How to clean suede sneakers: ways, effective methods and recommendations

Suede shoes always look elegant and advantageous, in general, at 100%. Even athletic shoes look unrivaled if made from suede. But this material requires special attention and care, as it is very tender and vulnerable.

People who buy shoes from suede, especially sports shoes, should be prepared for the fact that it is necessary to constantly monitor its appearance and condition. Fashionable and beautiful shoe models, such as New Balance sneakers, are without a doubt a wonderful sight. But if you don’t know how to clean New Balance suede sneakers, you won’t have to admire them for a long time.

Suede shoes do not like moisture, prone to scratches, scuffs and bald spots. But today, the shoe care products market presents a wide and diverse range of suede care products. Starting from various brushes with and without bristles and ending with a variety of sprays: water-repellent, coloring, etc. In addition to special tools, you can use folk methods that have been tested for many years and people.

how to clean suede sneakers


Suede is a very beautiful, but easily soiled material, and before buying sports shoes from it you need to know how to care and how to clean suede sneakers. The tips below are given by experts and manufacturers of sports shoes. Following them, you can permanently save your favorite shoes.

  • Before cleaning your suede sneakers, let them dry completely.
  • If the weather is wet or damp, it is imperative that the shoes be treated with a water repellent to avoid damage.
  • Creams for shoes made of leather or synthetic substitutes will not bring any benefit to the care of suede sneakers, but only spoil them.
  • Absorbent wipes are the best choice for such shoes.
  • Sprays should be applied evenly to the surface of the shoe. You can do this either by gently spraying, or distributing with a napkin, do not leave the rest of the product on shoes. It’s better to remove them immediately.
  • Keep suede sneakers should be wrapped in napkins in a shoe box. This is done to avoid moisture, which can cause mold, and excess light, from which the color of suede shoes can change.
  • Do not use special dyes to care for suede sneakers. They will only harm shoes in the future.
  • Water stains can be prevented by quickly applying paper towel to shoes. Then none of the methods for cleaning suede sneakers will be needed.
  • Apply different methods for the care of suede should be observing the time intervals.

how to clean suede sneakers at home


Manufacturers of shoes and care products also warn of some safety rules and nuances that you need to know.

  • Aerosol protectors are most often flammable. Therefore, before use, you should read the instructions on the packaging, and it is better to use the tread in a well-ventilated area.
  • A crumpled newspaper is not the best option for shaping your sneakers. In the presence of moisture, the newspaper absorbs it, and wet ink can leave dirty marks.
  • It is not recommended to use solvents for dry cleaning. Yes, they will definitely help in cleaning the sneakers, but they contain aggressive volatile chemicals that stay in the room for a long time.

Cleaning suede sneakers folk methods

The suede shoe care products market offers a wide variety of products. But sometimes they simply are not at hand or there is no time to go buy them, or there is no financial opportunity to purchase them. In this case, you need to know how to clean suede sneakers at home using improvised items and substances.

how to clean suede sneakers

Method 1

  1. Take a glass of skim milk, dissolve a teaspoon of soda in it.
  2. A napkin of coarse cloth is lowered into this solution and we rub the shoes.
  3. Then, using a clean cloth, wipe the sneakers again.

Method 2

  1. Pour water of room temperature into any small container, add a little washing powder to it.
  2. Wipe all the dirty places with a cloth moistened in this water.
  3. We collect moisture with a dry cloth and send the shoes to dry.

Method 3

  1. A very effective tool for cleaning suede shoes is coffee grounds. It should be applied to contaminated places and allowed to dry.
  2. We remove the dried-up residues with a napkin.
  3. The surface is brushed.

Method 4

  1. If dirt gets on the surface, let the stains dry before cleaning the suede sneakers.
  2. Then we take foam, which has medium hardness, and remove dried spots.

Method 5

  1. We mix half a glass of water and one fourth cup of ammonia. Apply the solution to the shoes.
  2. Wash off with clean water.
  3. Wipe the surface with an aqueous solution of vinegar.

Method 6

  1. Hot steam is excellent at cleaning dirt. You can use a kettle, iron or, if available, a steam generator.
  2. Shoes should be held over hot steam for several minutes.
  3. Then clean with a stiff suede metal brush.
  4. Treat the surface with a damp cloth.
  5. Wipe with a cloth soaked in an aqueous solution of ammonia.
  6. If after the first treatment it was not possible to achieve the desired result, then the procedure should be repeated.

how to clean white suede sneakers

How to dry suede sneakers dry

There are several more secrets that can be successfully used in everyday life.

  • To give a fresher look to shoes made of suede, an ordinary carbon copy will help, which you need to grate faded places.
  • If dust has formed on the sneakers, then it is better to remove it with a soft brush. Cleaning should be done with light movements so as not to push dust grains even further into the material.
  • The eraser, both regular and special, designed specifically for suede shoes, is great for processing suede.
  • The crust of black bread will perfectly cope with salt stains on suede. Only after cleaning do you need to carefully remove all crumbs from the surface of the sneakers.
  • Grease stains are best removed with a cloth soaked in gasoline.
  • Talc also copes well with fat, but you need to leave it on sneakers for at least 3 hours.
  • Oil stains can be removed with starch, which must be left on sneakers for the night, and then removed with steam.
  • Chewing gum or drops of wax can be removed by sending the sneakers for several hours to the freezer.

how to clean new balance suede sneakers

How to clean light or white suede

Naturally, white is a classic color for sports shoes, and today there are quite a few models of sneakers made of light suede. This material in itself requires constant and thorough care, and even more so in light colors. To care for light shoes, you can use all the same methods as for dark. But there are a couple of secrets on how to clean white suede sneakers so that they don't lose their snow-white color.

how to clean suede sneakers tips

  1. First of all, you should not forget that suede shoes should be treated very carefully and regularly use water-repellent sprays.
  2. Dirty sneakers can be cleaned with a solution consisting of milk, ammonia and soapy water. There should be an equal amount of milk and water, just a few drops of ammonia. This solution is applied to the brush and stained.
  3. To maintain a white color, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide can be added to the soap solution. It will lighten the color of the sneakers.
  4. But, of course, experts know the best way to clean suede sneakers. Therefore, it is better to give such shoes to dry cleaning.

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