickly freezes and does not allow to correct defects. This solution can be used if you have experience in performing plastering work. If you still decide to work with this composition, then you need to prepare the solution in small portions in order to have time to apply it to the surface.
There are universal solutions, they have a mixed basis. Such mixtures are perfect for beginners in this difficult matter. It is allowed to purchase a dry mixture in which water must be added before use. You can also buy a ready-to-use solution. This option will significantly save time for finishing work - say the reviews.
On the market, a mixture from the Prospectors company has proven itself. Its main advantage is profitability. 30 kg of this product requires 20 liters of water. The solution hardens after 20 minutes. Consumption per 10 square meters - a maximum of 9 kg, which significantly saves the buyer’s budget.
What to look for
When a person buys a ready-made mortar for leveling walls, he must clearly understand what surface and how thick he is going to plaster. It is necessary to study what is written on the packaging. As a rule, the approximate consumption of material is indicated here. They write what thicknesses are acceptable for applying to a certain type of wall.
The manufacturer indicates what the sequence should be when preparing the solution. To level the wall with putty without beacons, as a rule, a level is required, but you can do without it.
Is it possible to prepare the mixture yourself
Plastering professionals often talk about their “proprietary” recipes for wall plaster mortars.
They usually use solutions that include cement and sand. Widely used cement-lime compositions. To properly prepare the mixture, you need to know the proportions of the desired ingredients for the composition.
Cement-lime mortar is very popular. It attracts with its versatility in application. This mixture is plastic - say the reviews. Therefore, it is convenient to apply it in a thin layer. It is great for home decoration. Cement-sand mixture is most often used for external work.
What determines the consumption of material
To get even walls, you need to understand how much material will be consumed and how much it will cost.
Much depends on the accuracy of the wizard. Only how much plaster "flies" past the wall depends on it. As training progresses, waste is reduced. If the bumps on the walls are large, the consumption of materials will increase accordingly.
When people wonder how to level plastered walls without beacons, they want to immediately know the required amount of materials. Costs will depend on the roughness of the original layer. You may need to remove it and plaster it again. Then the costs will increase. To level the walls without beacons, as a rule, one does not stop at the cost of plastering. Other supplies and tools will also be needed.
So, we found out how to plaster the walls. As you can see, in this work you can do without beacons. The operation is not complicated, but requires accuracy.