Follicular puncture in IVF. Preparing for follicular puncture

It is hardly possible to imagine a full-fledged family without children. As the saying goes, "people meet, people fall in love, get married," however, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds with offspring. Modern medicine successfully solves this issue. One method is in vitro fertilization. Puncture of follicles in IVF in this case is a mandatory procedure.

What is IVF?

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is the artificial conception of a baby, as a result of which the eggs extracted from the ovary are mixed in a test tube filled with nutrient medium with male sperm. A few days after artificial insemination, the egg is placed in the uterus, where it takes root. Women are recommended to take the hormone progesterone, which prepares the bosom for bearing a child.

In most cases, the embryo survives successfully. Often, in order to increase the chances of pregnancy, two or even three embryos are planted. A pregnancy test after fertilization is handed in seven to ten days.

If after the procedure there are “extra" embryos, they are frozen to be used later (when the first time it was not possible to get pregnant or when the couple wants a second child).

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Eggs, like sperm, can be used either own or donated. The method of in vitro fertilization is indicated for couples who suffer from infertility, women with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as men with incompetent (slow) sperm.

On average, one IVF procedure takes from three to six weeks and costs 120-150 thousand rubles. Attempts to get pregnant with the help of artificial insemination should be stopped if IVF has failed three times.

IVF stages

Before IVF, you need to undergo a full examination and consult with your doctor about possible risks and complications. The specialist should examine the patient on a chair, do an ultrasound scan and prescribe all the necessary tests (blood for hormones, cytological smears, smears for STDs and so on).

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For successful artificial insemination, a woman and a man need:

  • To be healthy, not to have acute and chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, including coffee.
  • Limit physical activity.
  • Follow a diet, consume vitamins daily.
  • Do not take any medicine without a doctor’s prescription.

In vitro fertilization is carried out in several stages and can take from three to six weeks.

The first stage is preparation. Includes a full examination of both partners.

The second stage is the stimulation of ovulation. In all normal healthy women, one egg matures during one menstrual cycle. For successful IVF, doctors need to get two or more eggs. Therefore, ovulation is stimulated using various hormonal preparations (Megonin, Diferelin, Orgalutran, Menopur, etc.). Such medications can only be prescribed by a doctor. Pills are taken under the strict supervision of specialists. An ultrasound scan may be performed from time to time to determine follicular growth.

When the follicles reach 16–20 mm, they proceed to the third stage. This is a follicle puncture in IVF - the extraction of mature eggs with a special needle. The procedure takes from 15 to 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia with the participation of ultrasound. At the same time as the puncture, the partner must pass sperm.

The egg and sperm are sent to the laboratory for further research and fertilization.

The fourth stage is fertilization. Ripen eggs are placed in a laboratory tube with a nutrient medium. Then sperm are introduced there. A capacity for one to two days (rarely five) is placed in the incubator, where conception takes place. When a cell begins to rapidly divide, it is already called an embryo, which is ready for implantation.

follicle puncture reviews

The fifth stage is the movement of embryos into the uterine cavity. The process takes several minutes and is completely painless. The embryo is inserted into the uterine cavity using a special catheter. "Extra" embryos are cryopreserved for future use.

The first two weeks, the fetus takes root in the uterus. Pregnancy can be diagnosed 10-14 days after the procedure. There are times when the pregnancy does not occur the first time. Do not despair. After a while, you can try again. After three unsuccessful attempts, IVF is no longer prescribed.

One of the programs of in vitro fertilization is surrogacy. It is used in cases where a woman cannot bear a child on her own. Surrogacy is officially permitted in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and several US states. In other countries, it is either prohibited or not regulated by law.

Follicular puncture in IVF

Follicular puncture is the extraction of mature eggs for further in vitro fertilization. The procedure is carried out transvaginally (through the vagina) under general anesthesia. In rare cases, local anesthesia may be given . Egg retrieval is monitored by ultrasound. Time 10-15 minutes.

Before follicular puncture, it is important to observe the following requirements:

  • Two to three days before the procedure, you need to refrain from sexual intercourse.
  • Follow a special protein diet. For a while, give up products that cause fermentation.
  • Manipulation should be carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • One and a half days before the puncture, an injection of hCG should be given, which will accelerate follicular maturation.

After the procedure, the patient may feel slight dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen. Ovaries after follicular puncture increase, sometimes up to 12 cm in diameter. Bloody discharge may also appear. This condition is considered normal.

before follicular puncture

The appearance of nausea and vomiting, acute pain and heavy bleeding should be alarming. The doctor should be immediately informed about the symptoms, as this can be dangerous not only for IVF, but also for the health of the patient herself.

The main component of artificial insemination is the follicle puncture in IVF. Reviews about the procedure are very different, but without it, conceiving a baby is impossible.

How to behave after IVF?

A married couple who decided on IVF, undoubtedly, really wants to have a child. After a successful embryo transplant, a woman needs increased love and care. The first days after the procedure, she had better spend at home in bed.

Safe embryo implantation is already the beginning of pregnancy. However, such a pregnancy has its own "vagaries." Very often at first, the woman’s body, in particular, the uterus, behaves aggressively towards the implant embryo and rejects a new life. Therefore, after IVF, miscarriages occur much more often.

In order to stop this phenomenon, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity and sex for the first three months. You can also not take hot baths and go to saunas.

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It is necessary to say goodbye to all bad habits, which are often provocateurs of miscarriages.

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and vitamins - all that is necessary to maintain pregnancy. It is important to remember a positive attitude and good emotions. After all, thoughts materialize!

A pregnancy test, as well as blood for hCG, must be passed at least two weeks after IVF. At five to six weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination, which will finally confirm the growth and successful attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

It should be noted that follicular puncture during IVF (there are different reviews of the procedure) is one of the most important stages of fertilization. However, for its implementation, you need as many healthy ripe eggs as possible. To do this, ovulation is stimulated using special hormonal drugs. A side effect of the drugs is hyperstimulation syndrome, which leads to an increase in the ovaries, the formation of cysts on them, ruptures of these cysts and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.

Unpleasant consequences can be avoided with the help of thorough examinations, which are carried out before fertilization. A hormone test is necessary. Thanks to him, you can calculate the exact dosage of drugs and avoid hyperstimulation.

ovaries after follicular puncture

If the patient has discovered the following symptoms - pain and bursting in the lower abdomen, rapid weight gain, increased waist circumference - she should immediately consult a doctor. This may be the beginning of hyperstimulation syndrome, the moderate and severe degrees of which require inpatient treatment.

Complications after IVF

Any procedure that is performed without training or by an inexperienced specialist can have negative consequences. This also applies to IVF. So, stimulation of ovulation sometimes leads to hyperstimulation. As a result, ascites can develop - an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Complications sometimes arise after such a simple procedure as follicular puncture. Reviews of some patients have a frightening nature - terrible pain, heavy bleeding. This is because during the puncture of the follicle, other organs of the small pelvis can be affected.

An equally common consequence of artificial insemination is infection. The main reason is the negligence of doctors, non-sterile conditions.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a clinic for IVF very carefully. And if such a manipulation as follicle puncture, patient reviews is negative, then the hospital that conducts it should be avoided.

Contraindications to IVF

IVF is a medical manipulation that gives infertile families a chance to become parents. However, this procedure has its contraindications. It:

  • Somatic diseases (diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, digestive system, hereditary genetic diseases and others).
  • Diseases of the psyche.
  • Congenital malformations, abnormal structures of the uterus.
  • Benign and malignant tumors in the uterus, when follicle puncture becomes impossible with IVF (consequences - death of the patient).
  • Acute inflammatory processes.

After the treatment of these diseases, you can start the IVF program. If the treatment of diseases has not brought results, the only way out is to use the surrogate motherhood service.


Thanks to new medical technologies, IVF gives many couples the hope of having a baby. Thousands of families have already taken this opportunity and safely become parents.

Follicular puncture during IVF is a mandatory component, without which the conception of a new life is impossible. Both a woman who is about to become a mother and a female donor can give an egg for fertilization.

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