Vaginal discharge: types, causes and treatment

Sometimes it happens that a woman can observe vaginal discharge on her underwear. Why do they appear and what are they evidence of? In fact, in order to understand what is the reason for their formation, one should pay attention to many factors: density, color, smell. What needs to be done in their education and where to go? About all this below.

Normal occurrence

Most gynecologists claim that, having noticed mucous discharge on their underwear, one should not immediately begin to worry. Their education is a normal phenomenon that any woman faces. However, normal discharge is considered as such by several criteria.

First of all, they should not have an unpleasant smell. In addition, their consistency should be mucous or very fluid. In the event that clots are observed in them, then this is a cause for concern and contacting a specialist in solving such issues. Normal discharge in no case should cause any discomfort and especially itching in the genital area.

As for their quantity, it can be both plentiful and rather scarce. So, in the very middle of the menstrual cycle, an increase in their volume can be observed, and in the remaining periods a small amount. This phenomenon is associated with the restructuring of the body on a hormonal background, due to which the discharge may appear 2-3 times a day. In the event that this happens much more often, you should definitely go to the doctor.

Vaginal discharge

Abundant vaginal discharge can also be observed immediately after sexual intercourse. Practice shows that they can last for 2-3 hours, even if the sex was protected. In this case, experts do not recommend resorting to special means that help to “drain” the vagina, since their use in this situation can lead to the development of other unpleasant phenomena, such as bacterial vaginosis.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is also very profuse. They become especially noticeable at the time when the baby is conceived, and also when the time has come for its birth.

White discharge

Very often, a change in the usual color of the discharge indicates that the woman’s reproductive system was “attacked” by a gynecological disease. White vaginal discharge may indicate that bacteria and opportunistic microorganisms appeared and began to multiply sharply in the vagina, which harm the microflora of the reproductive system. The most common among these diseases are: vaginal candidiasis, colpitis, as well as bacterial vaginosis, which is often called gardnerellosis among specialists.

As for candidiasis, this disease in the common people is often called thrush. Such a problem manifests itself in the form of white discharge, reminiscent of loose curd in its consistency. They have a sour smell, which is rather unpleasant. Another symptom that accompanies a disease of this type is the appearance of itching in the perineum and vagina. It is necessary to treat such a problem with candles, which the gynecologist will prescribe after examining and passing tests.

Gardnerellosis is a phenomenon that many women are often confused with thrush. However, bacterial vaginosis has its own distinctive features. They consist in a pronounced fishy smell of white vaginal discharge with a grayish tint. As a rule, this phenomenon especially spoils the intimate life of partners, and also significantly reduces female self-esteem.

White vaginal discharge

Colpitis has similar symptoms - a disease that is a kind of inflammatory process that occurs in the vagina. You can get it due to improper maintenance of the purity of the genitals, as well as due to the excessive use of antibiotics and other drugs. Most often, this problem is observed in women whose blood has the herpes virus, since it is it that causes the appearance of colpitis.

In order to determine the presence of one of the above diseases, it is enough to conduct a simple analysis, which any gynecologist can do. This procedure involves the removal of a smear from the vagina. According to the results of a smear test, a specialist can prescribe the most suitable medication for treatment. As a rule, these include antifungal vaginal suppositories and tablets.

Experts say that with the formation of vaginal diseases, it is best to avoid self-medication, especially with the use of medicinal herbs. Their impact can trigger an exacerbation of the problem.

Blood discharge

If a woman observes blood vaginal discharge on her underwear, then on this fact you should definitely visit a gynecologist. Practice shows that if the menstrual cycle is still quite far away, this phenomenon may indicate the presence of a number of disorders in the body, and sometimes even serious diseases. The cause of the formation of bloody vaginal discharge may be cancer of the uterus. In this case, the solution to the problem is urgent. Very often, women who are in the age category of 35 years old are faced with uterine myoma.

Pink vaginal discharge can cause cervical erosion or mechanical damage. As a rule, this occurs as a result of incorrect or unsuccessful insertion of suppositories, swabs. Very often, brown clots may follow pinkish discharge. As for the methods of treating this problem, a woman in this case can be prescribed an anti-inflammatory procedure, as well as complete rest.

If a woman is pregnant, and she has vaginal discharge with blood, you need to urgently go to the doctor in whom she is observed. The fact is that the cause of the formation of grease with blood clots can be a threat of termination of pregnancy. If this is observed for a long time, then the phenomenon indicates the detachment of the placenta, because of which the child begins to experience hypoxia. If medical assistance to the expectant mother is provided in a timely manner and by a qualified specialist, a miscarriage may not occur.

Untimely blood discharge can also be the norm. However, this is normal only in two cases: in the first months after childbirth and when the girl is just beginning to have her period.

Brown discharge

Gynecologists often turn to women who observe brown vaginal discharge on their underwear. What is the reason for their formation? As a rule, this factor is due to the presence of a disease of the reproductive system. Which one - this should be determined by a specialist in the field of women's health. Practice shows that the most common causes of this phenomenon are endometritis, endometriosis, as well as various inflammatory processes that occur in the vagina.

Vaginal suppositories from secretions

Also, a slow release rate of blood from the body during menstruation can become the cause of the formation of brown discharge. In this case, the blood tends to stagnate and change its color. Discharge after vaginal suppositories, as well as taking hormonal drugs, such as oral contraceptives, can be brown. They can also appear against a background of hormonal disorder or an emotional outburst.

Yellow discharge

In some cases, yellow vaginal discharge is considered normal. A completely healthy woman can observe them during ovulation, after this process, and also during the first 2-3 days after menstruation. However, in all other cases, their formation is a phenomenon whose nature of origin should be seriously considered, especially if it is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and itching in the vagina.

Yellow discharge, accompanied by itching, can become a sign of sexual infection, as well as various diseases in the pelvic area, which are often vaginal atrophy, vulvovaginitis, as well as yeast infections. Very often, such an education can be observed on their underwear by women who are sick with diabetes or take birth control pills.

The smell of vaginal discharge, which signals that painful processes are taking place in the body, is rather unpleasant - you should also pay attention to this factor.

What to do in case of suspicious discharge

If a woman observes suspicious discharge on her underwear, she must definitely consult a doctor. In hospitals of any city, as well as in private specialized clinics, there are departments in which specialists in the field of gynecology deal with such issues.

After contacting the doctor, the latter is obliged to examine the patient and take a smear sample. After this, the smear is sent to the laboratory to study and identify the cause of the problem. After the test results are ready, the doctor studies the condition and characteristics of the woman’s body and prescribes the most appropriate course of treatment for her.

Depending on the problem, the patient may be placed in a hospital ward for treatment, surgical intervention, or offered to take a course of tablets, use ointments or special vaginal suppositories. In some cases, solutions for rinsing the vagina are also prescribed for secretions.

Discharge after vaginal suppositories

Practice shows that in case of a fungal infection, an antifungal agent in the form of tablets or suppositories can be prescribed. However, in most cases, thrush (the most common manifestation of the fungus) is an infection that is present throughout the body, but appears only in a certain place - in the vagina. That is why her treatment is often not limited to the use of only these funds. For its complete elimination, it is necessary to treat the whole organism as a whole.

If the cause of bleeding or discharge is a formation that is present in the female organs of the reproductive system, the doctor must determine their feature. If the growth is a poor-quality tumor, then it must be removed. If education does not pose any danger, the specialist prescribes a course of treatment for the body in a medication way.

Discharge after applying candles and tablets

In some cases, women can observe the formation of secretions after vaginal suppositories. What is this talking about? If the liquid has a transparent color or is slightly tinted in white, do not worry - this suggests that the product is actively functioning in the area of ​​the female vagina and produces components that actively fight the existing infection.

If the candles were prescribed by a doctor in order to prevent or eliminate an existing infection, and after their use blood or brown discharge began to appear, you should immediately notify the specialist about it. This fact indicates that the drug is not suitable for use.

Pink vaginal discharge

If the discharge after the vaginal tablets turn yellow, brown or purulent formations that have an unpleasant smell begin to appear, this is an occasion to go to the doctor for an additional consultation. In this case, the specialist is obliged to choose another way to treat the problem or suggest the use of another medication.

It often happens that women who are pregnant observe brown or reddish discharge on their underwear after vaginal ultrasound. What does this indicate? Medical practice shows that the cause of this can be various processes that begin to occur in a woman's body. For a more accurate determination of them, you need to go to the doctor. In some cases, this phenomenon is observed as a result of microtrauma, which was formed against the background of the apparatus entering the vagina.

Vaginal suppositories from secretions

Most specialist doctors in the field of women's health do not recommend self-medication if they discover strange formations. However, some women are still in no hurry to go to the doctor and try to solve the problem on their own. Practice shows that for self-medication, most often the fair sex choose candles - they are affordable and can always be found in city pharmacies. Which ones are better to choose?

Judging by the reviews, the most effective means to eliminate such a problem are Dalacin and Terzhinan. Elements that enter their structure have a detrimental effect on bacteria, which are the main cause of infection in the vagina.

As for the selection of suppositories during pregnancy, it is best to entrust a specialist. This is due to the fact that the use of a medicine, which contains an unsuitable component, can adversely affect the baby’s health.

Vaginal tablets

Many women prefer their vaginal tablets, which also help to destroy infections that penetrate the vagina.

Vaginal spotting

For vaginal discharge, the use of Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fluconazole, and Pimafucin is often recommended. The peculiarity of treatment with such drugs is that their dosage should be determined by the gynecologist, depending on how widespread the infection in the vagina is. During the period of use of tablets, vitamin supplements are very often recommended for use.

In the most advanced cases, the doctor may prescribe general-action tablets that should be taken orally. However, the entire course of treatment should be under the constant supervision of a specialist who, if necessary, can adjust the treatment on time.

How to prevent secretions

Often, women who are afraid of the appearance of vaginal discharge, wonder about how to prevent their formation. Specialists in the field of gynecology often give a lot of recommendations about this.

First of all, they are associated with the need to maintain a normal level of hygiene in the genital area. To do this, regular water procedures should be carried out, as well as constantly changing clothes for fresh and clean. There are also certain recommendations regarding the selection of underwear. It should be made from natural materials that allow air to pass through easily. Practice shows that narrow underwear also negatively affects the work of the genitals.

In addition, gynecologists and other specialists in the field of women's health do not recommend the constant use of pads, including daily ones. It is such hygiene products that significantly violate the air exchange in the vaginal area.

Vaginal bleeding

Nutrition also plays a significant role in maintaining women's health. Practice shows that sweet food greatly increases the level of sugar in the blood of a person, which contributes to the accelerated reproduction of fungi that cause gynecological problems.

In addition to all of the above, any woman should understand that it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist, especially after pregnancy, the procedure for her interruption, and also immediately after the start of sexual activity. At these moments, special changes can occur in the microflora of the genital organs, which sometimes entail the formation of secretions of various types. Regular testing also allows you to constantly be aware of all the changes that occur in the body of a woman.

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