Canned fish: benefits and harm to the body

Modern grocery stores and supermarkets sell canned fish from different types of fish. Such products are convenient to use, they are used as stand-alone blues or as an ingredient. The benefits and harms of canned fish are described in the article.

Product history

Canned food was still in ancient Egypt. Clay containers sealed with special resin, with roasted duck in olive oil. It was a conservation that was discovered during excavations of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

canned fish

The idea of ​​preparing modern products came from the Parisian culinary specialist Nicolas Francois Upper. At the beginning of the 19th century, he created the first factories "Upper House". But in France, things have not been developed. It began to continue the British, who instead of glass containers began to use tin cans. Americans began to use tin containers.

The scientific basis of canning has become popular thanks to the great Pasteur. The way to preserve products was improved, new technologies and methods appeared. And in modern stores there are many canned goods for every taste.

Will they go for the future?

Is there any benefit in canned fish? One can speak of high value only if the product is natural. The benefits of fish are the availability of vitamins and essential ingredients. Do these substances remain after heat treatment? Natural products do not lose these properties with this preservation. The use of canned fish is high, because they remain calcium and magnesium. Also a lot of lycopene, antioxidants. Heat treatment does not eliminate valuable compounds; only the composition of the raw material changes.

The benefits of canned fish are associated with the presence of phosphorus, saturated fatty acids, which ensure the full development and nutrition of the brain. The product has a positive effect on the endocrine system. The benefits of canned fish for the body is an excellent replenishment of strength. Therefore, the product is recommended for complex physical exertion, cardiac problems. With it, the cooking time is reduced. Such products can be taken on trips, used for a quick snack.


What canned fish are good? The most valuable are the following:

  1. Saury. It retains all the valuable elements, like fresh fish. With regular use, it will be possible to reduce the risk of cardiovascular ailments.
  2. Pink salmon. It contains many acids that are required for normal metabolism. The use of canned fish from pink salmon is to improve the condition of the skin, strengthening immunity. Pink salmon is rich in protein, which is easily absorbed.
  3. Chum. Red fish has a lot of nutritious protein, phosphorus. The product has a delicate taste, it is used to create first and second courses. It improves brain function, strengthens memory, saturates the body with fatty acids.
  4. Goby in tomato sauce. This product tastes good. Canned foods contain dietary meat suitable for overweight people. Even with heat treatment, the product is rich in calcium, nickel, iron, potassium, chromium, iodine, fluorine.
  5. Sprats in tomato sauce. The fish is rich in protein, does not overload the digestive organs, is considered a source of phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D.
  6. Sprats. Essential amino acids, vitamins A, E, D are present in fatty fish. Sprats include calcium, which is required for bones. The product tastes good, is a great basis for creating sandwiches.
  7. Tuna. If the canned food is natural, then they can compare with fresh fish. In tuna there is phosphorus, fatty acids, potassium. Eating tuna has a beneficial effect on vision, pressure and immunity.
canned fish benefit and harm

The benefit of canned fish is provided with moderate use of such a product. Keep in mind that they must be natural.


In addition to the benefits of canned fish for the human body, they are harmful. After all, they have a lot of spices and salt. They provide fluid retention, lead to edema, increase cholesterol. A large amount of salt negatively affects the blood vessels of the brain.

Foods usually have preservatives; heavy use of chemicals is unhealthy. Still, fresh fish is better, as there are more valuable components in it. The presence of vegetable oil increases calorie content, so it is better not to consume too many canned foods when overweight.

The most high-calorie canned foods are sprats and mackerel. Another risk of conserving consumption is considered the risk of infection with botulism. The wand leads to nausea, abdominal pain, worsens health, disrupts the intestines and stomach. Dangerous microbes are wound in banks due to improper storage, expired shelf life.

These are all the nuances about the benefits and harms of canned fish for the body. Although such a product has its value, it is not worth it to get involved.


It is undesirable to give canned fish to children under 3 years old. They should not be abused when:

  • renal failure;
  • hypertension
  • osteoporosis.

During pregnancy

When carrying a child, it is undesirable to eat canned fish. There are several reasons for this. In industrial conservation are antibacterial drugs, chemistry. Preservative ingredients include many allergens.

the benefits of canned fish for the body

During pregnancy, you should not eat canned tuna. This fish contains a lot of mercury, which accumulates in the body and can be dangerous to the fetus.

When feeding the baby, the composition of the product should be checked. To enter canned food in the menu should be only 2 months after birth. If there is a tendency to allergies, first let them try a piece of the product and observe the reaction. Nursing mothers should not eat canned food, as many components can be dangerous.

For children

Pediatricians do not advise giving fish to children under 3 years old. In the future, they may consume the product, but in very small quantities. In this case, parents should observe the reaction of the child's body. If an allergy occurs, it is better to refuse the product.

When losing weight

Dieters may include canned fish in the diet. But you need to take into account the calorie content, which for each species can be different:

  • mackerel - 317 kcal;
  • sprats - 363;
  • cod liver - 653.

Fatty fish is best avoided. Therefore, you should carefully study the information on the label so that, on the contrary, do not gain excess weight.


The presence of vitamins and minerals depends on the type of fish. There is a lot of vitamin A and D in cod rocks. Only 200 g of the product provides 4% of the daily requirement of vitamin B12, A, C, B1. The presence of vitamin PP varies in different products. Salmon and sardine canned foods include pantothenic acid.

canned fish benefits and harm to the body

What do they add?

In natural canned food is whole fish. Of the additional components should be spices and salt. The most expensive varieties include sturgeon and salmon.

During processing, the tail and fins are cut from the fish. Products canned with seeds. Cropped pieces are much cheaper than whole.

First course

Many are interested in the benefits and harms of canned fish soup. This is a tasty and full-fledged dish that cooks very quickly. Some call it the "ear." Additionally, ingredients can be added to taste. Usually it is potatoes, carrots, onions, greens. Spices are also added to taste.

is there any benefit in canned fish

Is there any benefit to canned fish soup? Undoubtedly, fresh and fresh-frozen products for broths will be more useful, since there are many valuable components in it. Soups based on canned fish have been in demand since the 1960s. Now they are also included in the diet tables prescribed by nutritionists. Products manufactured in accordance with GOST are not harmful.


Canned food should be stored in dry rooms, the temperature should be taken into account. There are several rules:

  • natural products - from 0 to +10 degrees;
  • in oil - from 0 to +20;
  • in tomato sauce - from 0 to +5.

The total shelf life is up to 3 years. Natural fish is stored for 6-24 months. The shelf life of products in oil is 12-24 months, and in tomato sauce - 6-18.

the benefits of canned fish soup

After opening the jar, the product must be transferred to a plate. It is desirable to use it during the day. After exposure to oxygen, the products are oxidized. With prolonged storage in open form, the risk of poisoning increases.

The choice

When buying, pay attention to the tin can label. It indicates the type of raw material, type of fish, cooking method, composition. To natural products include canned food in its own juice, without oil. To enhance the taste, spices, oil, and tomato sauce are usually added.

It is important to look at the shelf life, date of manufacture. Some varieties of fish canned after thawing raw materials, and some process immediately. The most useful will be fish that have not previously been frozen.

The jar should not be swollen, dented, damaged. If it is even slightly swollen, then it is better not to use the product, since there is a risk of infection with botulism. After opening, you need to pay attention to the appearance. It is important that the fish have a natural look.

If the product has a smell of rancid fat, then it does not need to be consumed. Carcinogens can be unhealthy. Canned caviar is created in the spring, the production time should be in March or May. Salmon breeds spawn in the spring, lose their taste, so you should not purchase them with this date of manufacture.


Canned fish are in perfect harmony with vegetables, they are added to salads. Often based on them create cold snacks. You can combine canned food with eggs, onions, carrots. This will turn out the mimosa salad. Another product is combined with green peas, fresh cucumber, lettuce, boiled rice. Canned food is used to make soups.

Difference from preserves

Canned food - finished products from different varieties of fish. Products are sterilized, which eliminates microorganisms, their spores. Heat treatment is performed before the cooking process. And this applies to any product: paste, fish meat in marinade and sprat. Under such exposure, often beneficial substances are also destroyed, but some still exist.

Preserves - a fish product that has not been exposed to temperature effects. Such a product is made from salted fish, due to which many valuable components are preserved. As a container, not a can, but a plastic container is used.

the benefits of canned fish for the human body

Thus, canned fish are useful if they are completely natural. It is important to be able to choose them correctly. And if the product is of poor quality or is used in unlimited quantities, then it is able to harm. This is important to consider when choosing canned food.

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