Surveying is .. Surveying work. Surveying in construction

Exact sciences even before their “official” appearance played a huge role in human life. So, without primitive geometry it was impossible to build a more or less complex house, and even without the same simple mathematics it was very difficult to do. Geodesy also belongs to the category (although it represents the natural sciences). This is not surprising, because people began to engage in land marking from ancient times.

Scientific definition

surveying is
By the way, how can you decipher the name of this scientific discipline? The term "geodesy" itself is a conglomerate of two Greek words. The first of them is ge, which means land, and the second is dazomai, - as it is easy to assume, means "divide, share." If you try to translate the name absolutely literally, you get "land separation". In principle, at the time of the initial birth and development of geodesy, such a translation was fully consistent with the truth.

So, the Egyptians for many centuries BC already carried out complex geodetic measurements, building their famous pyramids and irrigation canals.

Development of science

But geodesy is a more complex science, which is directly related to its development under the influence of the surrounding world. The fact is that human civilization grew and developed, it needed more and more accurate methods of measuring the earth. And the very tasks that life posed to geodesy became increasingly complex and significant.

Definition of the term in the modern world

surveying in construction
So how do they understand the term "geodesy" today? This is a science that studies the methods of land surveying, determining the size and shape of terrain. It is the geodesist scientists who are developing new ways to map entire continents.

In addition, geodesy teaches us a variety of ways to measure space, not only on the surface of our planet, but also under water, above the earth and even in outer space and on other planets. In a word, this is a very diverse scientific industry.

A very famous scientist Witkowski gave the following definition: “I must say that this is one of the most useful branches of knowledge; after all, our entire existence is limited by the vastness of the Earth, we need to study the structure and structure of it to the same extent that a person needs to learn something new about the house where he lives. "

Main goals

coordinate systems in geodesy
Note that the tasks of geodesy are extremely diverse, since this science is constantly evolving, more and more new terms are added to it. In addition, currently there is a complete computerization of many branches of knowledge, which could not but affect the development of geodesy itself. Simply put, its tasks are divided into two large groups. The first is fundamental. These include the following works:

  • Determining the size, configuration and extent of the Earth's gravitational field. In this case, the directional angle is extremely important. In geodesy, the so-called definition of a landmark from space (a very simplified definition).
  • The distribution of a single coordinate system across the territory of a state, continent or planet in general.
  • Image of land on various topographic plans, maps and atlases.
  • In addition, surveyors are engaged in the study of large-scale displacements of the earth's crust.

Applied work

Thus, the following types of work currently belong to the second group of tasks:

  • The process of creating and implementing GIS, that is, geographic information systems , is extremely important .
  • This also includes the creation and registration of various types of cadastral plans: land, water, etc.
  • Geodesic and topographic support of the state as a whole.
  • Demarcation of the state border, participation in resolving controversial issues where surveying is required. Maps compiled by competent experts can be a decisive argument in many disputes.
  • The creation and widespread dissemination of generally accepted standards in the digital mapping industry.
  • Accordingly, this also includes the development of electronic terrain maps themselves, as well as filling them with all the necessary data.
  • It is on surveyors that they are working on the developments of technologies in the field of satellite-based coordinate determination and their exact reference to real terrain.
  • Finally, the creation of complex geodetic atlases of Russia and other states.

Industry division

geodetic works
Since geodesy is now extremely complicated, it was decided to divide it into several independent sciences, which sometimes study completely different areas of knowledge. Let's list them in more detail and give a brief description of each:

  • Higher Surveying. This is the foundation of the basics. In the framework of this science, the size, shape, structure of the Earth, its coordinates in outer space and the characteristics of its gravitational field are studied . It is this industry that deals with the imposition of a coordinate system on a state, continent or the entire surface of the planet. In addition, scientists in this area study the shifts of the earth's crust from ancient times to the present, and also learn about the characteristics of the gravitational field of various celestial bodies: from stars to large asteroids. The industry also studies coordinate systems in geodesy.
  • Topography. Again, the term was created from two Greek words: “topos” - place, “grapho” - to write, to write. If translated literally, it turns out "study, description of the area." Accordingly, this industry creates new methods and techniques for drawing the shape of the earth's surface on plans, atlases and maps.
  • Cartography. Closely related to previous science. He is exploring ways to create and use the same maps, atlases, and topographic plans.
  • Photogrammetry. As the name implies, this science is studying methods for creating geodetic documents (described above) by photographing the Earth’s surface from an airplane or helicopter (or satellite).
  • Engineering industry (surveying in construction). The industry most popular at the moment, as its experts conduct geodetic surveys before starting the construction of any engineering structures on the ground.
  • Mine surveying (underground geodesy). The fiefdom of the miners, as new methods of taking measurements in underground workings and mines are being studied and created.

Of course, in most cases, the boundaries between all these sciences are very, very blurred. For example, topography is connected both with cartography and with higher geodesy, and the engineering industry cannot develop at all without studying additional materials from all the sciences related to it.

Who needs the practical results of this science in everyday life?

engineer surveyor
If you read all of the above, then you yourself have already seen how diverse the tasks that surveyors have to solve every day are. They need to constantly fulfill the mass of requirements of both state and purely private firms, since the same geodesy in construction is used everywhere today, and the approach to it is very strict.

Even when solving issues on a national scale, scientists sometimes need several years to conduct detailed studies, the results of which often put an end to historical claims to certain territories. Of course, coordinate systems in geodesy are especially important in this case, since it is on their basis that they are snapped to the current terrain.

About the "militaristic" component

Actually, all geodetic documents are needed for all categories of people who regularly move along land and water for long distances on duty or work: sailors and geologists, geographers, designers, builders and the military.

Especially the army needs maps and other similar documents, just the same as the construction of powerful engineering fortifications, and shooting at extremely long distances, and launching rocket technology without these data is impossible. Finally, it is impossible to imagine the planning of military operations without accurate maps and plans of the area. So all the military have to know at least the basics of geodesy.

Other Earth Sciences

It should be especially noted that this doctrine cannot be imagined in isolation from other sciences that are engaged in the study of our planet. So, physics, geology and geophysics are especially important, which can explain the particularly complex and important processes that occur both on the surface of our planet and below it. Without oceanography, it is impossible to study the principles of movement of the earth's crust. Even botany - and that can be extremely useful.

It's amazing how multifaceted geodesy can be! The work of specialists also requires a deep knowledge of mathematics and geometry, without which it would be impossible to carry out even primitive calculations. But geodesy is the leader among all these sectors, as it allows you to track the stages of development of our entire planet and the formation of its current appearance, taking into account not only natural, but also artificial forms of relief.

Relationship with other branches of scientific knowledge

In addition, this science is constantly evolving, absorbing the knowledge that other industries give people. For example, physicists invented the laser. Over time, this led to the development and creation of valuable instruments, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern surveyor: laser levels and light-range finders.

geodesy basics
As for the same ultra-precise measurements of the movement of tectonic plates, it would be physically impossible to carry out if it were not for the rapid development of electronics and production.

Finally, the rapid development of information technology and programming gave geodesy such opportunities that previously had only been dreamed of: for example, you can create sophisticated computer models that clearly show the development of the planet's appearance over the centuries. In this case, the surveyor engineer can feel like a historian!

Tighter requirements for modern surveying

The construction of huge unique engineering structures requires specialists to such a degree of accuracy that had not previously been used even in mathematical calculations. For example, during the construction of the Large Hadron Collider, specialists had to take into account displacements by hundredths of a millimeter with the length of some structures far beyond a kilometer!

In addition, it depends on the results of the work of surveyors whether people will live in some regions of the Earth that are considered potentially seismic hazardous.

The main types of work

After reading all this, the question will surely arise of what kind of geodetic work must be done to get all this valuable information. Oh, there are a lot of them, but we will describe the most common and constantly performed. Here is a short list of them:

  • Geodetic centering works. In this case, specialists are engaged in the construction of a center layout with reference to the terrain, as well as other operations that help to make the terrain of any stage of construction work possible: from digging pits to putting the object into operation.
  • Executive filming. As a building or other engineering structure is being built, a special set of work is required. Mandatory and continuous shooting are all parts of the structure, on which the stability and strength characteristics of the whole structure depend. The accuracy, which is required in this case, in no case should be lower than that required when marking the terrain before construction begins.
  • Geodetic engineering surveys. In this case, the surveyor engineer must carry out a whole range of works aimed at a preliminary study of the relief of the area where the construction of engineering structures is planned to begin. It includes not only the construction of a terrain model, but also the synchronization of the relief and the external appearance of the building to be erected.
  • Creation of geodetic networks. Reconstruction, networking, as well as planning, development of new working methods in this area.

surveying tasks
As you can see, geodetic works are not only very diverse, but also extremely important at all stages of construction.

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