Female beauty is a fragile flower that needs to be taken care of all the time, otherwise it will fade very quickly. This is especially true for the skin of the face, which is most susceptible to environmental influences, it is covered daily with makeup, and then cleaned with various means, often aggressive. As a result, it is on the face that signs of aging appear first. Today we want to discuss good face masks, tell you what they are, what are their features and what effect they give. That is, as a result, you can collect for yourself an excellent piggy bank of recipes, which you will use. All of these masks have been tested more than once by hundreds of women. Despite the fact that we are all different, each one was able to choose the recipes that suit her and refuse expensive cosmetic products for skin care.
Natural masks that are
In fact, if you are looking for good face masks, you will find a huge variety of recipes, among which it is very easy to get lost. Let's give the main classification so that it is easier to navigate in this variety. You can distinguish groups such as cleansing and nourishing, lifting and anti-aging, whitening, moisturizing, to combat acne. Moreover, their separation can be quite arbitrary, because by adding additional ingredients, in addition to the lifting effect, you can perfectly nourish your skin. There are universal masks that perform a number of important functions at once. Below we give good face masks, the action of which has been tested by several generations of women.
General rules for applying masks
Indeed, it very often happens that the effectiveness of a procedure is significantly reduced only because a number of conditions are not met. This applies to professional skin care products. Surely at least once after a wonderful procedure in the salon you tried to buy the same product, and then again went to the salon. The same with homemade recipes, good face masks take time and carefully follow all instructions.
- Any composition is applied to pre-prepared skin. Therefore, remove and stab your hair, and cleanse your face with a suitable product for your skin type .
- Do not rush to apply the composition, it is much better if you pre-steam your face. Then the pores will open and the skin will absorb much better all the substances that should be obtained from the mask. For steaming, it is not necessary to use a special steam installation, a pan with boiling water (remember the inhalation in childhood) or a hot shower will help you.
- Take your time to change the composition. In order for the effect to appear, you need to take a course, that is, apply one mask 1-2 times a week for 2 months.
- It is not necessary to apply formulations to the lips and the skin around the eyes, it is enough to lubricate them with a suitable cream.
- Be sure to apply the mask with a brush and only along the massage lines.
- But the fact that the procedure takes too much time can be argued. There is no point keeping the composition for hours. If the recipe indicates 10-15 minutes, then set the timer for this time.
- Warn your family not to disturb you at this time. Set up a bath and lie down while the composition works without talking so that the skin does not move.
- Remove the mask even more carefully so as not to stretch the skin. As you can see, good masks at home also need to be able to do. Finally, after the end of the procedure, do not wipe the face, let the moisture soak into the skin. And then apply regular cream.
Moisturizing Masks
This is the most popular category, which is why we will start with it. Hydration is required for any skin at any age. It is especially important to make good face masks at home if you have dry skin type, if you suffer from peeling, if you often use foundation. By the way, the ingredients are very simple and often they are already in your kitchen. Before use, test for an allergic reaction by applying the composition to the back of your hand or elbow.
The best recipes
- Herbal medicine is a partially forgotten but powerful tool in the struggle for beauty. Try the recipe from nature itself. You will need hypericum and yarrow flowers, chamomile and hop cones (per teaspoon). Stir and boil everything with boiling water. When the mixture has cooled to a warm state, add to it two yolks and a teaspoon of honey, as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply for 30 minutes and rinse with water. Such a mask is applied once a week.
- Sour cream and cottage cheese are natural sources of protein, which are useful not only as a food product. They make good face masks at home. For dry skin, this will be a real salvation. In the first option, take fat cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.), Add a teaspoon of carrot juice, olive oil and milk. Rub the mixture and apply on the skin for 25 minutes. Rinse with water and wipe your face with an ice cube. If you choose sour cream, then take the store, homemade is too fat. Add 100 g of one yolk and lemon zest. Add a spoonful of olive oil. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes.
Cleansing masks
They are needed for any type of skin. Once or twice a week, it is very important to apply cleansing compounds so that your skin shines with health and beauty. These are good face masks for acne and blackheads, as deep cleansing of the pores prevents inflammation. In this category, I would like to separately distinguish steaming masks, which can serve as the first step in a home skin care system. If the skin is not prone to allergic reactions, then you can make a composition based on honey. To do this, a tablespoon of honey should be heated to a warm, almost hot state, add olive oil and yolk. A warm mass is applied to the face with a dense layer and fixed with cling film. The mask nourishes well, but flows heavily.
If this option does not suit you, choose an oatmeal mask. Cook oatmeal in milk without sugar and salt, cool to a warm state and lay out in a dense layer on the face. The film will enhance the effect. If you have oily skin, add a teaspoon of soda. Oatmeal can be replaced with semolina or mashed potatoes. However, with purulent-inflammatory processes on the face, it is better to refuse steaming masks.
A cleansing alternative for all skin types
One of the best options will be the use of cosmetic clay. Today, the choice for the buyer is very wide. Owners of oily and problem skin can use white, blue and green clay. Regular procedures will present not only clean, but also smooth, toned and rejuvenated skin. If you have combination or normal skin, it is recommended to use a mixture of red and white clay or buy pink, which is the same.
The most famous is probably black clay. It can be suitable for almost any type of skin and has excellent cleansing properties. It makes good face masks for acne. One of the main conditions for their popularity is ease of use. No need to collect many ingredients, just dilute the contents of the bag in a small amount of water - and you're done. Keep such a mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.
Nourishing masks
If for oily skin, hydration is primarily required, for dry skin - nutrition. We will present you good face masks at home. Reviews of women say that with all their accessibility, they give an excellent result. There are a lot of nourishing masks, however, there are basic rules that you must adhere to. First of all, they cannot be stored, they are prepared immediately before the procedure. They should not be kept on the face for longer than 20 minutes. They are washed off with warm water, and it is undesirable to go outside for an hour after their use. More often than twice a week they can not be applied, and after two weeks you need to take a break of 8-10 days.
Nutritional Mask Recipes
- Every woman knows about the benefits of aloe. This plant has unique rejuvenating and nourishing properties. Therefore, aloe juice is widely used for home masks. One of the most effective is a recipe with an egg. To do this, take a tablespoon of aloe juice, add the yolk for dry skin or protein for oily. It remains to add a tablespoon of orange juice, and the composition is ready. The composition is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.
- Glycerin mask is known to almost all cosmetologists. It is suitable for almost all skin types, but gives owners of dry skin especially noticeable results. To prepare it, you need to take one yolk and a tablespoon of glycerin. If you are not allergic to bee products, add a tablespoon of honey.
- Yeast mask is a source of B vitamins, as well as the whole range of useful elements for the skin of the face. To prepare this composition, take 1 tablespoon of dried yeast, pour them with three tablespoons of milk and let it swell. After this, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of flour.
As variations, we can offer masks based on eggs and honey with the addition of various oils: apricot, cedar, wheat germ and others.
Wrinkle Masks
You will not be afraid of age if you regularly use good facial masks for wrinkles. The reviews of women gave us the opportunity to choose the best recipes for you, which provide an opportunity not only to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also significantly reduce the size of those that already exist. You will be surprised, but fresh berry masks are the best in their effectiveness. You will need only a few strawberries, which need to be mashed to pulp and applied to the skin. Fruit acids and vitamins will nourish, tighten and refresh the skin.
There are other good face masks for wrinkles and for skin elasticity. For young beauties, the option of sour cream and finely chopped parsley is suitable. Apply the mixture (1 to 1) on the face and leave for 15 minutes. For women at a more advanced age, a recipe from blue clay, honey, lemon juice and sour cream is perfect. All ingredients in equal proportions.
With age, many notice that the oval of the face becomes less clear, the eyelids begin to hang over the eyes, and a deep trace of wrinkles is outlined around the nose. The most effective remedies are needed to combat such symptoms. This is exactly what you can call a mask based on ordinary starch. It gives an effect comparable in performance to the Botox procedure, but is absolutely safe for your health. You will need potato starch (20 g) and fresh carrot juice (a quarter cup), 100 ml of water and a tablespoon of fat sour cream. Cooking will take some time. Place the starch in a pan and add half the water. Gradually add the rest of the water and heat to a jelly-like state. Now cool and add the rest of the ingredients. Make a mask every other day, a full course - 10 procedures. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.
Today, cosmetologists offer such a choice of skin whitening products that we forget about good face masks at home. By the way, they also help with acne, they tone the skin, reduce inflammation, and reduce redness. This is a lemon mask when sour flesh is ground in a blender and applied to the skin. For dry skin, you can half mix lemon with sour cream. An excellent option would be a cucumber chopped into porridge with a teaspoon of lemon juice. However, these compounds will not help deal with the cause of acne, so if this is your problem, then the following recipes are for you.
Acne Masks
Not only teenagers, but also adults often look for good face masks for acne at home. A photo in which traces of acne are clearly visible, anyone will spoil the mood, and a person will rush to look for a solution to his problem. Before applying the mask, you need to clean it well, and also lightly steam the face, moistening the dense tissue in a hot broth of calendula, celandine, string, sage, nettle and chamomile, wormwood and yarrow (all 1 to 1) and applying it to the face until it cools. After that, apply a mixture of blue clay, sea buckthorn oil and aloe juice (equal parts) to your face. Another option would be a garlic mask. To do this, crush several cloves into a gruel and mix with a spoon of olive oil.
To summarize, I want to say that any of these masks is very effective, safe and almost free. However, if you have serious skin problems, consult a dermatologist first.