Signs of the Earth and their characteristics

Signs of the Earth include Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. These are simple, worldly people, not building grandiose plans, always understanding reality, no matter how harsh it may be. They donโ€™t tend to indulge in trifles, these are mundane signs that consider dreams only whim. These are materialists, they perceive only what they can see, hear, feel. They believe only facts and direct evidence, in their soul there is very little room for a flight of fantasy.

There is a huge positive side to these qualities - while others are chatting, the signs of the Earth do and embody the plan in reality. Usually they are proud and independent, preferring to rely only on themselves, not trusting others.

These people need to choose representatives of the elements of Earth and Water. They will find contact with representatives of the Fire, if they can coexist with them in constant fun and on the sidelines. Or with air representatives, suffering from sudden outbursts of laughter or aggression.

Earth signs of the zodiac have a number of advantages: practicality, reliability, rationality, and a better way to live on your income, rather than borrowing or taking loans. They do not expect too much from this life and rely only on their own strengths. They are persistent, consistent, very hardworking, can stand up for themselves and their loved ones.

There are also negative traits. Signs of the Earth are rather boring and mean not only in material terms, but also in emotions. They are stubborn, pessimistic about the world around them, sometimes cruel to themselves and to others. They lack imagination, people are just bored of being in the same company with them. They do not support the conversation, they can be rude. We can say that the signs of the zodiac of the Earth simply do not know how to communicate with people and be in society.

The most comfortable place to live is your own house with a very small personal plot. These signs love to mess around in the ground, plant plants, and harvest.

As for employment and employment, they will only be able to work in a stable and reliable enterprise, they will not even go into small organizations, everything is shaky and incomprehensible there.

Capricorn. It is practical and punctual. Punchy character. Those like him reach great heights in their own business or a good career growth in the service. His superiors appreciate his colleagues and subordinates. It gives the impression of a cold and hard man. But this is only for strangers. In the family circle, next to his beloved people, it opens from a completely different perspective. There is tenderness and love in the eyes, a smile never leaves the face. For his friends, he is simple and at the same time honest and reliable, his relatives always know that he will support them in difficult times and protect them.

Calf. Extremely hardworking Earth signs. Strives for career growth, making every effort to this, he is ready to sleep and live at work for the goal. If Taurus is planning something, then he will show all his perseverance and achieve his goal. He thinks only with his own head and does not listen to the advice of others, quite often goes ahead and over the heads of other people. To knock him out of a rut is almost impossible. People like him do not forget the insults. In marriage, sheโ€™s very jealous of what she can plague her half. At the same time fair and inquisitive.

Virgo. A real intellectual. This sign has an analytical mindset and perfectly logically thinks and reasones. He appreciates erudite people and those who have broad interests. People of this sign love themselves very much and constantly strive for excellence. If Virgo does something, then the result will always be perfect, it simply cannot be otherwise. All these qualities contribute to achieving considerable heights in many areas. This is the result of a lot of work on oneself and continuous improvement of acquired skills.

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